Due to editorial holiday absences, Debi Evans' blog for the past two weeks has been combined.
As the weeks race by, so does the news. If you don’t happen to catch it as it happens, it can easily pass you by. In this edition of my blog, I seek to cover a few of the stories that may be of interest.
Groundbreaking Cure for Genetic Heart Conditions
£30 million has just been awarded by the British Heart Foundation to researchers and scientists to develop a cure for ‘inherited heart muscle disease’ that can kill young people in the prime of their lives. Apparently, 260,000 people in the UK are at risk of sudden death each year. The aim is to ‘rewrite DNA’ with the aim of editing or silencing faulty genes.
Twelve people under the age of 35 die in Britain each year of undiagnosed heart conditions, often (but not always) caused by an inherited heart muscle disease called genetic cardiomyopathy.
Perhaps the British Heart Foundation could invest some funding into investigating the much larger rise in cases of myocarditis and cardiac arrest that have occurred after Covid-19 injections.
Can death be reversed?
According to the latest research, the answer is yes, with OrganEx technology.
OrganEx uses experimental fluids containing compounds that can promote cellular health and suppress inflammation through perfusion. In a recent Nature study, cardiac arrest was induced in anaesthetised pigs who were treated with OrganEx one hour after death. Six hours later, scientists found that key cellular activities were active in the heart, liver and kidneys. Normally, when the heart stops beating organs begin to swell—these in turn collapse blood vessels, blocking circulation. However, these revived pigs appeared functional at cell and tissue level.
Aside raising many ethical questions on the definition of death, this research also challenges the idea that cardiac arrest is irreversible.
Ultrasound patch ‘scan on the go’
We have been warning our audience to keep an eye on medical devices and wearables that are flooding the market. We have specifically warned viewers to be on the lookout for ‘biosensors’ that will remotely relay your medical information and real-time data back to ‘health professionals’—although no-one appears to know who exactly will be monitoring it.
A bioadhesive patch containing microneedles no bigger than a postage stamp, placed on the skin, will be able to monitor how your organs are working whilst you carry on with your day-to-day life. Scan on the go!
GPs: fundamental developments
Have you received a stool specimen request through your door recently? I have. The drive is on to detect bowel cancer early—so worry no more: your GP is about to offer you a quick ten-minute scan to observe your bowel!
A new device called LumenEye consists of a small disposable probe about eight inches in length, with a high-definition camera on the end, that will examine the lower part of the colon. This should eliminate the discomfort of a colonoscopy and the interminable wait for an appointment for one.
Quite how primary healthcare doctors will have time to carry out these tests, I am unsure. As face-to-face GP appointments become more uncommon, perhaps face-to-bottom appointments are what we should be looking forward to. I still can’t grasp how Britain is able to have the time and resources to test healthy people when there are over six million (roughly 10% of the population) on the NHS waiting lists.
As if that isn’t bad enough, appointments will now be recorded in the guise of ‘quality control’. Convenient.
After the recent cyber attack on the NHS, it now transpires that GPs are sharing our medical records in easily-hackable Microsoft Word documents! This raises huge privacy concerns. Who has your data? Where is your data?
British cyber outage affecting health calls
Care homes, pharmacies and the UK's much-touted non-emergency health phone line 111 have been severely disrupted by hackers thought to be linked to a hostile state.
The attack was first noticed on 4 August and the fallout is believed to have continued until 9 August. GPs have been warned to expect more calls, and the Isle of Wight NHS Trust—covering an island which only very recently started offering the 111 service—declared a critical incident after experiencing sustained pressure on its Accident & Emergency services.
The UK is first again—two cheers! Moderna’s new bivalent ‘vaccine’ has been approved by the MHRA to be used as the adult Covid booster. Bivalency means that the jab is recognised as effective against both the originally-encountered SARS-CoV-2 and the ‘Omicron variant’. The MHRA, the regulator that loves to enable, is keen to say that ‘no serious safety concerns were identified with the new Moderna formulation’.
Let’s not forget that Moderna signed a £1 billion deal with the UK authorities to build the country’s first mRNA vaccine facility earlier this year. The MHRA is looking forward to authorising more jabs in the autumn. I don’t share their enthusiasm.
Paxlovid and rebound Covid
Paxlovid is an antiviral made by Pfizer. In tablet form, it is given to those who test positive for Covid-19 and deemed vulnerable. Said to be a game-changer in the armour of Covid therapeutics: three tablets per day for five days, to be taken within five days of symptoms manifesting.
