Child Stealing by the State: A Mother Criminalised for Speaking Out – Part 1

In Part 1 of our interview, we hear from an exhausted mother who is desperate to speak out and tell the story of her babies. They were snatched by the powerful and secretive child snatching system of the UK’s Star Chamber Family Courts. Threatened and gagged by judges for even wanting to tell the truth about what has happened to her and her children inside the Family Court system, this mother must stay anonymous to stay out of prison. Stripped of her children, she must now be stripped of her identity and personality to even report on matters and facts that fall outside of the draconian and secretive court reporting restrictions.

Within the UK in 2025, whilst Prime Minister Keir Starmer uses child protection and Asian grooming gangs as a tool for political point scoring, the very heart of the nation’s child protection and Family Court system is engaged in child snatching and the placement of children into the hands of strangers for profit. Many of those children will suffer lasting psychological damage and frequently physical harm during their time in the so-called ‘child care system’.

This mother has taken huge risks to warn the public that their children are not safe from the state child protection system, and she deserves to be heard.

In Part 2, the mother digs deeper into the workings of the Family Court system and the well-paid professionals that feed off the suffering of every child snatched.

Part 2 is here.