Monty Toms Asks: Do You Believe In Conscription? With the scent of conscription hanging heavy in the air, Montgomery Toms canvassed opinion from those who would shoulder the burden: A Defence of Necessity: Breaching the Official Secrets Act—with Katharine Gun Katharine Gun tells Charles Malet about the extraordinary and timeless events surrounding her arrest under the Official Secrets Act whilst a highly dubious case was made for war with Iraq. Ukraine War at 1,000 Days: Senior British and Indian Officers Speak Retired army officers of great expertise debate the justness of the Russia-Ukraine war and the path to resolution. He is “not a UN soldier”—A proud father speaks out for his son—Daniel New UK Column’s Mark Anderson interviews Daniel New, the proud father of former soldier Michael New, who, nearly 30 years ago, told his superiors, ‘I am not a UN soldier’. Peace in Ukraine: A call to Prime Minister Modi Over 1,000,000 dead/injured in the Ukraine proxy war forms a very conservative estimate. In response, the UK, US, EU and NATO clamour to unleash long-range weapon attacks against Russia, escalating the conflict. UK Column facilitates a critical discussion between Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps, and Maj-Gen Bakshi, Indian Army (Retired), about the reality of the war, India’s view and a call for peace. J Michael Waller Interview 3 In part 3, former CIA operative and counterintelligence expert J Michael Waller analyses the Trump assassination attempt and the subversive effect of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the US Secret Service. He also shares his personal experience of observing agents provocateurs in the 2021 US Capitol riots. J. Michael Waller discusses his book Big Intel—Part 2 In this second interview, the former CIA operative and counter-intelligence expert exposes the US intelligence services’ disruption of the political and democratic process. J. Michael Waller discusses his book Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains As J. Michael Waller discusses his book "Big Intel", the picture of neo-Marxist cultural destruction emerges, both in the US and elsewhere in the West. Russia’s Approach to the Future World Order Julia Valshtein If the war in Ukraine continues for another three to six years, the damage to the world economy could become irreversible. Western societies will have to be forcibly consolidated. Economic collapse comes first; then society starts to crumble. Winging it: Why is the UK training Ukrainian pilots? F-16 fast jets have no chance against Russian air defence systems, Tim Davies tells Charles Malet. ‘For as long as it takes’: NATO’s War on Russia Simon Elmer War is first and foremost a means of impoverishment and theft. The longer the war is waged, the richer become those who invest in it and in return gain access to the taxes, resources and assets of both sides. Outsourcing morality: Blackwater and beyond—with Morgan Lerette No rules of engagement, no inter-agency cooperation, no remedy for a crumbling state. Morgan Lerette tells Charles Malet about navigating his way through the chaos of life as a private military contractor in Iraq and what rebuilding really meant. Rise and Demise of Power: The Betrayal of Ukraine Irène Lhoste Europe cannot possibly pretend to be unaware that it is prolonging the conflagration. It has been doing nothing but constantly eroding the nation and notion of Ukraine. Pablo Miller: The people working alongside the real James Bond Johnny Vedmore We are approaching an era of fifth-generation warfare: a new technological reality which will see intelligence assets become less and less human. NATO chief confirms Russia’s account of Ukraine intervention amid an escalation of surrendering Ukrainian soldiers Kristoffer Hell The West, through Jens Stoltenberg, seems to corroborate Moscow's rationale for the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. War Powers: Is the UK a Military Dictatorship or is it a Legal Limited Monarchy? Philip Ridley A librarian is telling our MPs that our war taxes can be arbitrarily expanded to infinity by the proclamation of the MoD at the behest of corporate “stakeholders”. Gang/Counter-gang Operations: Dearlove’s Sleight of Hand and the Wuhan Lab Psyop Matthew Ehret Will the 21st-century order be defined by an Anglo-American oligarchy sitting atop an ivory tower as a divided world of chaos and depopulation suffers below? Bilderberg: Beyond the Meetings, Part 1: Big Tech & Big Media Interests Busily Branching Out Mark Anderson In light of the recent 2023 meeting in Portugal, Mark Anderson probes the dealings of the Bilderbergers. Are Bilderberg’s secretive discussions nurturing a way for Big Tech and Big Media to scratch each other’s back? A “Blessing of Ombuds” or a Plague of Provocateurs? Margaret Whalley The International Ombudsman Institute was taken in by one of its own members. An IOI condemnation of the conduct of Lyudmyla Denisova, who admitted to fabricating evidence, is a year overdue. Russian society is convinced it is in the right in Ukraine Nikita Mendkovich Russians are not ignorant of the situation in Ukraine, and consider the actions of their authorities to be fair and justified. Nuclear expert: Depleted uranium may already be in use in Ukraine Kristoffer Hell All of the air samplers deployed by Britain's nuclear weapons research body, the AWE, have detected significantly increased levels of uranium since the Ukraine war began. 