Comment // Health

Debi Evans Blog: 11th April 2024

I do hope everyone had a good Easter holiday and took advantage of spending some time with loved ones and friends. My family were busy multitasking; whilst eating Easter eggs, they were busy texting friends and checking their social media. I gave them my ‘Mum is not impressed’ look, which worked for five minutes, and then it was business as normal. Groan. 

I don’t take my mobile phone out with me anymore. Ironically, my mobile phone (known as a cell phone in some countries) is now immobile, and it’s exhilarating. No interruptions, no irritating texts or emails constantly pinging in, and no calls to find out where I am or what I am doing. Bliss. This also means no more scrambling in my Mary Poppins bag for my phone, which inevitably stops ringing when I eventually find it. So now I control it and it doesn’t control me. I highly recommend it.

Does Society Need a Digital Detox? 

During my son’s recent visit to London, he visited a pub which had a noticeboard stating it was a digital detox pub without phones; only good company, music, and conversation were allowed. It sounded like absolute heaven to me. In a world where we are walking into geographic zones that companies exploit to track us, trace us and rob us of our data, digital-free zones sound like a utopia. 

Are you aware that you enter geographic surveillance zones when you venture out? It’s called geofencing. If your phone appears to know what you want, need or wish for before you know yourself, it may be a result of geofencing. Should we demand digital-free zones where we can all be confident of privacy and peace, or are we happy to normalise surveillance of our every move and thought?  

Digitisation appears to be the driving force of yet another forced addiction. Which way do we want to steer humanity? Where would you place your vote if you had a choice: more digitisation and surveillance, or a global digital detox? The latter for me, please, and the sooner, the better. 

Expert Panel Evaluation of the UK Government’s Progress on Meeting Patient Safety

In a March 2024 report, the House of Commons’ Health and Social Care Committee criticised the government for its lack of urgency when implementing recommendations from major patient safety enquiries.

After examining independent enquiries and reviews dating from 2013, including improvements to maternity care, leadership, staff training, safety culture, and whistleblowing, the report concluded that the recommendations have not been implemented. The expert panel chair, Dame Jane Dacre, said:

We’ve looked at recommendations made by significant enquiries, Morecambe Bay and Mid Staffs, both involving tragic loss of life. Nine or more years have passed since these recommendations were accepted by the government of the day. We are concerned about delays to take real action to implement them and rate overall progress by the government on this serious matter as requiring improvement.

How many recommendations need to be made before changes are enacted? Are patients safe in the NHS? When, if ever, will patient safety become the top priority? Where are you now, Dr Henrietta Hughes


There is so much happening in the NHS that it is hard to know where to start.

Let’s start with measles

According to NHS England, ‘tens of thousands more vaccinations’ were administered between January and March 2024 compared to the same period in 2023. The biggest increase happened in people aged five to 25 years. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), NHS and local authorities have been persuading parents and carers to volunteer their children for MMR vaccinations.

Whilst the NHS appears to have no money or staff available to care for those who are sick, it does have resources available to inject children. A million parents were sent texts, emails and letters urging them to book an appointment. The latest figures from the UKHSA show there have been 934 confirmed cases of measles since October 2023. Steve Russell, NHS National Director for Vaccinations and Screening, said:

Measles is a very serious illness and so it is vital that everyone who is still unprotected comes forward to get their two doses as soon as possible, by contacting their GP surgery or visiting one of the pop-up vaccination clinics running in some of the most at-risk areas.

Maybe I am not looking at the same research as Steve.  According to other UKHSA data, there has only been one adult death in England and Wales classified as ‘late effect of measles’ since 2020. Maybe my definition of ‘very serious’ is different from that of the NHS. Would I be rushing to a clinic to get my children jabbed? Most definitely not.

Bird flu

Sometimes I find myself yawning as I say, ’Here we go again’. This time it’s bird flu in the USA. I don’t know about anyone else, but I find that the constant fearmongering, with all the warnings and alerts about new viruses or other diseases affecting humans and animals, is exhausting. Once you see and hear one lie, you start to see them all. 

Clearly for those in control, trust is a big issue. Trust? Seriously? How many of us will ever trust our governments, doctors, scientists or lawyers again? Do they really think they could conjure up some kind of miracle that would make us trust them? Not a chance. That little boy has cried wolf once too often.  

The onslaught on our minds, sanity and memories continues regardless, with yet more news of allegedly dangerous diseases that could threaten our lives. Could there be an underlying agenda going on to destroy our food chain? With the alleged threat of disease, and fires engulfing chicken farms, your roast chicken dinner or omelette could be a thing of the past.

