Comment // Health

Debi Evans Blog: 19 March 2024

King Charles—No Smoke Without Fire 

Last week, Brian Gerrish and I recorded the eighth episode of our ongoing series as a duo, No Smoke Without Fire, namely The Green King, Part 3. Originally we anticipated three episodes to cover the monarch; however, it appears we may be looking at another two, or maybe three! For those of you who have not watched episode 1 or 2, you may be surprised at what we have discovered.

Who is King Charles III? What are his intentions? How much power does he really have? Whom does he surround himself with, and why? What is the agenda? How does the Commonwealth figure and how important is it in the bigger picture? We hope to be able to bust some of the myths surrounding our royal family as we shine a light on those in privileged places. Not all is as it seems. Sustainable goals—for whom? Them or us? Remember the World Economic Forum’s mantra, “You will own nothing”. They never said, “We will own nothing”. Let that sink in.

Medicalising Emotions such as Fear—Opinion 

A THIRD OF TRILLION DOLLARS a year goes on psychotropic drugs. Madness, money and misinformation. Welcome to the world of ‘mental health’.

The last four ‘Covid’ years have been full of sudden change, stress, anger, confusion and mistrust. There has been one thing that has been a constant throughout the entire time. Fear. The constant barrage of fear-inducing propaganda to which the world has been subjected is unprecedented. There is a lot of money to be made from fear, and using fear as a tool to control us all has thus far proven to be very effective. But how do we break the cycle? How do we laugh in their faces during times of such intense adversity? How can we avoid making the situation worse? We can start by empowering ourselves with the facts.

It is not just our bodies that are under attack; it is our thoughts, emotions and memories which are also in the midst of an unprovoked and unwanted war—a war on the mind. But before we focus on that, remember our governments appear to want us happy and safe. Peace and security are the two new—or not so new—catchwords to listen out for. Everything our governments do is, of course, to keep us safe, isn’t it?

Medicalising emotions is a profitable business. There’s a lot of money to be had in madness: a third of a trillion dollars is what is the psychotropic industry is worth, not an amount to be sneezed at. What easier way to make a profit than to make up an imaginary illness without any hard evidence to back it up?

X-rays can show broken limbs, scans will identify tumours or babies developing in utero, surgery can remove diseased tissue, but what proof is there that someone is suffering from a ‘mental illness’, where we are told we are suffering a ‘chemical imbalance in the brain’? Are we? How does anyone know? There are no scans or X-rays to determine happiness, fear, sadness or loneliness. We are told that mental health conditions are due to ‘imbalances of chemicals in the brain’, but how do professionals know that? How do they know what your brain is producing? They don’t, is the answer.

Let’s focus on fear to begin with. Fear is a powerful emotion, an emotional response to a threat or danger. We have all heard of the fight-or-flight response and of the release of adrenaline, which triggers physiological changes in the body. Fear is a survival mechanism and helps us react to what may be a dangerous situation. There can be fear walking home in the dark at night, fear of failing an examination, perhaps a fear of flying or a fear of people around you. Fear can be attributed to many things and is often associated with anxiety and stress, but it has many negative physiological effects on the body too. Increased sweating, sleeplessness, increased heart rate, breathlessness, dilated pupils, chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, upset tummies, trembling or shaking, feeling overwhelmed, a sense of impending doom and dread, and in many cases confusion.

What does one do in a state of fear? Run or freeze, fly or fight? The sympathetic nervous system jumps to attention and immediately stimulates the adrenal glands (which produce adrenaline; clue’s in the name—the glands sit like hats on top of each kidney) to release:

  • Epinephrine (adrenaline)—giving an energy boost to major muscles in the body
  • Norepinephrine (noradrenaline)—an alertness boost. Induces high state of arousal and attention. Constricts blood vessels in order to maintain constant blood pressure.

Of course, how we individually respond to fear is different in everyone. There is a fine line between excitement and nervousness. What works for one won’t necessarily work for another. I won’t go on any of the rides at a fairground: even the teacup ride makes me feel sick, scared and dizzy. Yet one of my sons will go on the most extreme rides he can find and comes off feeling exhilarated. I would come off feeling exhausted, terrified, distressed—and, I suspect, very green. Don’t worry, mum, sit down for a while and you will feel OK? Er, no, actually: it ruins the whole day. There is nothing wrong with either reaction: we are all different, and we all learn what works and what doesn’t work for us. 

