Walking The Dog—Episode 1 (February 2024)

Please join me (Brian Gerrish) and Poppy the dog on a local walk. Enjoy some beautiful countryside and woodland, and the paths by a local river in Devon. As we walk, we meet and briefly chat with some real people who are also out and about. We can enjoy all this together and I can talk about where we are and what we see. 

This audio walk is about relaxing, so we'll stay chilled. In future walks, I may reflect on a few of the events in the news as we go, but the best bit is that you come with me and we can chat. Come on, Poppy is ready to go. Are you coming? I hope so. Oh, and you’ll need wellies, as it is very wet and muddy underfoot.

This inaugural edition of Walking the Dog is also available on my YouTube channel and I have been delighted at some 3,200 views so far, with some wonderful uplifting comments. Here are just a few: 

What a most enjoyable listen whilst I prepared my lunch. Civilised, peaceful and chilled!!! @iantaf5559

Thank you, Brian & Poppy—I really enjoyed that walk. Quite apart from living in a concrete jungle, the condition of my poor old lungs make such a walk physically impossible for me, so it was a real luxury to get away from all those "real life" horrors that are going on right now and follow you and Poppy through the countryside. At first I was surprised this was only audio, but actually that made it all the better—a pleasant journey through an inner landscape. Thanks again to you both. @lafleurproductions

Thank you! I felt as if I was walking alongside you and Poppy in real time. It was a lovely escape from hot and humid Sunshine Coast, in South East Queensland. @irenedomoney8395