Have no fear, however, because the Bill Gates Pharmaceutical Enabling Authority (BgPEA; thank you, Alex Thomson, for that acronym), otherwise known as the World Health Organisation, has everything in hand. Perhaps they are hoping that this is the elusive Disease X they have been so desperately looking for. Have Bill Gates’ ‘germ team’ struck gold at long last?

Mad cow disease

If you were hoping to replace roast chicken with a Sunday lunch of roast beef, perhaps think again. Reports of the death of a woman from ‘mad cow disease’ has hit the headlines in the USA.

A grandmother of three died in February of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). It is from the same family of diseases as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), better known as ‘mad cow disease’. CJD presents as a brain disorder that causes dementia. Are scientists trying to blame cows for this recent death? Could this case be another canary in the coal mine? We all remember what happened last time, and it didn’t end well. Thank you, Professor Neil Ferguson, the man responsible for shutting the world down, the master of disaster; we haven’t forgotten your catastrophic modelling of Covid-19 or ‘mad cow disease’.

In my UK Column interview with veterinary surgeon Roger Meacock, we discussed prion diseases and how prions can be linked to ‘mad cow disease’. Is there a potential link to mRNA technology and the risk of prion disease? Who knows? Perhaps not, since the agenda is to roll yet another vaccine down the pipeline, this time for prion disease. Does that fill you with reassurance? It certainly does not for me. They can cause a problem with one ‘vaccine’ to create more problems with another ‘vaccine’. If it wasn’t true, it would be unthinkable.

Cancer, and royal trusted messengers

Since my last blog, The Princess of Wales has revealed she is receiving preventative chemotherapy after abdominal surgery. Speculation of any links with the Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ have of course been snuffed out and debunked quickly. 

With three royal ‘trusted messengers’ (King Charles, The Princess of Wales and The Duchess of York) now in receipt of a diagnosis and treatment for cancer, it appears their citizens, the commoners, are worried about whether they may have cancer too. There is, however, a difference between them and us. We who don’t have ‘blue blood’ or live in mansions don’t get access to rapid, state of the art cancer treatment (not that many of us would want it), and we don’t get the world’s top oncologists at our disposal 24/7 365 either (thank goodness). 

Those who ‘matter’, the nobility and elite, also don’t need to worry about the cost of living, keeping warm, and eating a healthy diet. Remember the World Economic Forum’s promise? ‘YOU will own nothing…’ They didn’t say we will own nothing, did they? 

As I said, many are frightened by the news from our royal family. According to mainstream media, people are rushing to the MacMillan, Cancer Research UK, and NHS websites for more information on how to get themselves tested for cancer, even when they have no symptoms.

But — and there is a big but — those who are being told that they have cancer have nowhere to go. The NHS is overwhelmed, and with a waiting list of approximately 7 million, where do all these newly diagnosed cancer patients go? The answer is they don’t go anywhere; they languish on a waiting list for weeks or even months. Isn’t it strange that the NHS don’t have enough staff to treat the sick, yet always find enough staff to carry out tests for cancer? Whatever next? Everyone will be offered an mRNA cancer vaccine? In my opinion, neither option sounds great, so any cancer test that comes through my door goes in the bin.

Keep an eye out for a new lung cancer vaccine, and perhaps a new prostate cancer vaccine. For those of you who suffer from repeated urinary tract infections, there’s a vaccine on its way for you too. Since when did a ‘vaccine’ become a therapeutic? Who funded the cancer detection company Grail? The answer probably won’t surprise you.

Prescription charges to rise

As we have been warning for months, prescription charges in England will be raised to an eye-watering £9.90 per item, an increase of 25p. The 12-month prescription pre-payment certificate will go up to £114.50.

Those who are on low incomes, are over the age of 60, or have qualifying health conditions such as cancer, epilepsy or diabetes will continue to qualify for exemptions. Pregnant women and children also qualify for free prescriptions.

Excess deaths in Accident and Emergency, and in ambulances

Why are so many dying in Accident and Emergency? What are corridor wards? Why are there so many sick people requiring emergency care? Since when do those going into hospital come out worse than when they went in, or worse still, never make it out? Why are our most vulnerable and elderly being left abandoned in corridors for days? The shocking revelations make for stark reading.

A 39-year-old mother of two who had arrived in the emergency department at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, complaining of a headache, waited for hours only to be found unconscious on a chair, covered by her coat. She died of a brain haemorrhage two days later. Why? Has anyone bothered to find out? Sincere condolences to her young family. It should never have happened. It never would have happened on my watch.

According to data from the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, there were 300 deaths a week in 2023 associated to long Accident and Emergency waits. This equates to one excess death for every 72 patients that spend 8-12 hours in Accident and Emergency. I was very pleased to be invited to discuss the latest data and its findings with David Kurten on his TNT show.