77th Brigade and the Parliamentary Conflict of Interest Philip Ridley How has the Constitution been so disregarded that Tobias Ellwood can be part of the outfit that spies on his own constituents? US Space Farce Kristoffer Hell What general of ancient times would have come up with the idea of creating a cavalry before there was such a thing as horses? Are We Really At War? Nonsensical Sustainable Development—Part 2 Iain Davis As the UK Government has committed to reducing emissions by "at least two-thirds by 2035", it must have some kind of energy transition magic in mind. Ukrainian policy in the Donbass: Is it fair to call it genocide? Terry Boardman LONG READ: As long as states like Ukraine go on trying to copy the nineteenth-century western European unitary model of the nation state, there will only be endless conflict. Eastern Approaches Podcast: Ukraine—"I'm not buying into ideologies from either the East or the neo-Marxist West" Gevorg Virats tells Eastern Approaches Podcast why he resolutely opposes Russian actions in Ukraine, a country with which he has been intimately familiar for twenty years. Ministry of Truth NZ: The documents that reveal the government’s many-tentacled approach to mass political monitoring A Curious Girl With all the bases covered through ‘inter-agency coordination’, was true, open and free debate killed at the starting block of the whole Covid situation in New Zealand? Observation and lived experience would suggest that is the case. The Ukrainification of Scandinavia: the portentous fallout of Sweden’s and Finland’s failed NATO accession bid Kristoffer Hell Who benefits from Finland and Sweden, having openly cast their neutrality overboard and unmasking themselves as anti-Russian, now being kept outside NATO? The Unlawful Pandemic Deployment of 77th Brigade Philip Ridley The raising or keeping a standing army within the Kingdom in time of Peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law. Are We Really At War? Nonsensical Sustainable Development—Part 1 Iain Davis The Prime Minister calls Russia a "rogue state" and the Foreign Secretary accuses the Russian government of committing "atrocities”; yet that is no impediment to the UK Government working closely with Rosatom's commercial partners. Ukraine: The Search for Peace Col. Jacques Baud Ukraine is paying the price for the blind and idiotic smugness of our Western journalists and politicians. The Day of the Skripal Tim Norman LONG READ: The Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia survived an apparent assassination attempt in the English city of Salisbury on Sunday, 4 March 2018. But what exactly did the mainstream media and official sources say happened ... From UK Column News Extra: A Ukrainian Dirty Bomb False Flag? If a dirty bomb goes off, who will be to blame? “We save lives”: Kyiv School of Economics and its humanitarian appeal for rockets and drones Charles Malet A "charitable" campaign for lethal equipment suggests that the notion of humanitarian aid really can be reframed, in order that the crucial elements of impartiality and neutrality are stripped away. Iain Davis appears on TNT Radio to discuss Ukraine's Nazi problem Iain Davis is a guest of Jesse Zurawell's Perspective podcast to discuss his latest long read, Does Ukraine Need To Be Denazified?. Does Ukraine Need To Be Denazified? Iain Davis Russia is undoubtedly facing a significant Nazi threat in Ukraine. It is not unreasonable for Russia to attempt to nullify that threat before history repeats itself. There is nothing “good” about Russia’s actions, but they are understandable. The Psychological Attack on the UK, Part 2 Brian Gerrish Why would women and homosexuals be clearly identified by Soviet defector Yuriy Bezmenov (a.k.a. Tomas Schuman), using his own knowledge of KGB strategy, as a key weapon in "penetrating and demoralising the western intelligence community, police and ... David Ellis Report: Anne Widdecombe David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives David Ellis speaks to Ann Widdecombe, former Brexit Party MEP and former Conservative Shadow Home Secretary, and Rusty Firmin, former 22 SAS; the "man with no gloves" of Iranian Embassy seige-breaking team. David Ellis Show: Betrayal David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives David Ellis speaks to a former warrant officer and veterans' campaigner Trevor Coult, MC. David Ellis Show: "Lawfare" UK Column Reporters Join David Ellis for the first of a new series of investigative