The message I’m going to share in this blog will be very simple. Having said that, simple doesn’t always mean easy. The message is a three word phrase that I would like to see go viral. I am told that using a hashtag before a phrase helps, so here goes: #JustSayNo!
NO. Such a simple little word, and one which appears to have been hijacked by those in control. It can be a word of empowerment and a sign of confidence; it can also be used in certain situations out of care and concern for others. But how adept are you at using it, or do you need some practice?
Cast your mind back to 2020 during lockup and ask yourself, could you go out? No. Could you sit with your dying loved one? No. Could you get married? No. Could you go to the cinema or theatre? No. Could your children go to school? No. Could you travel? No. Are you getting the picture? Those that want to control us have no trouble enforcing the prohibitive use of the word NO. So why do the general population find that two lettered word so scary and difficult to vocalise? Have we become conditioned to never challenge or disobey instructions from our Government? Did we vote for totalitarian control and agree to obey orders coming from the Government come what may?
Whatever kind of ‘democracy’ we had appears to have gone absent without leave, and without anyone noticing. It is vital that those of us who are prepared and committed to saying a firm, NO, relay this message to as many people as we can. What will others do when instructed to wear a mask? What will they say when they are invited for the latest jab? How will they react when told that digital or card payments are the only form of accepted payment at shops or restaurants? Will they agree to the ‘self-service AI’ checkouts in the supermarkets? Will they give their biometric data willingly just to get on a train or enter a supermarket?
Last week on UK Column News we covered the ‘Trusted News Initiative’, the organisation charged with flooding us with a cascade of information they want us to believe. If the information is on the television, it seems that most people assume it is right without questioning it. If the information comes from the public or independent experts, it’s often considered to be wrong. We are literally being drowned out not only by misinformation, but by dangerous information with potentially fatal consequences.
Covid–19 was the ‘warm up act’ for what is yet to come, a real-time exercise to see how all of us would react to a ‘global emergency’. How many would comply? How many would literally be frightened to death? How many would mask up? How many would give away their DNA? How many would resist the narrative? Could a small group of globalists really control and close down the planet literally overnight? The last three years has been the biggest data mining exercise, in history, not least because of the advanced technology now being used. What we used to think of as science fiction has become pseudo-science fact.
In my recent interview with Dr Chris Flowers and Cheryl Grainger; “A Bunch of Flowers for Pfizer”, the message regarding mRNA injections is clear; just say NO. If you have already had any injections, I urge you not to have anymore. The more you get the sicker it appears you will become. mRNA is not safe in humans or animals, so please say NO.
The pharmaceutical pipeline is full of new, experimental and often untested products such as monoclonal antibodies and antivirals. The medicines that you are familiar with or have previously been prescribed are changing. With many medicines disappearing from our pharmacist’s shelves, more of us are being moved onto different pharmaceutical preparations without being aware of the changes. Do you know exactly what you are taking?
#JustSayNo needs to become a mantra for us all. There are far more of us than those who deem to be in ‘control’. We need to be sure that we are resilient and as self sufficient as possible—and we should be discipled enough that we do not become addicted to or overly reliant on technology. Do you need to be glued to your phone all day? Do you have to use technology every day? Could you use cash instead of card? Can you walk out of shops that refuse to take cash even if there is nowhere else to go? Will you remain attached to the matrix or are you ready to break free? The window of opportunity is closing, and whilst those in control would like you to believe a ‘Brave New World’ awaits, we all know that in reality we should expect a ‘Mad Max' world. It can't hurt to have an emergency plan.
I would like to say thank you to every UK Column viewer who has taken the trouble to view the MHRA Board meetings on YouTube. Every view counts, even if you only watch for a couple of minutes.
I believe it is largely due to the UK Column’s viewers and audience that the MHRA appear to be worried. I have been looking back at the early MHRA Board meetings when they were a lot more informal and the presentation was amateur. Today, however, the MHRA Board meetings have transformed into a slick professional production with direct instructions to those of us watching. You may remember our friend and expert, Cheryl Grainger, who put Stephen Lightfoot, the previous Chair, on the spot during one of the live MHRA meetings by asking a question about vaccine serious adverse reactions. We were surprised to see Stephen Lightfoot resign shortly after. We were also surprised to learn that the MHRA made a decision to prohibit anyone recording the meeting or taking screen shots.
