Walking The Dog—Episode 3 (April 2024)

Welcome to Walking the Dog Episode 3—the first in the series with visuals! Join me for a walk with Poppy in the sunshine and some wonderful scenery in Devon, in the south of England.

Essentially, my walk is audio with Poppy and my audience, but I have made an effort for those people who felt they needed something visual to enhance the experience. 

Please do give me some feedback on how you find this. Remember, though, that this is my time to relax with the dog and reflect on life a little. Treat me gently. I just wanted to share something special with the wonderful UK Column audience who have been so loyal to us over many years.

Mentioned in this episode is Gutsy Women: Rosie, on The White Rose UK.

Feedback includes:

@karenrich9990: I have really been looking forward to this, Brian. I think the balance of your narration along the walk and the beautiful scenery is perfect. I'm walking alongside you and Poppy in spirit! Until the next time, take care and thanks for all you and the UK Column team do. xx