reports. This week, David discusses 'Lawfare': the rules of engagement which British armed forces are required to operate under, and speaks to Dennis Hutchings, a British army veteran ... Do Veterans' Lives Matter at the Ministry of Defence? David Scott Some telling correspondence from the permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence. Schrödinger’s Defence Policy David Scott and David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives In a written question HL 456 Lord James of Blackheath sought answers from the Ministry of Defence concerning EU Defence Policy. European Defence Union - Parliamentary Written Questions David Scott Without any fanfare, or public statements, parliamentarians are starting to ask questions about European Defence Union and what it means for British self-determination and national sovereignty. In this article we decode the answers. Integrity Initiative: Ministry of Defence Parliamentary answer now in doubt David Scott The Anonymous leak concerning the Integrity Initiative and subsequent investigations (not least by The UK Column) has led to parliamentary questions being tabled concerning the funding of this programme. Now a further leak has cast doubt on the ... The Younger generation takes over MI6: The ‘C’ saw of a thoroughly modern spook Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches A paragraph-by-paragraph decipherment of the unprecedented speech given by ‘C’ last week. Emergency Briefing Defence and Security: Alex Thomson UK Column Reporters Building on his experience of what went right and wrong in the years when he was a GCHQ officer, Alex Thomson has reflected on how British intelligence has performed since the Second World War and presents his outline findings in this talk. Emergency Briefing Defence and Security: David Ellis UK Column Reporters The deal, the whole deal, and nothing but the deal is EU Defence Union. This is the key to understanding the EU’s and Tories’ version of “leaving” the EU — Brexit. Franco British Council Says Bye Bye British Armed Forces 'Allo EU Military Unification Brian Gerrish What has the Franco British Council been doing to help us get along with the French in a charitable way? Imminent risk of EU control of British defence procurement, industry and training David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives On Monday 24 November 2017, Strategic Defence Initiatives UK submitted the following report to the Defence Select Committee of the House of Commons. How the Dutch press reports EU military union Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches It appears to be easier to tell the truth about EU military union in Rotterdam than in London. The EU Has Its Military Mike Robinson Today was an "historic" day, according to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. Today she got her military, her single point military budget, and her ability to prosecute wars overseas without the need to get the approval of national electorates ... Brexit: Theresa May's CARDs Are On The Table Mike Robinson The government and mainstream media here in Britain would have us believe Brexit is a chaotic disaster. Yet, behind the scenes, the military unification policy is progressing as planned, and at pace. Treachery in British Defence Brian Gerrish There was no 'error'. The scrapping of Nimrod put the nuclear deterrent at grave risk of detection and targeting by hostile powers, at a time when the very same Conservative government which scrapped it is repeatedly warning of the growing capability ... Why Are There "Huge Gaps In Britain's Defences"? Brian Gerrish The top brass offer highly unconvincing explanations for the brand destruction of the British military. Veterans Throw Down The Gauntlet To A Treasonous Government Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches The surviving veterans of Operation BANNER number over a hundred thousand. Many of them are now turning out on the streets outside the Houses of Parliament as they wake up to HM Government's policy of appeasement of Marxist terrorism and the EU ... Why Is Sir Gerald Howarth In Bed With Ukraine's Lady Godiva? Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches HM Government's front man for the loss of the Nimrods and our last aircraft carriers is 'delighted' to hold a jamboree with a change agent from the Rada who made her name by promising to streak through the streets of Kiev. While she was in London ... Exclusive: EU To Take Control Of British Nuclear Deterrent David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives A briefing by Strategic Defence Initiatives on the EU's subversion of the British military. Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems: Going Cheap David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives LONG READ: Under cover of the Brexit trade negotiations, the real trade deal has just happened. Nobody said anything about it; nobody knew about it. Evidence To The Defence Committee On EU Military Union David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives Strategic Defence Initiatives' submission to MPs describes at length how HM Armed Forces have been betrayed, how they are being denied workable British equipment by MoD policy, and how they continue to be amalgamated into EU military union despite ... Death In Yemen For Fun And Profit Mike Robinson Saudi Arabia says it “regrets” the killing of 142 Yemeni people at a funeral on Saturday. Britain’s Middle East Minister, Tobias Ellwood says he is “concerned”. Michael Fallon Confirms EU Military Integration Mike Robinson British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon met his German counterpart yesterday to firm up Britain’s defence “partnership” with Germany. EU: Military Union Is Budgetary Union David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives Not an "EU Army" but EU military union: The EU is desperately requiring control of its member states' militaries and budgets. Nobody in Parliament is bothering to mention this. Tory MP Sajid Javid's EU takeover British military gaff exposes dark actors in Defence Brian Gerrish Javid's military gaff was a golden nugget for those watching treason unfold at UK government level - and no ifs or buts - to leave the nation defenceless is treason.... Cameron and Obama’s Hired Thugs Now Butchering Their Way Through Syria Patrick Henningsen While they wine and dine in DC and Westminster, their hired hands work overtime to make rivers of blood in Syria. Drive For WWIII Continues Mike Robinson The British led drive for war with Russia, using an attack on Iran as the touch paper, continues with William Hague taking point. The End Game K. C. Merit President Obama may have forgotten to mention that the American troops due to leave Iraq at the end of 2011 would need to be deployed almost immediately elsewhere. The Franco British Council Plan To Destroy Britain’s Military Capability Brian Gerrish We are to be stripped of the military power to act alone, our military command and control structures are to be weakened and confused by French ‘collaboration’ and ‘partnering’, and we are to be stripped of nuclear weapons. The security of Britain is ... British Lives Wasted Protecting Opium Production Mike Robinson In July 2008, there was an interesting exchange between Sir Peter Tapsell and Gordon Brown during Prime Minister’s Questions.
Monty Toms Asks: Do You Believe In Conscription? With the scent of conscription hanging heavy in the air, Montgomery Toms canvassed opinion from those who would shoulder the burden:
A Defence of Necessity: Breaching the Official Secrets Act—with Katharine Gun Katharine Gun tells Charles Malet about the extraordinary and timeless events surrounding her arrest under the Official Secrets Act whilst a highly dubious case was made for war with Iraq.
Ukraine War at 1,000 Days: Senior British and Indian Officers Speak Retired army officers of great expertise debate the justness of the Russia-Ukraine war and the path to resolution.
He is “not a UN soldier”—A proud father speaks out for his son—Daniel New UK Column’s Mark Anderson interviews Daniel New, the proud father of former soldier Michael New, who, nearly 30 years ago, told his superiors, ‘I am not a UN soldier’.
Peace in Ukraine: A call to Prime Minister Modi Over 1,000,000 dead/injured in the Ukraine proxy war forms a very conservative estimate. In response, the UK, US, EU and NATO clamour to unleash long-range weapon attacks against Russia, escalating the conflict. UK Column facilitates a critical discussion between Scott Ritter, former US Marine Corps, and Maj-Gen Bakshi, Indian Army (Retired), about the reality of the war, India’s view and a call for peace.
J Michael Waller Interview 3 In part 3, former CIA operative and counterintelligence expert J Michael Waller analyses the Trump assassination attempt and the subversive effect of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the US Secret Service. He also shares his personal experience of observing agents provocateurs in the 2021 US Capitol riots.
J. Michael Waller discusses his book Big Intel—Part 2 In this second interview, the former CIA operative and counter-intelligence expert exposes the US intelligence services’ disruption of the political and democratic process.
J. Michael Waller discusses his book Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains As J. Michael Waller discusses his book "Big Intel", the picture of neo-Marxist cultural destruction emerges, both in the US and elsewhere in the West.
Russia’s Approach to the Future World Order Julia Valshtein If the war in Ukraine continues for another three to six years, the damage to the world economy could become irreversible. Western societies will have to be forcibly consolidated. Economic collapse comes first; then society starts to crumble.
Winging it: Why is the UK training Ukrainian pilots? F-16 fast jets have no chance against Russian air defence systems, Tim Davies tells Charles Malet.