However, all is not what it may seem. Paxlovid is under emergency-use authorisation and is not effective for people who are vaccinated. Watch out for the term ‘rebound Covid’. In this short video, Dr Fauci (who has just announced his retirement) reveals he has been a victim of ‘rebound Covid’. Do we believe him? No chance. We should recall that President Biden appears to be a victim of ‘rebound Covid’ too, despite having had four jabs and a course of Paxlovid.
As one would expect of a regulator, the MHRA has powers to recall a drug immediately if there are potentially dangerous batches. The agency therefore could, and should, issue a recall and immediate stoppage of the Covid-19 injections, having received over 450,000 serious adverse event reports as Yellow Cards. However, its CEO Dame June Raine appears to have her eyes and ears closed, and has forgotten what the word ‘safety’ actually means.
Mexiletine is the MHRA's latest recall:
There has been a Class 1 Recall by MHRA for three potentially dangerous batches. Please be aware these batches are still in date and those taking it should be aware of this recall. Use of this medicine will now be classified as ‘off label’, meaning that it is prescribed at the discretion of the practitioner whose liability is increased. If you are using this medicine, please check your batch.
Mexiletine is a medication used to treat certain types of serious—possibly fatal—heartbeat irregularities, including ventricular tachycardia (fast pulse that doesn’t slow down). It is used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a steady, regular heartbeat. It is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug and works by blocking certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating heartbeat irregularities can decrease the risk of blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.
The MHRA's June 2022 board meeting has addressed this matter, and UK Column has transcribed the most telling section of remarks made by Andy Morling, Chief Enforcement Officer. The MHRA sets out in these remarks that one in ten of the British public are buying their drugs online. Some of the reasons given to explain this are that patients are unable to get an appointment with their doctor, or are struggling to convince their doctor to prescribe what they feel they need, or are blocked by shortages in medicine supplies.
In Morling's terms, a ‘ring of steel’ is to be placed around the UK, prohibiting us from sourcing or buying any medicines from ‘fake pharmacies’. The MHRA wields huge legal powers, and collaborates with the Border Agency, HMRC (customs), the National Crime Agency (Britain’s closest equivalent to the FBI), and the Department for Work and Pensions (which can withhold wages and welfare from individuals), amongst other bodies.
Update: I did not receive any correspondence back from Dame June Raine by 5 pm on 1 August 2022 with answers to my Freedom of Information submissions and complaints. This is now a clear indication that she has no answers to my questions regarding the safety of the injections. Therefore, I conclude that the experts who are voicing concerns over the injection who are able to evidence their concerns are the only ones we should be listening to, and that the MHRA (acronym: HARM) is nothing more than a dangerous organisation empowered with the ability to cause death and serious injury to British citizens.
Yellow Cards
The MHRA admits it has NO PROCESS to follow up Yellow Card reports of vaccine adverse events
Nick Denim, a retired senior civil servant, has received an answer to his well-informed Freedom of Information submission. Startlingly, it confirms what we already knew, which was that the MHRA does not follow up on its Yellow Card adverse reaction reports.
UK Column has previously reported on Dame June Raine’s admission, during a lecture paying homage to Sir Alistair Breckenridge, that processing Yellow Cards was logistically impossible, given the high volume. Even though the agency was expecting 100,000 serious adverse reactions (!), there was no system in place to be able to help any of the victims. I applaud Mr Denim for continuing to dig and to expose the MHRA as the mere enabler of Big Pharma. There is no reference to ‘safety’ in this wording because, in the MHRA's eyes, it need not exist.
We are hearing at UK Column from those that have submitted reports to the MHRA that their Yellow Card accounts have been ‘deactivated’. As of the time of writing, we cannot confirm the reason why this has happened; but if it happens to you, it is not an isolated incident.
Unlike in the USA, where a national health emergency has been declared, Monkeypox is plateauing in the UK, according to the UK Health Security Agency. This is officially being attributed to a targeted vaccination effort.
As we know, however, there is no vaccine available for monkeypox. 200,000 smallpox vaccines have been ordered by the UKHSA, but these are slow in arriving. Many clinics are reporting having run out of them. But remember, even if you do get a misnamed "monkeypox jab", it won't be lifelong cover; you will need more.
After polio virus was detected in the sewage in London, the UKHSA has declared a national ‘enhanced’ incident response to coordinate the investigation and response to the polio incident. Of course, the UKHSA was eager to inform the WHO as early as possible that it is prioritising a drive to vaccinate one- to ten-year-olds. In the northern boroughs of London, there is already an active call and recall of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children under the age of five, which is being promulgated through the local primary care teams. The authorities plan to extend this push to all under-18s.
