UK Column News - 27th September 2021

Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with today's UK Column News.

00:39 - Global Pro-Freedom Demonstrations No MSM Coverage Anywhere

01:11 - Strange How Every MSM News Event Appear Tp Support Policy?


Sun Article: -

BBC Article (Title Change): -

Express Article: -

03:56 - Does Brexit Have anyithing to Do With Alleged Fuel Crisis


OCN Article: -

Unite Article: -

TT Article: -

Guardian Article: - 

10:18 - The Growing Evidence of A Criminal State


Telegraph Article: -

Aarin Ginn Tweet: - 

Australian Act: -

14:45 - Australian UKC Viewers Email Highlights Emergence of Dictatorship

18:16 - COP-26 and Net Zero Propaganda


Mail Article: -

Guardian Article:

29:55 - UKC Interview With Statistician Christine Cotton

30:51 - The BIS Push Ahead With CBDC


Benoit Coere Statement: -

BIS Press Release (Innovation Hub): - 

BIS CBDC Model (p9): -

Mises Institute: - 

HSBC Article: -

Jerome Powell Statement: -

Lords CBDC Inquiry: -

Lords Consultation Submission: -

Cash Friday Initiative: -

41:21 - The Basic Public Spending Cost of COVID 19


National Audit Office: -

43:58 - ONS claims About Positive Tests Wander Off Into Irrelevance


ONS Technical Article: -

46:29 - Now You Have COVID Even When You Tests Negative Apparently


Mail Article: -

BBC Article: -

Guardian Article:

48:36 - Huge Number Of Claimed Vaccine Trials


Oxford Vaccine Group Tweet: -

GAVI Article: -

51:00 - UKC Viewer Emails Highlights Legal and Treatment Anomalies 

56:25 - Censorship And Surveillance Increases


Verge Article: -

Guardian Article: -

Teleperformance: -

Executive Committee: -

01:00:47 - BBC Announces Savile Cover Up Drama


Guardian Article: -

BBC Article: -

01:04:40 - Celtic Survivors Draw Attention To Their Voice 

01:05:50 - Scottish Government Inclusive Education Training Not Very Inclusive At All 


LGBT Education Scotland: -
About: -

Time For Inclusive Education (TIE): - 

Scotsman Article: -

Trans Pulse Project: -

01:23:40 - Is the BBC Grooming Children? 


BBC News-beat (For Children): -