In some cases, fear can be useful. After all, it is a natural emotion. It stops us from doing things that may harm or hurt us. If you see a bus coming straight towards you, the sudden feeling of fear enables you to get out of the way quickly. However, fear is used as a tool by those who wish to control us via nefarious means. Not only will fear induce compliance, it can also be engineered for other purposes.

Medicalising emotions appears to be the direction in which we are heading, and is one we should all be aware of. Emotions such as fear are being medicalised. Professionals use diagnostic manuals to help them identify a ‘medical’ condition. I often liken it to a car mechanic needing to refer to an individual car manual to help him diagnose a specific problem.

There are two major professional medical diagnostic manuals currently in use in the Western world. While they are similar, they do differ, and which one is used may result in a different diagnosis or even a misdiagnosis.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is published by the American Psychiatric Association. The most current version is the fifth edition, DSM V. This manual is used in the USA and some other countrie, such as New Zealand, Australia and Canada. It may interest you to know that the DSM is commonly referred to as ‘Psychiatry’s Bible’.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is published by the World Health Organisation. The most current version is ICD 11, although many countries are still using ICD 10. The ICD is considered more accessible than DSM, as it is published in many more languages, and it covers much more than psychiatric conditions. I believe that ICD, for this reason, is now also being used in the USA sporadically. The UK uses ICD, as does most of the world. It may be of interest to note that ICD offers the ability to code cause of death, but there is no ICD code for ‘death attributable to a vaccine’, even though there is a code for ‘unvaccinated’. Go figure. The WHO can, of course, issue emergency codes whenever it so chooses.

Professionals in the UK are recommended to use ICD and not DSM when diagnosing conditions. However, many are using DMS instead. When I was a Government Advisor at the Department of Health, sitting at a board table chaired by the Secretary of State, Norman Lamb, I challenged the Government and the many professors present that DSM was being used in the UK despite their insistence that it wasn’t. You can perhaps guess who was right and who was wrong—although I didn’t take any pride in the vindication, just horror that little ol’ me knew more than the acclaimed scientists and experts that were in my presence. So who is using what, where, and what is the impact on patients? Great question, for which I have no answer. It appears to be a postcode lottery in Britain. Depending on who you see will decree which manual is used for diagnosis, and that is where your fate will lie.

How did these drugs become accepted, welcomed and embraced without any evidence as to their curative effect and in the absence of any action taken regarding their often disastrous adverse reactions? Did you know that at the turn of the twentieth century, Sigmund Freud used, wrote of and promoted the use of cocaine? What you may not know is that even in those days, the revolving doors of conflicts of interest were spinning, and Freud was being supplied with copious amount of cocaine by Merck Pharmaceuticals—in effect making that German dynasty Freud’s drug dealer and pusher.

Life’s everyday emotions and problems have now become medical disorders that require medical treatment, and herein lies the problem. Shyness becomes social anxiety disorder; loss of a loved one becomes major depressive disorder, homesickness becomes Separation Anxiety Disorder. Suspicion or lack of trust becomes paranoid personality disorder, ups and downs in life becomes Bipolar Disorder, distractibility becomes ADHD.

It is nigh on impossible to visit a psychiatrist without coming out with a diagnosed mental health condition—that, of course, will need medicating. Pharmaceutical companies need people to suffer with mental illness as opposed to enjoying mental good ‘health’. If everyone were happy, there would be no need for Big Pharma or shrinks! Who needs whom more: us or them?

Psychotropic drugs are big business and with one stroke of the pen from a psychiatrist, you can expect to receive a prescription alarmingly easily. After all, if a shrink tells you your brain is imbalanced, you believe them, right? For brains behaving badly, we are told there is an explanation of dopamine or serotonin imbalance, but there has never been a study to prove that. But instead of challenging this, we have all accepted it.