Due to the large numbers of unvaccinated and partially vaccinated population, the authorities admit that the ‘vaccine’ will be insufficient to prevent cases of paralysis or control the spread of infection. Now, there’s an admission.
At this point, I would like readers to be aware of another condition called Acute Flaccid Paralysis, which can affect young children. Emphasis is added in the following quotation.
As part of the maternal pertussis vaccination programme, introduced in 2012, a dose of polio containing vaccine (dTaP/IPV) is also given in pregnancy. The National Vaccine Evaluation Consortium (NVEC) iMAP2 study showed that maternal pertussis vaccination provides high levels of antibody against pertussis, tetanus, diphtheria to young infants. This provides high levels of protection against whooping cough, and the successful programme has been shown to reduce the risk of infant deaths from this disease (Ladhani and others 2015, Amirthalingam and others 2014). It is estimated that the maternal pertussis programme has prevented between 82 and 170 infant deaths between 2012 and 2017 (Sandmann and others 2020).
Unpublished evidence from the NVEC study suggests that these high antibody levels may reduce the infant’s response to IPV when measured at 12 months. The clinical significance of this finding is not clear, but the lower antibody level is likely to persist up until the administration of the pre-school IPV booster at 3 years 4 months, and children who miss this booster dose may remain susceptible. Lower uptake of the booster is especially common in affected areas of London. It is therefore plausible that the somewhat lower antibody levels might be less good at preventing VDPV2 transmission. It is anticipated that this potential immunity gap will be corrected by the administration of a polio containing vaccine to children aged one year and above, as maternal antibodies will no longer interfere with the active immune response. There are no planned changes to the maternal pertussis immunisation programme and it is still recommended for those who are pregnant.
What confuses me is that it only takes a couple of samples to accelerate a massive vaccine drive—and yet, as a regular sewer flood victim who lives literally in raw sewage in Cornwall, I hear no-one knocking on my door to see if I am healthy. On the contrary, everyone ignores us! Sir Christopher Whitty seems more interested in sewage going into rivers than homes, and as for South West Water, they deny it is their sewage that is responsible; but I have a sewer alarm on my now-valueless home (thanks to the 500 homes above me flushing their toilets into my house when it rains heavily).
So how is it ‘safe to stay at home’? Either Covid/polio and anything equally obnoxious is dangerous, or it isn’t. They can’t have it both ways. As of the time of writing, we are on a severe flash flood alert, so who knows? By the time you read this, I could be once again up to my knees in raw sewage—but I bet there won’t be anyone rushing to see how I am coping. Certainly, Cornwall Council and South West Water appear to think it is acceptable for people to ‘stay at home’ in raw faeces.
Cost of Living payment
The £324 cost of living payment awarded by the Department of Work and Pensions to welfare recipients may have been paid to some who are not eligible for it. In order to be eligible, you must be in receipt of Universal Credit, Pension Credit, Income Support, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, or income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, child tax credit or working tax credit.
The DWP has warned that some who are in receipt of certain kinds of tax credits who have received the payment are not eligible and will have to pay the money back.
DWP bans energy firms from extracting more cash from welfare recipients
Did you know that a government rule is in place until until spring next year which means that people on benefits are now temporarily protected from rising gas and electricity rates announced after the previous energy price cap increase? You do now.
Those on benefits whose energy payments are being paid directly from the DWP to the provider will not have any extra money docked from their Income Support, because the DWP has announced that it will not increase the amount of its direct payments to the energy providers, nor will it further adjust the situation, until April 2023.
However, this will not stop a debt being accrued, since the newly-increased energy bills will still be owing and will have to be repaid in due course by someone. That someone is not going to be the DWP; in the end, it will be you, the welfare recipient. You will ultimately not be immune from the effect of further energy price cap rises in October 2022 and January 2023, and you should budget accordingly. If in doubt, it is best to contact the DWP.
Covid injections for 5- to 11-year-olds
UK Column was perhaps the first, and certainly one of the first, media outlets to warn their audience of the profile of the Covid-19 vaccine target group for autumn 2022. The unvaccinated, pregnant women and children under twelve. As reported cases reduce, one can’t help but wonder why the push to jab for a fourth time and to target five- to eleven-year-old children, who are not at risk of getting sick from or dying of Covid.
