As the weeks go on, I am finding myself taking far more time in considering what to include in my blog, for three reasons.
The first is prioritisation: there is so much news worthy of reporting, I could end up writing War and Peace.
The second is to include your news and your stories.
Finally, what advice can I include that will help you all from now on? I have over fifty blogs under my belt: there is a lot of information in them—and, in hindsight, a lot of predictions of what we are seeing happening today. That’s not to say I am trying to big myself up (I include the whole team); I’m just merely highlighting that a lot of news often comes from the UK Column guests, presenters and you, our audience. I would like to thank Alex Thomson, who came up with the wonderful acronym for my new title for the MHRA: the Bill Gates Pharmaceutical Enabling Authority, alias BiGPEA. Genius, Mr Thomson, and thank you.
Citizen Army
How shocked were you during the ‘plandemic’ at how many people around you failed to see what you could see? How many of you were frustrated that, despite being shown the evidence, others chose to ignore it? How many of us begged our families not to take the injection, but whose words fell on deaf ears, and they chose to believe a stranger in a vaccine centre or their government? I would imagine many of you reading will be nodding your heads. I held out in hope that the minute ‘vaccines’ were rolled out for pregnant women and children, people would wake up and rise up. But it didn’t happen.
When newborn babies and toddlers were injected, I was convinced people would wake up and protest, but they didn’t.
When those with vaccine injuries bravely spoke up and evidence emerged to prove the injections were causing death and serious injury, I was convinced billions would wake up; they didn’t.
Yet in the last couple of days I am noticing an ‘awakening’, but why? How?
My children’s ages range from 28 to 40 years old. Many of their friends are jabbed and saving the planet. Most are too busy on social media, giving away their data, to talk to us, their elders, who may just know a thing or two about life. And therein lies the problem. I remember thalidomide, but the younger generation don’t.
Your Country Needs You: yes, that recycled Kitchener recruitment slogan is the cry coming from our politicians and mainstream media. A ‘citizen Army’, whatever that is, has been called for by General Sir Patrick Sanders. The word ‘conscription’ is being used and is now becoming normalised in daily conversation. I was lucky enough to be included in a conversation with some youngsters last week. It is a conversation that I will never forget and one I wish to share with you. Perhaps there is a silver lining in every dark cloud. I will change their names for privacy.
Jasmine, aged 27, single mum: “Is it true that Rishi is going to make us sign up and go to war?”
Ben, aged 26, roofer: “Yeah, I heard that, but I don’t want to go.”
Luke, aged 26, catering assistant: “We won’t have any choice, mate, we gotta go, ain’t it, otherwise we will be looked down on.”
Ben: “My mates say that too, we have to go, like in the war days, we gotta serve our country, but I still don’t want to go.”
Jake, aged 26, full-time carer for his mum: “I couldn’t leave my mum, I am her carer, she needs help. Would they make me go too?”
Luke: “Yeah bro, they’ll take your mum into a care home, probably.”
Jake: “Don’t say that, I won’t leave her ever.”
Jasmine: I am going to be honest: I am already losing sleep over it. I am scared my brother and my boyfriend will be made to go; neither of them want to. Will I have to go?”
Since that conversation, I have made a point of asking youngsters how they feel about the messaging that is coming from the Government. If push comes to shove, will they comply and ‘serve their country’? Some have said—echoing the position of numerous non-pacifist conscientious objectors during the First World War—that they would serve their country only if home soil was directly attacked by a foreign actor. Others said they felt they would be shunned if they didn’t answer the war cry, so reluctantly would sign up. Only one person said that they would refuse, and that was because they had family ‘permission’ and support to refuse.
My point is that perhaps now is the time for us, the ‘awake’, to give our young people the permission they need to refuse to comply. It appears that everyone under the age of 65 years will be low-hanging fruit for the Citizen Army; however, it is the young adults who appear to be more fearful of their ‘image’ and the social implications and consequences should they refuse.
I gave all the youngsters I spoke to a few nuggets of information that I hope will make sense to them in time. I also gave them permission to say no; then I left them with the links to the evidence, for them to make up their own minds and to find their own inner strength and truth, in order to make perhaps one of the most important decisions of their lives.
Please talk to your youngsters and listen to what they are saying. Many are too fearful even to air their concerns and anxieties. Let them know they are not alone, and that bravery is standing up against the crowd. There’s nothing brave about a dead body in a coffin. Can we really afford to repeat the mistakes of the past, sending our beautiful young souls to their premature unnecessary deaths? I couldn’t sleep at night if I encouraged one of my children to serve their country and to fight for it on foreign soil. I will die with them, not apart from them. I will be there to comfort them, and they will be there for me.
