In No Smoke Without Fire: T Cell Training and Covid 19 Vaccines, former NHS Nurse Debi Evans discusses Covid–19, vaccinations and the immune system with Brian Gerrish—and a lot more besides. We would like to thank our viewers and listeners for their complimentary support for No Smoke Without Fire: Covid–19 and the RiO Gulag.
Our aim, in a composed discussion, is to highlight important matters and explain some difficult concepts in a simple, easy to understand way. We begin with a little humour and a shared joke, before moving into a range of serious matters which should be of interest and concern to everyone enduring the Covid–19 lockdown, in a masked, socially distanced and vaccinated UK. We're told that all is well, and will be well with the vaccines, but is that really true? What's all this about the immune system anyway?
If you need some more detail before watching the video, please see our 'taster of topics' set out below. Please dip in and see if we 'press any of your hot buttons' regarding life under Covid and 'Lockdown.'
- Paying attention in the Covid 'pandemic' and lock down
- We look at some of the adverse reactions to the vaccines which are now being documented.
- Debi makes a correction to Part 1 regarding the cribriform plate.
- None of us can have the normal lives to which we are entitled.
- The thymus gland; its importance concerning T Cells. Welcome to the thymus gland university for cell training.
- It's super important for children to be out playing, 'eating dirt', mixing with peers, getting exposed to disease, in order to build up their immune system.
- The thymus is really important in pregnancy.
- Let's look at older people and immunosenescence - the study of the immune system in elderly people.
- Medications need to be tailored to older poeple. But years ago we simply used common sense in staying clear of granny when we were sick.
- Children are not being able to build up their immune system.
- Mixed policy messages - children are not a risk of Covid and yet suddenly there is a policy push for vaccination.
- We are dealing with an industry experimenting on pregnant women and children. Are pregnant women even aware of the dangers from vaccines?
- We look at the yellow card scheme. Delaying your vaccine decision to evaluate vaccine risks seems to make sense.
- Debi says she's had a flu vaccine when she bought into it - but now she's cautious of the vaccines and she has many concerns.
- Do your own research and check what we are saying. Check we are correct. If you agree with our analysis then please help us spread the message. NB Please note that statistics mentioned in our conversation were correct at that time. Read the shocking official MHRA vaccine adverse effects here: 1. Vaccine Analysis Profile - Pfizer/BioNTech 2. Vaccine Analysis Profile - Oxford University/AstraZeneca 3. Vaccine Analytics Profile - brand unspecified
- What is the yellow card system?
- A yellow card report does not mean the vaccine caused a particular event. They say "We encourage suspected adverse reactions to be reported."
- But if we are not conducting post mortems at the moment, how do we know what is connected to the vaccine deaths and what not?
- Debi looks at the 'coincidental' adverse effects, but we don't know if these can be attributed to the vaccine because there is no proper investigation.
- Pfizer :173 deaths reported
- Astra Zenica: 150 deaths
- Vaccine Brand unspecified: 3
- Total 326 reported deaths.
- And a host of adverse effects in many other areas of the body e.g. deafness 13, heart attacks 6, palpitations 365, cardiac arrest 27 (of which 10 deaths)
- How can we know what is really happening if there is no proper forensic medical investigation, and why does the government still only mention mild side effects after vaccination?
- Spontaneous abortions versus miscarriages - what is really happening here?
- The government is slow to push out statistics - why?
- People are dying and children are being aborted, but this does not make the headlines.
- Is it just a coincidence that there are so many adverse vaccine effect listed?
- 1,092 Diarrhoea, 14 Coughing up blood, lots of mouth and lip swelling, and thymus gland problems.
- 4,797 cases of fatigue (plus a death)
- And interestingly we have three death categories - 1. Clinical Death (1) 2. Death (83) 3. Sudden Death (12)
- 4,193 with high temperature, hundreds of others with swelling of the face, 137 with anaphylactic reactions which can be very serious, and 331 saying they have Covid 19 after having the vaccination resulting in 15 deaths. Many reported having flu - the list goes on and on and on.
- What about pre-existing conditions? People need to be aware of adverse effects where they may impact on pre-existing conditions.
- Why are medical professionals inviting people for a vaccine when they know the vaccine can cause adverse effects?
- Are GPs now just executors of government policy and real medicine has been dropped?
- GPs are getting swamped with policy and many are innocently breaking their own hippocratic oath. Not many GPs and medical professionals know what they are giving in a vaccine. NHS managers are driving the system, and it seems GPs and doctors are set up.
- We talk about elderly people in care homes and the effect of the covid 'pandemic' and lockdown upon them. Elderly people are denied family visits and company ,as they become hostages to the State inflicted and enforced lock down measures. Yet Prince Charles can visit his father in hospital.
- Laughter, happiness and comforting - these are all important factors in being human, and are also critically important in strengthening our immune systems. And we should remember that masks hide the smiling face - this is evil.
- Either the members of the government are stupid in that they do not recognise common sense, or you must say they are calculating, devious and they are sociopaths, and they are doing families and society damage.
- For an example of inhumane treatment of the elderly look at the 'visiting pods' as described recently by a brave Care Home whistleblower in the video clip we show.
- The man is clearly disturbed by what he sees. He knows it is wrong and he describes it as "sick, inhumane - it is like a visiting room in a prison."
- When the clip was seen by an experienced prison warder, he said - "we tried NOT to restrict the visits of any prisoners in this way whenever possible because we regarded it as inhumane and wrong."
- This policy is evil, demonic and wrong. The people in power, in government, pressing this type of policy are not fit to hold office. Are they Dark Triad or psychopaths?
- As a nurse I was taught the importance of Tender Loving Care TLC. Where has that gone in 2020 / 2021?
- Is this a deliberate cull of our elderly people? Evidence coming into UKColumn suggests that there is a deliberate policy to kill elderly people. Why? Because in their memories and experience they know how life should be and how it was, and they can see the enforced change around us. Killing them also 'saves' the government huge amounts of money.
- Thousands of pubs are shut across the country to deny the public the opportunity to talk and share thoughts, because when they do mix, socialise and talk, the truth will emerge. So the government has shut pubs to stop people talking and sharing information, with the objective of stopping the truth about Covid 19 and lock down coming out.
- We see this censorship on social media as well. And let's not forget the learning disabled, and the mentally ill, who are also in care homes, because they are just as vulnerable as the elderly.
- Debi sums up by saying ... "It's just evil."
- We end with the statement...
- "Don't sit doing nothing. Action conquers fear. Do something, and you will feel better.
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