Here in Cornwall, we are already doing all we can to entice our children through the clinic door. Toys, sensory rooms, sticky blue badges with a yellow star, inflatable seats, books and therapy dogs are all part of the ‘experience’ to lure our precious children in for an experimental jab that they don’t want and certainly don’t need:
Cornwall, creates a relaxed, friendly environment to put children at ease when getting their jabs.
With inflatable seats, children’s books, toys and visits from therapy dogs like Molly, who was there when we visited this week, these centres are designed to take the fear out of injections. With Covid-19 vaccinations available for children over five the centres are a world away from sterile medical centres.
As Noah was led in to get his vaccination, a nurse sat and looked at a picture book with him as another nurse administered the injection. Within seconds it was all done and while there were a few tears afterwards Noah was soon reassured with a friendly stroke with Molly the Pets as Therapy dog.
Is anyone else feeling sad and sick? Fortunately the uptake for this age thus far is very low, so parents should feel confident in their decision not to vaccinate their healthy children with an experimental injection. It is that simple.
My recent interview with Dr Ros Jones, a retired consultant paediatrician, and Dr Christian Buckland is a must-watch for every parent of a primary school child who may be thinking of having their child jabbed.
US VAERS data on post-vaccine child deaths
In the USA, there have been 45 reports of children dying after receiving the Covid-19 injection up to July 2022. Britain's MHRA does not give specific details of the ages of victims who experience serious adverse reactions or, worse, who die. We will never know how many of our children are being injured through an experimental injection that they neither need nor want.
While the VAERS data does give more information pertaining to each report, it is not detailed, and often the specific age is omitted. Many of the deaths appear to be associated with myocarditis and pericarditis. Foetal deaths are also being reported.
In the past, any vaccine would have been stopped immediately after 25 or 50 deaths of adults, let alone children, let alone three children during clinical trials!
The rule is simple. Never ever experiment on children, unborn babies or their mothers.
Otherwise known in my day as post-viral fatigue syndrome, 'long COVID' now has three different types, all with different symptoms. According to King's College, London, the three types are:
- Neurological – brain fog, headache, fatigue. Mainly found in those infected with Alpha or Delta.
- Respiratory – chest pain, shortness of breath. Mainly found amongst those infected during the first wave.
- Anything goes – a gamut of differing symptoms including heart palpitations, muscle ache, and changes in skin and hair.
These symptoms sound remarkably like those which many are suffering from after taking the Covid-19 injection (a gene platform). With my curiosity hat on, I would like to know how many of those suffering from long Covid are vaccinated. Research is ongoing; however, I have spoken to many who are vaccine-injured who describe all of the above symptoms, which started not after they contracted Covid-19 but after they took the Covid-19 vaccine. Are we to see ‘experts’ blaming long Covid for these symptoms, only to ignore the very real possibility that the cause could be cure? I fear this may be the case. When in doubt, blame Covid.
Medical innovations to look out for
Vocal biomarkers – From the digital characteristics of your voice, red flags will be detected by an algorithm which will replace a human. In the near future, when you ring 111 or your doctor for advice, it will be a computer somewhere that determines your condition. Saving money for sure, but saving lives? It is already being used to detect Covid-19!
AI in diagnosis — Using AI via smartphone apps or sensors will be one of the first points of contact with the healthcare system in the future. Apps are being used currently to diagnose skin conditions. AI is seen by a certain type of administrator as superior to humans, in making suggestions to the physician of where he should investigate—saving time, money and unnecessary, often invasive, tests. But what is lost amid these savings?
Chatbots in healthcare or ‘voice based interfaces’ are taking their place in healthcare. Chatbots will conduct conversations with you now already; they will help overloaded doctors and nurses, we are told. Perfect assistants to help you (not a medic) deal with medication management, offering solutions for simple health issues, monitoring appointment no-shows, or reminding you of an appointment. In effect, this will replace 999 emergency calls with an old-fashioned human at the end of the phone. But what if you don’t have a phone?
At-home tests — This will be the easiest to implement quickly. Already we are seeing bowel tests coming through our doors – we are living in the era of test test test…..even if you are healthy! Test – just in case. Test – to eliminate disease that is hard to pick up early. Test - to keep you healthy? Test EVERYONE for EVERYTHING …. To have access to a wide range of lab tests and analysis without the need for a lab will be revolutionary. Over the past few years Microbiome tests, DNA tests have become ‘normal’ already. Prepare for more. The digital paradigm is shifting from reactive to proactive care. The NHS Long Term plan maps out the future for patients to take responsibility for their own care. How convenient that this will be marketed as ‘empowering the patient’ probably to ‘keep them safe’, forgive my cynicism.