NHS good news

With so many stories of abuse, neglect and unnecessary and unexplained deaths, a recent email was a breath of fresh air. Thank you to Kenneth who wrote about his great experience in the NHS. We need to hear good news stories; please keep them coming. Kenneth has kindly given me permission to reproduce his email:

Dear Debi,

Just to let you know that the NHS is alive and well. I have been in extreme pain in both neck and shoulder areas. So, I rang the doctors on Tuesday afternoon, got an appointment at 11am Wednesday (yesterday). The doctor examined me and issued an instruction for an urgent X Ray. This was completed at 8.50 am this morning at Wrexham Maelor hospital. Amazing eh.

Best Ken.

Stories in Brief

All THEY need is the air that YOU breathe

When does ‘environmental DNA’ fuse with human DNA, and what are the repercussions?

How many of us have left footprints on the beach? All of us who have walked on sand, of course. Scientists have been busy analysing and collecting genetic data from human DNA found in air breathed in a busy room, ocean water, air conditioning units, and even footprints in the sand.

Researchers at the University of Florida studying endangered sea turtles used sand to identify mutations that could be associated with disease from populations living close by. But that isn’t where the research stopped. The genetic information enabled scientists to identify genetic variants associated with autism, diabetes, eye disease, cancer and cardiac disease. Shedding DNA raises many ethical questions surrounding privacy, consent, and security. What are the effects on crime? Will we be catching criminals through environmental DNA?   

Close your blinds at night or be at higher risk of heart attack

I read that headline and laughed in disbelief. It wasn’t long before the smile was wiped from my face after I realised this wasn’t an April Fool’s joke. According to another fearmongering ‘pseudo’ study, even ambient lighting at night can harm your cardiovascular function. Just one single night of light is, apparently, enough to impair your bodily functions. You are even at risk of becoming obese if you keep the blinds open. So I hear you say, ‘How do you know if your room is too light at night’? The article says that if you can see anything, it’s too light. I prefer to get to the loo in the middle of the night in one piece, thanks.

Children’s mental health care is a ticking time bomb

Children are facing 40 days’ wait on average for mental health care. A recent report from the Care and Quality Commission states that as of November 2023, almost half a million children had been waiting so long that their conditions deteriorated, potentially resulting in suicide. Why are there so many children requiring mental health support? Are we simply addressing the symptoms without addressing the cause?

Rent a family

Loneliness is becoming a big issue across the Western world. We live in a high-pressure society which leaves little time for socialising in person. In Japan, it is estimated that 15% of the population have no social interaction outside the immediate family. For people who have suffered divorce, death or estrangement, this can pose huge problems.

Family Romance is a popular Japanese agency that allows actors to pretend to be your very own family or friends, and its popularity is increasing. Known as family rental actors, they take on personality traits of real family members. Will the United Kingdom be the next to adopt this radical approach? In 2017, a study reported that 14% of Brits often or always experience symptoms of loneliness. Would you rent a husband or a wife? 

The disgrace of Pfizer

Pfizer has brought discredit to the pharmaceutical industry, according to The Sunday Telegraph. Senior executives have used social media to promote an ‘unlicensed’ Covid vaccine. If that was not bad enough, the company has also been found to have breached the regulatory code a staggering five times. Why are these companies (Pfizer is not alone) allowed to continue? Answers on a postcard, please.

And Finally…

Last week on UK Column News, I presented a segment about the Tennessee Senate’s Bill HB1894, that is about to be passed to the Governor for final signature. The Bill will ‘classify food containing a vaccine or vaccine material as a drug’. Kenny from the UK Column’s social media department posted the clip on YouTube. Despite the original footage from the Senate remaining on YouTube, our clip was removed on the grounds of medical misinformation. If we have any members in Tennessee, perhaps you would be so kind as to inform that your Senate is also guilty of medical misinformation, according to YouTube. Thanks in advance.

Huge thanks go to UK Column member Hilary Barltrop, who bravely agreed to tell us the harrowing story of what happened to her beloved mum Lois when she was admitted to hospital during lockup. It was wonderful to welcome her onto Extra to update us on what has happened since we recorded the interview. We are delighted that so many members of our audience reached out to Hilary with messages of support and offers of help. Thank you to every one of you. If you have a story that you would like to tell, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

As always, I will end with the same question: do you have a plan? What if communications go down? What if there is no power? What if there is no food left on the supermarket shelves? Could you, your family, and your pets survive, should you need to batten down the hatches? It is not too late to start preparing if you haven’t already. Don’t forget to share your plan with your family; otherwise, there is little point in having one. 

Until next week, keep the faith, keep strong, and don’t be scared. Use your time wisely and prepare for any eventuality. Faith is the antidote to fear. 

God Bless



Matthew 7:13-14
King James Version

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.