Stories in Brief
Dehydration—Dying of Thirst
On UK Column News last week, I covered death and dying. After watching a most informative and lifesaving webinar from Together, I wanted to reiterate what Father Professor Patrick Pullicino had said regarding the dangers of dehydration leading to a rapid and often premature death. On purpose, or in error? It appears that many of our most vulnerable, elderly and disabled are dying because they are dehydrated. Dehydration leads to confusion. Confusion often leads to ‘sedation’.
Mix sedation with dehydration and it’s a lethal cocktail, leading to death. Please familiarise yourself with the website Dehydration Lifeline, co-created by Professor Pullicino for members of the public to understand the signs of dehydration in their loved ones. Please check on your loved ones and friends who may be on their own, in a care home or hospital. When was the last time they had a drink? Can they access their drink? When was the last time they were offered a drink?
Since the news last week, I have had a couple of e-mails from people living on their own who have no family to check on them and to ask questions. My advice to them would be to consider making a living will: this will ensure that your wishes are known. It is a legal document and will require notarisation, and you should make sure that your doctor and anyone else you trust are aware of its existence. Most hospitals and care homes will ask who your next of kin is and who should be contacted in the event of an emergency or a deterioration in your condition. If you are reading this and don’t have anyone named as your next of kin, perhaps now is the time to give that some consideration and to have an honest and open conversation. Who is your ‘In Case of Emergency’ (ICE) contact in your phone? Who would feed the cat or walk the dog? Everyone has someone, somewhere. If all else fails, my advice would be to consult a solicitor.
Dehydration leads to confusion, which leads to sedation, which can lead to rapid death. Confusion leads to anti-anxiety medication, which leads to dehydration which leads to more confusion, which leads to sedation and further dehydration and ultimately a rapid death.
Two pathways, same outcome. No-one should be dying of thirst; no-one should be dying for a drink.
Where have all the royals gone?
I know, the title reminds me of a song, too. However, on a more serious note, what is going on? Royal protocols appear to have been broken on multiple occasions, and the health of our senior royals appears on almost every news programme every day. It is unprecedented for so many to be in poor health and for it to be announced in such detail to the press.
The Princess of Wales requires fourteen days of inpatient hospital care following abdominal surgery. I have spoken to Consultant Physicians and Consultant Surgeons about this; they could not think of one scheduled ‘abdominal surgery’ type that would necessitate a two-week post-operative in patient stay. The Duchess of York, after announcing breast cancer, is now suffering from malignant skin cancer. The King is also in the same hospital as the Princess of Wales and has undergone prostrate surgery. Also unprecedented: the ‘Queen’ arrived at the hospital to be with the King during his procedure: she stayed for over six hours, and has made three visits in 24 hours and has just spent all of Sunday afternoon by his bedside.
Can you see my raised eyebrow? Something just isn’t feeling right. The Queen has a lot to pack in: her recent announcement of becoming Patron of the Anne Frank Trust fell just in time to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day. I gather the King and Queen lit purple candles at Sandringham prior to the anniversary because of the King’s hospital admission.
On the flip side, the Princess of Wales has had limited visits from her husband, the Prince of Wales, who is reportedly looking after the children—who, as far as I am aware, and as of writing, have not visited their mum. Where are the pictures of them clutching the obligatory flowers, grapes and handmade get-well cards that have been crafted with love? Nowhere. Doesn’t that strike you as odd?
Since the news broke, it has been alarming to see how many people in the UK are running to the NHS for tests into skin cancer. The NHS website is claiming that one person every thirteen seconds is accessing the NHS skin cancer website following the announcement from the Duchess of York.
Similarly, a much higher volume of men are seeking prostrate tests. It is interesting to note that Prostate Cancer UK is funded in part by AstraZeneca, which is in partnership with King Charles’ organisation, Terra Carta. How cosy. Mightn’t this have anything to do with the fact that AstraZeneca is filling the Sustainable Initiatives bank account with profits from its latest pharmaceutical solution for prostate disease? Who thinks our Royal Family are the ultimate in the UK’s ‘trusted messengers’? Do you trust a PSA test; do you trust the Royal Family?
Physician Associates accused of illegally prescribing drugs
The Investigations Team at the Sunday Telegraph has been busy. I was not shocked to see the above headline on the front page.
Physician Associates (PAs) are not fully trained or qualified doctors.
In my recent interview with Dr Ahmad Malik, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, we find out it takes approximately ten years to become a Consultant and seven to eight years to become a doctor. Dr David Cartland, being a General Practitioner, is also a Consultant-grade specialist in primary care and has undergone many years of training to attain his position. Physician Associates are those who have completed a university degree, often a BSc or similar, and who have been offered a two-year bolt-on to become a doctor. It is reported that many Physician Associates have attempted to prescribe drugs within an NHS Trust but have missed life-threatening diagnoses.