It seems that the scrutiny we, the UK Column team and its audience, have put the MHRA under has made them nervous. They know we are watching them, and now Professor Graham Cooke, we are watching you. Please continue to subscribe to the MHRA channel on YouTube and hit the 'Play' button to register your view. We can’t take our foot off the pedal now, on the contrary, it’s time to put our foot down.
Professor Chris Whitty warns patients will be at increased risk if they opt out of data sharing. What interesting timing, just as we have been advising folk to opt out of data sharing in the NHS. According to the UK Chief Medical Officer, Sir Christopher Whitty, we are all at risk if we choose to opt out of sharing our data. An NHS £480 million contract is about to be awarded to create a ‘federated data platform’ which will join up existing NHS data in order to reduce waiting lists, accelerate diagnosis and shorten hospital admission times. But who could be bidding for this enormous opportunity? The answer to that question is Palantir, which is already embedded in the NHS and founded by Peter Thiel (PayPal). Palantir is known for its work with the US Military. Rivalling Palantir’s bid is a British Company, Quantexa, who boast Sir Jeremy Fleming (former head of GCHQ) and Mathew Gould (former head of NHSx) on their advisory Board. Oracle are also thought to be in the running for the contract.
Sir Christopher Whitty is urging all of us to share our data in order to enjoy a smooth and more efficient service. Will you be opting back in by sharing and trusting your medical data to private companies who work with the Government and the industrial military complex?
Long Covid sufferers terrified of new variants
I was shocked to read this article because it highlights a situation that I’d never even considered, perhaps because I am informed.
Recently, in an interview with Dr Chris Flowers, he revealed how ‘Long Covid’ or ‘Long haul Covid’ was in fact a ‘spike protein disease’ caused after the administration of the Covid–19 ‘vaccine’. Far from Long Covid being a post ‘viral’ debilitating condition, we now know that the third most common serious adverse reaction from the Covid–19 injection is Covid–19 itself. We also know that the administration of the antiviral Molnupiravir is now linked to new variants and creating new infections.
However, the memo doesn’t appear to have arrived in everyone’s inbox. Kathryn Bromwic writes in The Guardian:
After 1,284 days, I’m only just recovering from the coronavirus but there’s no vaccine for the likes of me.
From her photograph, Kathryn appears to be a young woman who should be in the prime of her life. However, she writes how frightened she is of new ‘variants’ and the fact that she can’t get a booster because she is not deemed vulnerable. After receiving her vaccines, it appears she has been plagued with bouts of ‘Covid–19’, the very disease the vaccine was supposed to prevent. But instead of common sense kicking in and making the link, she craves yet another vaccine and more boosters.
NHS staff drop everything to fly to war zones
From my research I have understood that there are over 112,000 vacancies in the NHS, huge rates of staff sickness and reports of many other professionals leaving the NHS in their droves. From the data I have read, I was under the impression that we are in desperate need of every single member of staff. But according to some reports, we are so short staffed that we are even poaching nurses from World Health Organisation red countries!
However, it appears I may be wrong because other reports suggest we have enough staff in the NHS to be able to spare them to drop everything (I thought they already had, in the form of strike action) in order to fly to war zones. Will we only be guaranteed to see a trained doctor and nurse if we are living in the middle of a war zone? Who will be left to plug the gaps here in the UK? Inexperienced ‘associate physicians’ aka Noctors? It begs the question; Whose hands are our lives in?
Green NHS bans a widely used anaesthetic gas
I was slightly taken aback to see a ‘Green NHS’ logo as I am so used to seeing a blue one, so being met with a green NHS logo was surprising. But it appears the green agenda is alive and thriving within the NHS.
A widely used anaesthetic gas with a good safety record is to be banned. Why? Because of harmful emissions to the environment. According to scientists and experts, anaesthetic and medical gases are responsible for around 2% of all NHS emissions. The gas in question is Desflurane. Once again, the needs of the climate change agenda come before the safety of patients. The ‘green’ NHS site has plenty of net zero schemes in action, but at what cost and at what risk?
