No Smoke Without Fire: International Scientific Experts Discuss Covid–19, Vaccine Statistics, Adult and Child Safety

This vital edition of No Smoke Without Fire is the second of two parts examining Covid–19, vaccine statistics, adult and child safety. The discussion has a particular focus on Israel-sourced statistics, and also includes worldwide data sets from some 22 additional countries.

Together with the previous part, 'International Scientific Experts discuss Covid–19 and Vaccines', this discussion and analysis provides a stark wake-up call to those believing the official narrative on Covid–19 and in the efficacy and safety of vaccines. This part also provides a compelling warning that children may be at significant risk from both vaccines and vaccinated adults.

Brian Gerrish is joined by top international scientific experts Dr Anne-Marie Yim and Dr Hervé Seligmann.

Please note that Dr Seligmann is updating and reviewing data every three weeks, and therefore the data and analysis in this interview should not be taken as set in stone.  Since this latter recorded discussion, Dr Seligmann has already indicated that he is seeing some positive movement in the statistics concerning vaccine adverse effects and children. We will therefore be pleased to give him the opportunity report his updated work in future No Smoke Without Fire discussions.

This highly informative and relevant discussion around Covid–19 and vaccine matters has been made possible by the outstanding research and engagement of former nurse Debi Evans SRN, whose own efforts in these complex fields have resonated with the expert views and analysis of both Dr Anne-Marie Yim and Dr Seligmann.

Dr Anne-Marie Yim is French and of Cambodian origin. She holds a doctorate in organic chemistry from the University of Montpellier, France. She worked as a researcher at the University of Michigan in cancer research, particularly in proteomics (the large-scale study of proteins), and was awarded a research prize in 2001 for her work in identifying membrane proteins, awarded by the Office of Technology Transfer at the University of Michigan.

She has expertise in protein chemistry, with a focus on disulfide bridges in cysteine derivatives and the radical enantioselective synthesis of amino acids both in the homogenous and the supported phase, as she did her thesis in the Laboratory of Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins at the University of Montpellier, now the IBMM, Max Mousseron Institute.

Her research papers as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow of the Carcinogenesis Program at the University of Michigan Medical School include An immune response manifested by the common occurrence of annexins I and II autoantibodies and high circulating levels of IL6 in lung cancer and Global profiling of the cell surface proteome of cancer cells uncovers an abundance of proteins with chaperone function.

Aside from her specialist scientific and medical work, she holds a wide range of additional qualifications, including in Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks.

Dr Hervé Seligmann was an invited professor in 2013-18 at the Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, Marseilles, France. His qualifications from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem include a B.Sc. in Biology, an M.Sc. in Plant Physiology (thesis: A morphological marker of transitions towards salt adaptation in Sorghum bicolor, supervised by Dr R.H. Lerner, Department of Plant Sciences), and a Ph.D. in lizard microevolution: Microevolution of proneness to tail loss in lizards. He has been the recipient of a Rothschild Fellowship and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago and the University of Oslo.

He has written an extensive number of peer-reviewed scientific publications, including on key subjects in the evolution of the genetic code structure, alternative gene decoding, and the multifunctionality of mitochondrial tRNAs.

In the previous part, Dr Yim, Dr Seligmann and Debi Evans SRN discussed a range of relevant topics concerning Covid–19 and vaccines, including:

- What is Covid–19 and where did it come from?

- Damaged babies and death risks after vaccination. (This subject is discussed by Dr Seligmann in more detail in the current part, using data from Israel.)

- Blood clotting problems and thrombocytopoenia (absence of platelets).

- Paracetamol versus aspirin.

- Immune system reactions: Cytokine Storm Syndrome, T cells, B cells, the process of inflammation, dealing with inflammation, the value of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, zinc and Vitamin D.

- The work, studies and warnings of virologist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche.


Now, in the current part, Dr Yim, Dr Seligmann and Debi Evans SRN discuss a range of relevant topics concerning Covid–19 and vaccine statistics, together with concerns about adult and child safety. Their discussion includes:

- Covid–19 and vaccine risks to children.

- Lessons learned from Israeli and worldwide Covid–19 and vaccine statistics.

- Vaccine data results from some 23 countries.

- Virus mutation and variants.

- Virus escape.

- Vaccination and its effects on the immune system.

- Vaccination: increases in risk and mortality.

- Foetal congenital abnormalities.

- Children at risk.

- Spike proteins, shedding and transmission.

- Vaccination and its effects on the body's defences against cancer.

- The lack of long-term vaccination data for pregnant women.

- The silencing of scientists speaking out against vaccine policy.

- Governments' and health agencies' denial of the reality of statistical results.