The consequences are serious, too. Serious adverse reactions from these drugs can be very severe: some can even induce suicidal thoughts and behaviours. In spite of these effects, Big Pharma and doctors keep spewing them out. There are an estimated 700,000 serious adverse reactions to these drugs reported every year, with an estimated 42,000 deaths. Every time someone takes a psychotropic drug that is foreign, the body will change (temporarily or some cases permanently) as a result of taking medication, and this disruption can often cause even more debilitating conditions such as addiction or dependence. Do you know what is in an antidepressant? Do you know what is in Prozac, for example?

We appear to be living in a brave new world of fear- and anxiety-inducing events and news. This is to be accepted as the new normal. That is what those who are in control want: us all to be ‘scared to death’. But with every cloud comes a silver lining. Telling us what they intend empowers us to act exactly the opposite. To treat their fear porn with the contempt it deserves. To resist the temptation to run to the doctor at the first hint of a problem. To take accountability for our own bodies and life’s trials and tribulations.

Wellness has become the new go to term for what used to be called ‘mental health wellbeing’. Will you be relying on a psychiatrist? Will you be relying on a wellbeing app? Will you be trusting your fate to psychotropic drugs? My recommendation is to talk to someone you know, love and trust. Don’t rely on doctors or drugs to erase your worries or problems: it never ends well, and pills don’t pay the bills or repair marriages. Whom do you know who can offer you words of advice, support and practical help, unconditionally?

Checklist yourself; ask yourself questions. Is your lifestyle a healthy one? Are you getting enough fresh air and happiness? And on the flip side, do you know anyone who appears to be showing signs of feeling low or worried? Perhaps they are lonely? Can you offer them some compassion, understanding and a time to listen? Can you ‘hold space’ for them? Human contact, human empathy doesn’t come in a capsule, a vaccine or injection; it comes from actions with others who genuinely care. It’s normal to worry, normal to be anxious at times; it’s all part of life’s colourful tapestry and rarely requires a visit to the shrink. Always look for alternative solutions first. 

Fear is only effective when the threat or narrative is real. We must learn to ignore an agenda of fear and put our energies into building parallel systems, local connections and local communities, becoming less reliant on pseudoscience, pseudomedicine and dangerous chemicals.

Let’s normalise happiness—or will the fear induce you to take a pill? Will you allow yourself to be ‘frightened to death’? 

Stories in Brief

Antimicrobial resistance

This is a topic I have reported on for more than two years, and it isn’t one that is going to go away any time soon. The Covid–19 plandemic involved fake viruses, but all the warning signs and fearmongering indicate that we are already being ramped up for the next plandemic. Regular viewers will be aware of Professor Sir John Bell warning Parliament at a recent Select Committee that the next plandemic is not far away; in fact, it is inevitable.

My gut feeling (pardon the pun) is that the next fearmongering health scare will involve a bacterium. Catastrophic Contagion, the latest ‘exercise’, warns of an enteric pathogen, so perhaps the plan involves the gut next time? The microbiome in the gut is very important to keeping our immune systems healthy.

Bacterial infections will normally require antibiotics. However, as we know, antibiotics are getting a bad press and we are being blamed for overusing them. Multi-resistant bacteria will be the new buzzphrase.

Dame Sally Davies, England’s previous Chief Medical Officer (before Sir Christopher Twitty), is the UK Special Envoy for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). But I ask these two questions:

  • Why Dame Sally?
  • Why do we need a UK Envoy?

Dame Sally Davies is the architect of the AMR talking point. She met David Cameron at the Wellcome Trust for a coffee one day; she told him she was concerned that the over usage of antibiotics was leading to many bacteria becoming resistant to the antibiotics in our armoury. At that moment, the science of AMR was born and became an industrial complex all of its own.

I believe that AMR could be the next phase of the Great Reset plan. Are we to expect a bacterial plandemic of ‘super-bacteria’ to fear the world into taking experimental ‘super-antibiotics’, which may be gene-altering, or antibiotics containing mRNA? Maybe a vaccine against multi-resistant bacteria? Super-antibiotics may change the gut biome permanently. The gut will then require a course of ‘new experimental’ gut probiotics. Synthetic antibiotics, synthetic probiotics. Build back better; destroy and dismantle first.