Digital health insurance will become the norm in this age of digital health and digital identification. Not satisfied with knowing your age, smoker status and medical history, insurance companies are about to be much better informed. With them gaining access to personal health records, we should all ask ourselves how they will use them. In the USA, they are already incentivising (nagging) their customers. It is coming here soon. But what if you don’t subscribe to a digital identification?
MEDTAG UK — Cards, chips and a digital interface: State-of-the-art technology that you really can’t do without (this is sarcasm, if you handn't noticed). Sweden, with its remarkably trusting population, has been using microchips and cards for a while. The UK is not far behind. Medtag insist that life would be much simpler if our medical profile was accessible 24/7; in fact, it could save your life. No more need to carry a bothersome wallet. What is more, Meditag will allow us to record our vaccine status, and you will be able to upload your certificate whenever you need to show papers please. Don’t forget, it’s the MHRA that regulates medical devices.
Many pieces of information can be stored on a chip or a card that provides a digital interface to the real world. Your credit card information, bus pass, purse and wallet can now all be stored in a tiny RFID chip under your skin. You need never get lost again. Imagine the benefits: everyone, including children, the elderly and the vulnerable, can be tracked to keep them safe. No more theft, no more mistakes. However—and there is a huge 'however'—let’s look at the cons.
Who knows how this is going to work? It has never been done before and no one has any idea of what problems will be encountered along the way. Who knows till it is tried? Who will be able to access your personal information? What happens if your data gets leaked to hackers? Who replaces the technology and at what cost? What standards are in place to regulate this new digital industry? Will it be ONE company that provides this ‘service’ or will you have to have different cards/chips for different services? What happens if the chip moves in the body and ends up somewhere it shouldn’t be?
A digital brave new world controlled by cards and chips? No thanks.
NHS England
On 4 August, NHS England announced details of its new ‘clinical summits’ for those interested in expanding ‘virtual wards’ staffed by robot nurses. UK Column has been reporting on the advent of hospital at home and virtual wards for many months.
A virtual ward is claimed to provide hospital-level, safe, clinical care at home for patients who would normally be in hospital. We won’t all get the same level of care; it will depend on the assessment of the individual. Some hospital at home admissions will involve staff working remotely using sensors and technology to monitor vital signs; however, others will involve more one-to-one contact if intravenous infusions or tests are required. Apparently, patients prefer to be treated at home, and it is significantly cheaper. The Hospital At Home Society provides resources to anyone wishing to provide this service. Hospital at Home is here to stay—but do we want it?
Having spoken to experts within the NHS, I have the distinct impression that few have much faith in the scheme. Financially, it is far too expensive to roll out broadly. A District Nurse has to go through years of training and is highly skilled. There are not enough of them as it is, so who will provide this round-the-clock care? Robots? Meet Grace. The technology involved is often inaccessible to those who need it. It simply won’t work. Whatever next—frailty care at home? Bring back Matron.
Amanda Pritchard, the overall CEO of the NHS, has just published a letter to map out what we are to expect in the next few months and through the winter. It isn’t a positive read; jab, jab, jab.
The ambulance service is still in collapse. The NHS has just signed a £30 million contract with the St John Ambulance Service. Its volunteer crews will be acting as an auxiliary service and will be expected to deliver at least 5,000 hours of support per month, equating to more than 400 twelve-hour shifts,
Meanwhile, the BBC is screening a new documentary on how the ambulance service has collapsed, with crews facing waits of up to half their shift to unload ill patients into hospital Accident & Emergency. The elderly are waiting up to a whole day for an ambulance to arrive, and the whole system is in collapse.
As many water companies in the UK have issued hosepipe bans and warned of water shortages through early August, tips on how to save water are flooding in (pardon the pun). Forget the shower entirely and rely on a damp towel to keep clean. This advice is made even more laughable given that British water companies say every drop is precious yet lose three billion litres a day through leakages!
Viewers of UK Column know that I have been fighting my own water company, South West Water, for over a decade. I addressed an Alternative View audience about this fight years ago. Water companies are not here to serve us and their regulatory framework verges on the non-existent; their priority is to reward their shareholders and executives, rather than fixing leaks and updating their infrastructure. The entire water industry is unfit for purpose and radical changes are needed. The Environment Agency has called for water bosses to be locked up. I will second that, and would offer to throw away the keys.