‘For as long as it takes’: NATO’s War on Russia Simon Elmer War is first and foremost a means of impoverishment and theft. The longer the war is waged, the richer become those who invest in it and in return gain access to the taxes, resources and assets of both sides.
Outsourcing morality: Blackwater and beyond—with Morgan Lerette No rules of engagement, no inter-agency cooperation, no remedy for a crumbling state. Morgan Lerette tells Charles Malet about navigating his way through the chaos of life as a private military contractor in Iraq and what rebuilding really meant.
Rise and Demise of Power: The Betrayal of Ukraine Irène Lhoste Europe cannot possibly pretend to be unaware that it is prolonging the conflagration. It has been doing nothing but constantly eroding the nation and notion of Ukraine.
Pablo Miller: The people working alongside the real James Bond Johnny Vedmore We are approaching an era of fifth-generation warfare: a new technological reality which will see intelligence assets become less and less human.
NATO chief confirms Russia’s account of Ukraine intervention amid an escalation of surrendering Ukrainian soldiers Kristoffer Hell The West, through Jens Stoltenberg, seems to corroborate Moscow's rationale for the invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
War Powers: Is the UK a Military Dictatorship or is it a Legal Limited Monarchy? Philip Ridley A librarian is telling our MPs that our war taxes can be arbitrarily expanded to infinity by the proclamation of the MoD at the behest of corporate “stakeholders”.
Gang/Counter-gang Operations: Dearlove’s Sleight of Hand and the Wuhan Lab Psyop Matthew Ehret Will the 21st-century order be defined by an Anglo-American oligarchy sitting atop an ivory tower as a divided world of chaos and depopulation suffers below?
Bilderberg: Beyond the Meetings, Part 1: Big Tech & Big Media Interests Busily Branching Out Mark Anderson In light of the recent 2023 meeting in Portugal, Mark Anderson probes the dealings of the Bilderbergers. Are Bilderberg’s secretive discussions nurturing a way for Big Tech and Big Media to scratch each other’s back?
A “Blessing of Ombuds” or a Plague of Provocateurs? Margaret Whalley The International Ombudsman Institute was taken in by one of its own members. An IOI condemnation of the conduct of Lyudmyla Denisova, who admitted to fabricating evidence, is a year overdue.
Russian society is convinced it is in the right in Ukraine Nikita Mendkovich Russians are not ignorant of the situation in Ukraine, and consider the actions of their authorities to be fair and justified.
Nuclear expert: Depleted uranium may already be in use in Ukraine Kristoffer Hell All of the air samplers deployed by Britain's nuclear weapons research body, the AWE, have detected significantly increased levels of uranium since the Ukraine war began.
77th Brigade and the Parliamentary Conflict of Interest Philip Ridley How has the Constitution been so disregarded that Tobias Ellwood can be part of the outfit that spies on his own constituents?
US Space Farce Kristoffer Hell What general of ancient times would have come up with the idea of creating a cavalry before there was such a thing as horses?
Are We Really At War? Nonsensical Sustainable Development—Part 2 Iain Davis As the UK Government has committed to reducing emissions by "at least two-thirds by 2035", it must have some kind of energy transition magic in mind.
Ukrainian policy in the Donbass: Is it fair to call it genocide? Terry Boardman LONG READ: As long as states like Ukraine go on trying to copy the nineteenth-century western European unitary model of the nation state, there will only be endless conflict.
Eastern Approaches Podcast: Ukraine—"I'm not buying into ideologies from either the East or the neo-Marxist West" Gevorg Virats tells Eastern Approaches Podcast why he resolutely opposes Russian actions in Ukraine, a country with which he has been intimately familiar for twenty years.
Ministry of Truth NZ: The documents that reveal the government’s many-tentacled approach to mass political monitoring A Curious Girl With all the bases covered through ‘inter-agency coordination’, was true, open and free debate killed at the starting block of the whole Covid situation in New Zealand? Observation and lived experience would suggest that is the case.
The Ukrainification of Scandinavia: the portentous fallout of Sweden’s and Finland’s failed NATO accession bid Kristoffer Hell Who benefits from Finland and Sweden, having openly cast their neutrality overboard and unmasking themselves as anti-Russian, now being kept outside NATO?
