Comment // Defence

US Space Farce

When President Donald Trump, in 2018, boldly announced the creation of a "Space Force," one could have forgiven readers who assumed that given the announcement, the White House surely first must have solved the two greatest hurdles to traversing the universe: antigravity technology and travelling at faster-than-light speeds (FTL). Anything else would have made a mockery of the event.

What general of ancient times would have come up with the idea of creating a cavalry before there was such a thing as horses? The established historical pattern, when paradigm-shifting technologies are incorporated into military organisations, is that before the technology is elevated into its own independent arm, it has first been developed and tested to the point where it has become apparent that it no longer can remain subordinate to any other already existing technology or organisation.

At the beginning of the last century, man learned how to fly. In 1909, that capability was introduced into the US Army, in support of ground operations. It took another forty years before the US Air Force, in 1947, came of age and became its own military arm.

The reality is that the current top speeds of NASA's craft do not even qualify as driftwood in the context of the cosmos. The moon missions of the 1960s and 1970s enjoyed maximum speeds of 11 km/s. Back then, a one-way trip to Earth's nearest neighbour, the Moon, took three days.

It still does. 

On 5 September 1977, Voyager I left the launchpad at Cape Canaveral in Florida in a cloud of fire and smoke and spent the next three years trying to reach Saturn.

The time to get to our nearest star Proxima Centauri?

Seventy-five thousand years.

What about a jump to the other side of the Milky Way—our own galaxy?

Three billion years.

Man's current understanding puts the size of the universe at a million times larger than that.

NASA explains the concept of light-years whilst presenting Earth's and the Solar System's location in the Milky Way:


Limited disclosure or imperial hubris—what is going on?

Did then-President Trump suffer a moment of imperial hubris on the morning of 18 June 2018 and suddenly decide that what the world (or at least the United States) needs more than anything else is a Space Force? Or was the event the precursor to a limited disclosure of some kind? Is humanity already capable of true space travel? Since when?

If Jane's Defence journalist Nick Cook is to be believed, someone inside the deep state may actually have cracked the enigmas of FTL speed and antigravity—and did so already in the 1950s. His findings were published in his 2001 book, The Hunt for Zero Point. Below are five Early Cold War magazine covers, distant echoes of a more innocent and open era before public discussions of antigravity became taboo.

1950s mechanical magazine covers

The articles that discuss the possible technology are entitled:

Was Trump's real gambit, when he made his announcement, to set the stage for a future rollout of paradigm-breaking space travel technologies? If not, the US Space Force promptly needs to be renamed the US Orbital Force (to avoid further embarrassment), because that is the only domain in which this new military branch is currently able to operate: within Earth orbit, and only low-earth orbits at that, which start at some 100 km above the planet’s surface and run as far out as the moon, some 383,000 km away.


Down the Rabbit Hole

Let's pretend, for the sake of argument, that Mr Cook hit the nail on the head and that somewhere, deep in the bowels of the US or perhaps even the Anglo-Saxon-led pan-Western deep state, there are human-built crafts capable of antigravity and faster-than-light speeds.

Prolific British film director Ridley Scott, renowned for Alien (1979) and Gladiator (2000), used for the science-fiction epos Prometheus (2012) numbers he might have obtained from inside the hypothetical space fleet, according to which humanity would currently be capable of travelling at least at fifteen times the speed of light. In the first half of the film, it is said that a spaceship traveled 3.27*10^14 km (about 34.56 light-years) in two years, four months and eighteen days.

Screenshot from Prometheus (2012)
Screenshot from Prometheus (2012)

From an astronautical perspective, this sounds like a lower tolerable limit, since at this speed it would still take over six thousand years to get to the other side of our own galaxy.

In the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation, travelling at superlight speed is indicated on a logarithmic scale on which Warp One is the speed of light and Warp Ten is the hypothetical situation that the ship arrives suddenly on the other side of the universe in an instant—a distance of at least 93 billion light years.

The journey undertaken by the spaceship Prometheus, which in the film takes two and a half years, would at Warp 5.4 be made in just 45 days—which is about the time Columbus spent on the Atlantic before making landfall in the Caribbean, on his first voyage of "discovery" of the Americas in 1492.


The Spectre of Free Energy

There is a school within the research field of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), alias Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAPs), which holds that antigravity and free energy are twins. So here are some ideas as to what humanity's becoming a spacefaring civilisation might mean for those of us left behind on Earth:

  • The end of centralised energy distribution: households across the planet generate all the energy they need themselves.
  • The end of electricity bills: after purchasing a free energy generator, no more recurring expenses.
  • Vehicles that hover and never need to be fuelled.
  • National highways are closed down, their maintenance staff retrained as landscape architects. Roads that connect cities are no longer needed, and the cities are transformed into parks with pedestrian and bicycle paths only.
  • Buildings permanently suspended in mid-air.


Disclosure Project press conference on 9 May 2001

Below is the most watched press conference in the history of the National Press Club in the USA: a truly extraordinary and media-suppressed event in which a dozen of over four hundred whistleblowers from inside the US Government and its contractors stepped forward and attested to the reality of paradigm-shifting space travel technologies, as well as asserting the existence of extraterrestrials. That event may very well be the closest the reader will ever get to an official acknowledgment of the suddenly mainstream UFO/UAP phenomenon.

Dr Steven Greer explained why he organised the event:

The reason we are coming forward now is that we are asking for the US Congress, and for President Bush, to move towards an official inquiry on disclosure on this subject. It has the most profound implications for human future, for US national security, and for peace.

They are sitting on technologies which can change the world forever.