More official tips to save water are to collect your ablution water (if you do sinfully decide to shower) and then to flush the toilet with it! And whilst you are at it, play a four-minute song to prompt you to leap out quickly. Yorkshire Water insists you scrape leftover food into a compost bin; don’t rinse it first!
My best advice to the water companies is, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Fix the leaks and then I will reduce my water consumption—which, incidentally, is already pretty low.
Transgenderism and Drag Queens
Cornwall Council's Transgender Policy has been written in collaboration with the Intercom Trust, Devon and Cornwall Police, Cornwall Council, and the county's head teachers. It is the first local government policy on this matter in the UK to be incorporated into schools and colleges, and is specifically aimed at supporting Transgender pupils and students.
It is a pioneering—and in my opinion a terrifying—partnership at work here, showing that Cornwall is determined to lead the way, using drag queens to educate and support children in education who identify as transgender. We have already covered on UK Column News that a Cornish library, Bodmin, employed a security guard to turn the uninvited public away from its taxpayer-funded premises when a drag queen was recently hosted there to read to small children.
Drag Queen Story Time is proliferating around Cornwall. Both protesters and supporters of Aida H Dee, alias author and performer Sab Samuel—also gathered outside storytelling sessions in Falmouth, St Ives and Penzance last week. While supporters waved the LBGTQ+ rainbow flag, protesters in Bodmin who got as close as the bouncers and police allowed held signs stating "We are against grooming", "Leave our kids alone", "Let kids be kids", and "We are not transphobes".
Contactless Digital Border
Home Secretary Priti Patel has announced Britain's plan for a contactless digital border to be launched in two years. Electronic Travel Authorisations, which the USA already has and the EU is implementing imminently, will allow more international visitors to use eGates. Digital Customer Accounts will help customers applying for visas have a more streamlined process, with clearer access to eVisas needed for travel.
This new, digital system will mean we will understand more about the people coming to the UK before they travel, helping to improve security as well as queue times at the border. Why don’t I believe them?
Kalergi Plan
What is happening to Europe? How many of us have ever heard of the Kalergi Plan? It has long been described as a conspiracy theory. Perhaps it is worth revisiting, given the times we appear to be living in? It is often mentioned as the intellectual precursor to the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ that began to be discussed in France half a century ago.
In the 1920s, Freemason Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi wrote a book called Practical Idealism, which has been cited as provoking extreme anti-Semitism. Kalergi was the pioneer and founder of the Pan-European Union and is regarded as the spiritual forefather of the European Union. Kalergi, backed by Baron Louis Rothschild, called for a destruction of European nation states and the indigenous, overwhelmingly white, population. The proposal was that through enforced mass migration, a wealthy élite would dominate a mixed-race underclass. Wikipedia is keen to tell you that the below quotation has been maliciously misinterpreted:
The [European] man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of space [nations], time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals.
Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
Are we actually witnessing the Kalergi Plan in action? A deliberate use of enforced mass immigration from non-European countries? A pan-European single state dictatorship devoid of Caucasians? Kalergi was revered and held in high esteem; in his honour, the European Union awards a Coudenhove-Kalergi prize (Charlemagne Prize) to ‘Europeans who have excelled in promoting European integration’. Its roll of honour includes Angela Merkel, Tony Blair and Henry Kissinger. The question we should all be asking ourselves is: Why is a genocidal racist such as Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi being honoured by the European Union?
Perhaps this poses more questions than answers. Whether we accept the historical veracity of the Kalergi Plan or not, it cannot be doubted that we are seeing mass and disproportionate movement and deliberate displacement of people to Europe. Perhaps we should brace ourselves for another wave of economic migrants, as well as the asylum seekers who—despite being so desperate—manage to raise extraordinarily high amounts of money to secure their crossing over the channel in a rubber dinghy. Infodirekt, an Austrian magazine, reported on 5 August 2015, the first summer of the current wave of mass migration to Europe, that US government agencies were paying for the transport of migrants to Europe. They stated:
It has come to our knowledge that US organisations are paying for the boats taking thousands of refugees to Europe. US organisations have created a co-financing scheme which provides for a considerable portion of the transportation costs. Not every refugee from North Africa has 11,000 Euro cash. Nobody is asking, "Where is the money coming from?"
Recently, there have been reports of the French Government and officials turning a blind eye to English Channel crossings by small craft. Looking back to 2008, we see plans to allow 50 million African workers into Europe. Are we now reaping what Kalergi sowed?
A conspiracy is only a conspiracy when it’s not real. Do you think the Kalergi Plan is a conspiracy—or is it happening in plain sight but no-one has noticed?