The Unlawful Pandemic Deployment of 77th Brigade Philip Ridley The raising or keeping a standing army within the Kingdom in time of Peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law.
Are We Really At War? Nonsensical Sustainable Development—Part 1 Iain Davis The Prime Minister calls Russia a "rogue state" and the Foreign Secretary accuses the Russian government of committing "atrocities”; yet that is no impediment to the UK Government working closely with Rosatom's commercial partners.
Ukraine: The Search for Peace Col. Jacques Baud Ukraine is paying the price for the blind and idiotic smugness of our Western journalists and politicians.
The Day of the Skripal Tim Norman LONG READ: The Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia survived an apparent assassination attempt in the English city of Salisbury on Sunday, 4 March 2018. But what exactly did the mainstream media and official sources say happened ...
From UK Column News Extra: A Ukrainian Dirty Bomb False Flag? If a dirty bomb goes off, who will be to blame?
“We save lives”: Kyiv School of Economics and its humanitarian appeal for rockets and drones Charles Malet A "charitable" campaign for lethal equipment suggests that the notion of humanitarian aid really can be reframed, in order that the crucial elements of impartiality and neutrality are stripped away.
Iain Davis appears on TNT Radio to discuss Ukraine's Nazi problem Iain Davis is a guest of Jesse Zurawell's Perspective podcast to discuss his latest long read, Does Ukraine Need To Be Denazified?.
Does Ukraine Need To Be Denazified? Iain Davis Russia is undoubtedly facing a significant Nazi threat in Ukraine. It is not unreasonable for Russia to attempt to nullify that threat before history repeats itself. There is nothing “good” about Russia’s actions, but they are understandable.
The Psychological Attack on the UK, Part 2 Brian Gerrish Why would women and homosexuals be clearly identified by Soviet defector Yuriy Bezmenov (a.k.a. Tomas Schuman), using his own knowledge of KGB strategy, as a key weapon in "penetrating and demoralising the western intelligence community, police and ...
David Ellis Report: Anne Widdecombe David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives David Ellis speaks to Ann Widdecombe, former Brexit Party MEP and former Conservative Shadow Home Secretary, and Rusty Firmin, former 22 SAS; the "man with no gloves" of Iranian Embassy seige-breaking team.
David Ellis Show: Betrayal David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives David Ellis speaks to a former warrant officer and veterans' campaigner Trevor Coult, MC.
David Ellis Show: "Lawfare" UK Column Reporters Join David Ellis for the first of a new series of investigative reports. This week, David discusses 'Lawfare': the rules of engagement which British armed forces are required to operate under, and speaks to Dennis Hutchings, a British army veteran ...
Do Veterans' Lives Matter at the Ministry of Defence? David Scott Some telling correspondence from the permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence.
Schrödinger’s Defence Policy David Scott and David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives In a written question HL 456 Lord James of Blackheath sought answers from the Ministry of Defence concerning EU Defence Policy.
European Defence Union - Parliamentary Written Questions David Scott Without any fanfare, or public statements, parliamentarians are starting to ask questions about European Defence Union and what it means for British self-determination and national sovereignty. In this article we decode the answers.
Integrity Initiative: Ministry of Defence Parliamentary answer now in doubt David Scott The Anonymous leak concerning the Integrity Initiative and subsequent investigations (not least by The UK Column) has led to parliamentary questions being tabled concerning the funding of this programme. Now a further leak has cast doubt on the ...
The Younger generation takes over MI6: The ‘C’ saw of a thoroughly modern spook Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches A paragraph-by-paragraph decipherment of the unprecedented speech given by ‘C’ last week.
Emergency Briefing Defence and Security: Alex Thomson UK Column Reporters Building on his experience of what went right and wrong in the years when he was a GCHQ officer, Alex Thomson has reflected on how British intelligence has performed since the Second World War and presents his outline findings in this talk.
Emergency Briefing Defence and Security: David Ellis UK Column Reporters The deal, the whole deal, and nothing but the deal is EU Defence Union. This is the key to understanding the EU’s and Tories’ version of “leaving” the EU — Brexit.
Franco British Council Says Bye Bye British Armed Forces 'Allo EU Military Unification Brian Gerrish What has the Franco British Council been doing to help us get along with the French in a charitable way?