Flu Jab – women more likely to suffer a serious adverse reaction
It appears women don’t fare well with either Covid–19 vaccines or the flu vaccine. The University of Montreal has released its findings from a new study which suggests that women are more likely to suffer serious adverse reactions including, fever, headaches and muscle pain after a flu jab. Please remember that currently as flu and Covid–19 boosters are being rolled out together, there is no safety data on the concomitant administration of both jabs at the same time.
UKHSA sign a deal with CSL Seqiris for future influenza pandemic vaccines
The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (health and security should never be uttered in the same breath, in my opinion) have been busy stocking up on influenza pandemic vaccines. CSL Seqirus will be able to produce 100 million vaccines ‘just in case’ we encounter a future flu pandemic. To avoid complex overseas transportation logistics, you will be pleased to know they will all be produced in the United Kingdom. The vaccines would be entirely manufactured in the UK from their site in Liverpool—they are one of the largest sites in Europe to manufacture seasonal influenza vaccines.
CSL Seqirus unique selling point is that they are the only vaccine company exclusively focused on influenza, their strap line is ‘our vision is a world protected from influenza’. They boast cutting edge research and transformative technologies as well as ground breaking production and distribution. I will be interested to hear Hedley Rees’ opinion on this.
CSL Seqirus is one arm of a much larger organisation that includes CSL Behring, CSL Plasma and CSL Vifor. With headquarters in Australia, you may be interested to know that in March 2021, 832,000 doses of the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid–19 vaccine was manufactured by CSL in Broadmeadows. You would think that those with privileged information and ‘in the know’ were expecting something, wouldn’t you?
NeuraLink, brain chips, Elon Musk, human trials and dead animals
Neuralink is a computer/brain interface designed to restore autonomy to those with unmet medical needs. In essence, it is the implantation of a smart robot in your brain. For those suffering with cervical spinal cord injuries or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, it could be a game changer—but at what cost, and what are the risks?
Whilst looking for human volunteers to trial the device, let’s not forget that more than 1,000 animals dropped dead in previous trials. Despite the backlash, Elon Musk is determined to continue with his trials and proudly claims:
Neuralink, will enable someone with paralysis to use a smartphone with their mind faster than someone using thumbs.
The trial is expected to last six years and chips will be implanted by a robot. Do you fancy controlling your phone or your computer with just your thoughts?
Scientists discover how to ‘grow new teeth’
It won’t be just sharks who can grow new teeth in the ‘brave new world’. Scientists have now discovered how humans can regrow teeth. However, it is all dependent on big pharma. The new drug was developed by Toregem Biopharma, a pharmaceutical company based in Japan.
The treatment is an antibody drug that stops the proteins in the mouth that typically suppress tooth growth. The first human clinical trials will kick off in July of 2024.
The original study can be found here.
Snow - the ‘Beast from the East’ set to return
Do you remember the ‘Beast from the East’ which covered the UK in deep snow in 2018? According to weather forecasters, its coming back. With warnings that it could reappear as soon as November, it could last until early 2024. With icy conditions comes plenty of winter fractures and an even busier NHS accident and emergency departments. Are you prepared for a potentially cold winter ahead? If not, stock up on those warm socks and jumpers now whilst you can.
And finally
My book of the week is The Prepper’s Blueprint – The Step-by-Step guide to help you through any disaster by Tess Pennington.
Have you got an emergency plan? If you weren't able to leave your home and didn't have any gas or electricity, do you have what you need to survive? Do you have a way of keeping warm, hydrated and fed? Do you have an alternative form of lighting should the power go down? Do your elderly loved ones have adequate supplies? If the power goes down, have you got all your contacts and addresses stored in your phone written down on paper? If you haven’t got a plan, it’s not too late. There are plenty of videos on line for new ‘preppers’ that are very helpful, or you can check out my book of the week (see above). At all costs, stay strong and stay prepared.
Until next week, God bless.
John 14:1-3
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.