There has been very little antibiotic research since the 1970s. Is that deliberate? Dame Sally warns: “Antibiotic resistance is as big a threat as climate change”.

So what next? Super-antibiotics and experimental antivirals are on the horizon, and those that we have become used to and are familiar with will disappear. AMR is a big subject and is here to stay. The days of a simple course of amoxicillin for a chest infection could be history. Keep an eye out on UK Column News for what to expect next. Forewarned is forearmed.

Deep Medical—AI for missed NHS appointments

How to free up staff time and bring down waiting lists? By using Artificial Intelligence. NHS Trusts are set to roll out AI to predict missed appointments using algorithms and anonymised data. Why can’t someone attend an appointment? Work commitments? Traffic delays? Adverse weather?

Deep Medical was founded in 2020 to uncover the reasons behind patients missing appointments. The goal is clear: to help patients attend as many appointments as they require, even offering them paid transport to attend. Why the urgency? More to come on this in the future.

NHS electric ambulances

Long have we been warning on UK Column of the arrival of NHS electric ambulances. I have written a number of articles on them and reported about them in my blog and on the news. It isn’t a new news story yet, but the mainstream media and press appear to be catching up. A story in the Telegraph reports concerns over the time required to charge electric ambulances. 70 miles travelled requires four hours charging, yet ambulances on average travel 160 miles per day. Square peg and round hole come to mind, and at a cost of over £160,000 each, there appears to be no mention of the dangers of lithium ion battery fires.

Just to add salt to the wound, a leaked document has revealed that the 48-strong ‘green team’ employed by the NHS cost us a staggering £3 million a year, and many of them fly from Manchester to London: a very green practice.

Healthcare staff too exhausted to treat cancer patients

The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has published a report warning that as a result of healthcare staff being too tired and overstretched, cancer patients may be at risk. The report reveals that between April 2020 and December 2023, there were treatment delays and misdiagnoses in oncology due to fatigue. It isn’t rocket science to note that this period was largely spent with restrictions, lockdowns and staff in isolation.

So for now, the fearmongering continues: this time targeted at cancer patients. Ironic, perhaps, that the NHS has plenty of staff and resources to test healthy people for cancer, but then what? They die of worry on a waiting list? Patient safety didn’t fare too well in the report either. 

UK CV Family


I am delighted to be able to report that UK CV Family has now been given charitable status. We heard from co-founder Charlet Crichton that at last, their efforts to become a recognised charity for those who are vaccine injured or bereaved had been granted. We applaud their diligence, professionalism and hard work to achieve this despite suffering from vaccine injuries themselves. We hope as many as possible will support them. I will be catching up with Charlet in the very near future. Watch this space. 

And Finally

Did anyone hear about the IT glitch that took down Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Argos last weekend? I couldn’t help but smirk when I saw the notices outside stores informing customers that they would only take cash payments until the IT fault was fixed. We have been warning our audience to keep some cash handy—for situations like this, of which I am pretty sure there will be more. Consider yourselves warned.

Have you ever wondered why your phone suddenly appears to know what you are thinking? No sooner have you eyed a pair of shoes in the shop than you are bombarded with alerts for similar pairs of shoes. Geofencing is what you are experiencing. You are, without knowing it, walking through invisible zones that have been geofenced by retail outlets, security agencies, government agencies and zones around public buildings. As you walk in and out, the zone you are in will know you are there and be able to use it as a marketing tool and a surveillance tool. Do you know what GPS stands for? Answer: Global Positioning System. Sound sinister? That is because it is.

Have you got an emergency plan? Don’t delay any more; now is the time to make one. Start off by telling your family you are making a plan: it is no good if no-one knows a plan even exists. Write down all the contacts in your phone, just in case they are get lost during an outage. Make sure you have stocks of water, food, batteries and a few camping lights just in case the grid goes down. Don’t forget the pet food! A great book to start you off with is The Prepper’s Blueprint by Tess Pennington.

Until next week. Keep your eyes on the heavens. Be ready for anything and question everything, even us. 

God bless,

When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. Isaiah 43:2