Imminent risk of EU control of British defence procurement, industry and training David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives On Monday 24 November 2017, Strategic Defence Initiatives UK submitted the following report to the Defence Select Committee of the House of Commons.
How the Dutch press reports EU military union Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches It appears to be easier to tell the truth about EU military union in Rotterdam than in London.
The EU Has Its Military Mike Robinson Today was an "historic" day, according to EU High Representative Federica Mogherini. Today she got her military, her single point military budget, and her ability to prosecute wars overseas without the need to get the approval of national electorates ...
Brexit: Theresa May's CARDs Are On The Table Mike Robinson The government and mainstream media here in Britain would have us believe Brexit is a chaotic disaster. Yet, behind the scenes, the military unification policy is progressing as planned, and at pace.
Treachery in British Defence Brian Gerrish There was no 'error'. The scrapping of Nimrod put the nuclear deterrent at grave risk of detection and targeting by hostile powers, at a time when the very same Conservative government which scrapped it is repeatedly warning of the growing capability ...
Why Are There "Huge Gaps In Britain's Defences"? Brian Gerrish The top brass offer highly unconvincing explanations for the brand destruction of the British military.
Veterans Throw Down The Gauntlet To A Treasonous Government Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches The surviving veterans of Operation BANNER number over a hundred thousand. Many of them are now turning out on the streets outside the Houses of Parliament as they wake up to HM Government's policy of appeasement of Marxist terrorism and the EU ...
Why Is Sir Gerald Howarth In Bed With Ukraine's Lady Godiva? Alex Thomson, Eastern Approaches HM Government's front man for the loss of the Nimrods and our last aircraft carriers is 'delighted' to hold a jamboree with a change agent from the Rada who made her name by promising to streak through the streets of Kiev. While she was in London ...
Exclusive: EU To Take Control Of British Nuclear Deterrent David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives A briefing by Strategic Defence Initiatives on the EU's subversion of the British military.
Rolls-Royce and BAE Systems: Going Cheap David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives LONG READ: Under cover of the Brexit trade negotiations, the real trade deal has just happened. Nobody said anything about it; nobody knew about it.
Evidence To The Defence Committee On EU Military Union David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives Strategic Defence Initiatives' submission to MPs describes at length how HM Armed Forces have been betrayed, how they are being denied workable British equipment by MoD policy, and how they continue to be amalgamated into EU military union despite ...
Death In Yemen For Fun And Profit Mike Robinson Saudi Arabia says it “regrets” the killing of 142 Yemeni people at a funeral on Saturday. Britain’s Middle East Minister, Tobias Ellwood says he is “concerned”.
Michael Fallon Confirms EU Military Integration Mike Robinson British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon met his German counterpart yesterday to firm up Britain’s defence “partnership” with Germany.
EU: Military Union Is Budgetary Union David Ellis, Strategic Defence Initiatives Not an "EU Army" but EU military union: The EU is desperately requiring control of its member states' militaries and budgets. Nobody in Parliament is bothering to mention this.
Tory MP Sajid Javid's EU takeover British military gaff exposes dark actors in Defence Brian Gerrish Javid's military gaff was a golden nugget for those watching treason unfold at UK government level - and no ifs or buts - to leave the nation defenceless is treason....
Cameron and Obama’s Hired Thugs Now Butchering Their Way Through Syria Patrick Henningsen While they wine and dine in DC and Westminster, their hired hands work overtime to make rivers of blood in Syria.
Drive For WWIII Continues Mike Robinson The British led drive for war with Russia, using an attack on Iran as the touch paper, continues with William Hague taking point.
The End Game K. C. Merit President Obama may have forgotten to mention that the American troops due to leave Iraq at the end of 2011 would need to be deployed almost immediately elsewhere.
The Franco British Council Plan To Destroy Britain’s Military Capability Brian Gerrish We are to be stripped of the military power to act alone, our military command and control structures are to be weakened and confused by French ‘collaboration’ and ‘partnering’, and we are to be stripped of nuclear weapons. The security of Britain is ...
British Lives Wasted Protecting Opium Production Mike Robinson In July 2008, there was an interesting exchange between Sir Peter Tapsell and Gordon Brown during Prime Minister’s Questions.