The Telegraph claims to have seen responses from more than 600 doctors to a survey on PAs run by the campaign group Doctors Association UK (DAUK). At UK Column, we have had the privilege of speaking to many doctors who have for a long time been warning of the mistakes that Physician Associates are making. The article goes on to state that APs are also repeatedly misdiagnosing a patient’s metastatic cancer (a cancer that has spread to multiple areas in the body) as muscle ache, despite the presence of blood test results that would confirm a cancer diagnosis. Plans to regulate PAs alongside doctors have been heavily criticised by the British Medical Association as dangerous. How many patients are dying prematurely and unnecessarily at the hands of PAs?
Is your doctor on the General Medical Council Register? Whom are you seeing; do you know? Who is in charge of your loved one’s care? Whom have you been talking to? Don’t be scared to ask; question everything.
Is it a mountain? Is it a new Disney character? No, it is a drug. Mounjaro, otherwise known as Tirzepatide, is the new kid on the block for slimming, courtesy of Eli Lilley. This new weight loss drug, or should I write ‘weight loss injection’, has just been approved by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and is anticipated to be rolled out within weeks. Originally, Mounjaro was a diabetes drug. Using a KwikPen (no, not the similarly-named car mechanics), lucky recipients (tongue in cheek) can expect a low-dose jab once a week for a month, and then every month the dose will be increased, in order to help lose weight. It is perhaps pertinent to note that the KwikPen automatically qualifies as a medical device and is thus MHRA-regulated. But at what cost and what risk to those taking it?
Any newly authorised medicine will be monitored using a Risk Management Plan. However, it should be noted that there are still many uncertainties with this medicine. It is recognised by the MHRA that it bears important potential risks of medullary thyroid cancer, pancreatic malignancy and diabetic retinopathy complications. There is no information for use in pregnancy and lactation. There is likewise no data on the drug’s effects on mental health. Clearly, additional pharmacovigilance is required, and a patient registry has already been set up to collate the data. Horse, stable door and bolted comes to mind, and really, do you trust the MHRA to do anything with the patient’s best interest and safety in mind? I don’t. What lengths will you go to to lose weight? I prefer a healthy low-calorie diet and a walk around the block, myself.
Urban home-grown garden produce versus conventional agriculture
Don’t you just love the taste of food you grow yourself? As well as the satisfaction of growing food, it is the nutritional value, flavour and love that you invest in your produce that is irreplaceable. No robot or machine can achieve the same. However, it appears that home-grown food is no good for the net zero agenda. Could that be the death knell for gardens, allotments and smallholdings? According to this study, it would appear so. Community gardens have six times the carbon footprint of other growing methods, apparently. How convenient.
Are you ready to lose your right to grow your own food? Are you ready to lose your garden, allotment or smallholding? At this point, perhaps I should gently remind you that humans are made of carbon. Net zero carbon would appear to include getting rid of many of us. Don’t worry, though: the World Economic Forum says the term ‘phasing out’ has gone. When something is set for extinction, the new language is ‘transition’. Humans are therefore being transitioned, either through death or transhumanism. Neither option appeals to me. 1984? Brave New World? Logan’s Run? You choose.
And finally
For many years, we have been saying, those of us who are unvaccinated will have a very important role to play from now on. We must not only support those who have been bereaved and vaccine-injured, but we must support our own people of all ages who are now waking up to a harsh reality: that of the very real and imminent threat of war.
Yet do any of us actually know what a citizen army is supposed to look like? What kind of fearmongering is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson putting out to our young people? Could a citizen army mean a mandatory ‘voluntary’ service army; surveillance of our own people by our own people? Maybe it won’t mandate everyone to the front line in Ukraine, but how might you be made to serve your country without leaving British soil? Maybe you will be told that in order to receive a universal basic income, you will have to complete 40 hours of voluntary service a week, driving ambulances, giving jabs, fighting fires … a modern-day Home Guard, only darker and more sinister.
What we do know for sure is that what lies ahead will be more difficult than anything we have already experienced in the last three years. Covid–19 was the warm-up act for whatever is about to happen.
Every week, I seem to end my blog with the big question: Are you prepared for what may be about to happen? What happens if the lights go out, the waste systems and pumps go down and streets are being flooded with sewage and infested with rats? Have you got enough in your pantry or larder to survive for at least a month?
This week, I would like to ask the same question but with a different meaning. Are you prepared mentally and spiritually for what is to come? As many of us squirrel away a few bottles of water and essential provisions, let’s not forget to prepare ourselves and those who are closest to us, mentally. What we are witnessing is, in my opinion, of Biblical proportions. Never in the history of humanity has there been so much wickedness on our planet. This is not just a physical war, this is a war between light and dark, good and evil, God and the devil.
We all need to keep looking up, keep praying and remain steadfast in our faith in God. Until next week, stand firm and never give up. Don’t be scared, be prepared.
God bless,
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Philippians 4:5