I am told, by the wonders of my computer, that this blog will take the average reader about fifteen minutes to read. That said, I thought it may be helpful to give you an idea of what is included in this week’s blog, which will allow you to choose what to read, what to skip or what to save for another time. “Convenience or Control?”, my first heading below, is perhaps the most thought-provoking topic.
This week I will also discuss Cancer Vaccines, Junior Doctors strikes, Polio jabs for children, Viraleze, Endolysins (the new generation of antibiotic), Vaccine Injuries and claims for Vaccine Damage Payment, Jeddah and the NHS, Society 5.0, the MHRA Board meeting, the NHS and millionaire lifestyles, and Job applications for the Senior Fraud Office. I hope there is something for everyone.
But before we dive deeper, I would like to link everyone to the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979 and the debate that was held in Parliament with Sir Christopher Chope on Friday 24 March 2023. We fully support Sir Christopher in seeking justice for those who are suffering from vaccine injuries. Please click here for the full debate.
Convenience or Control?
What does that word ‘convenience’ mean? According to Merriam Webster, it denotes something “designed for quick and easy preparation or use”. It appears that as long as things are convenient, we are happy. But it seems that happiness and satisfaction are a big price to pay for what essentially means ‘control’. Has happiness become convenient?
Convenience surrounds us, whether it’s a ready-made microwave meal or a takeaway delivered to your front door. It was no coincidence during lockup that we all became so used to seeing supermarket delivery vans as they took on an ‘emergency’ or ‘priority’ service role, delivering all our essentials right to our doorstep, glove- and mask-compliant.
When does convenience become passive control? There’s a fine line that I believe we are in danger of crossing or, maybe inadvertently, we are too late and have already gone one step too far. Are our youngsters being sucked into a world of convenience that will become their prison?
In the old days, if you wanted information, you would go to a library. If you wanted specialist information, you would seek a teacher in that subject. If you wanted to speak to someone, you would either talk directly to them or find a phone box to ring them. Googling wasn’t a word in my teenage years, but today it’s a word most of us use on a regular basis. If you don’t know the answer to a question, ask Alexa or google it. Working at home is convenient too. Who wants to get up at the crack of dawn, rush to get the kids ready for school, get yourself ready in a hurry, only to face traffic jams and parking wars? You could, more conveniently, save a lot of time and effort by doing all you need to do at home on a computer. The height of convenience, right?
How quickly we have become used to ‘convenience’ shopping. Did anyone notice during the first lockup just how well the big retailers, online retailers and supermarket giants did? On the other hand, the smaller retailers and corner shops struggled as they tried to navigate their way through plexiglass screens, masks and cope with the limitation of just one or two customers in the shop at any given time. Many have since closed, unable to keep up with the slick, regular home deliveries that were in so much demand during the lockup. Have the big retailers been gorging themselves from feasting on the small independent retailers? I am not quite old enough to remember candlestick makers; they disappeared, snuffed out by a bulb. Is the same to be said for independent butchers and bakers? Are they to become a distant memory of the past too? Will we even notice they have gone?
Convenience has come in many forms: banking, for one. It’s incredibly easy to swipe a phone, waft a card or transfer money via an app. I remember the banks of the 1960s to 1980s, with rows of tellers, marble floors and a big door at one end that housed the bank manager. The bank scene in Mary Poppins, recently featured by David Scott, wasn’t far off reality. How many of us felt trepidation at the thought of a meeting with the bank manager? They had a lot of power in those days: they could dash all your hopes with one strike of the pen or they could open doors that were never dreamed possible. Bank managers of individual branches had names and had often been there for many years. They knew their clients and their families well, and decisions were made on individual circumstances and past banking history.
Nowadays, convenience decrees that we no longer need physical banks, bank tellers or managers. I wonder how many of us know our bank managers by name. Our money is magically transferred from notes and coins into digital money, which apparently lives on a cloud—and clouds, by definition, have no stability. Clouds appear, drift, then disappear—perhaps that’s an omen for whatever is stored on it or in it.
The limited supply of fiat currency makes you wonder why ATMs are being closed down and physical banks are reducing in number. Maybe they don’t want the public to have anywhere to go to access cash in the event of another banking crisis. Or do they know something we don’t?
So it appears that convenience comes at a cost, and I would go further to suggest that cost affects all of our finances through tough control and AI surveillance tactics. Was it worth it? With many small banks currently at risk of being munched up by the big banks, I think not. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England tell us that all is well and not to worry—but this only increases my concern. Contagion or containment? For now it appears those in ‘control’ cannot control the ‘contagion’ that is infecting our banking system. A fast-moving story, and one to keep our eyes on.
Global trial for cancer vaccines
Consultant Surgeon Robert Jones has been appointed to head a worldwide clinical trial using mRNA technology and individual genetic coding to develop primarily a bowel cancer vaccine. Perhaps that is why we have all been receiving stool testing kits through our letter boxes courtesy of the NHS. The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Liverpool (where Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, Commission of Human Medicines, holds his tenure) are collaborating in order to ‘change the face of cancer treatment’.
Regular viewers of UK Column News will know that at the latest MHRA board meeting, CEO Dame June Raine got very excited at the prospect of the UK public being first in line for all novel medicines, including cancer vaccines. These jabs are what are known as ‘personalised medicine’. To be suitable for the trial, you have to have had surgery for bowel cancer and been offered chemotherapy. There are 350 places available, if you fancy your chances. But we all know where mRNA technology has got us thus far, don’t we?
Junior Doctors
As the trains get going again and nurses return to work, junior doctors are still planning on going on strike for four days in April. For 96 hours from 11 to 15 April, our NHS will be staffed by Consultants, who by their own admission grant that the NHS would be in safer hands without their stressed junior colleagues. With an estimated 180,000 operations and appointments having to be cancelled and rescheduled, the walkout could cost an eye-watering £92 million in fees paid to those very same Consultants.
The junior doctors, represented by the British Medical Association, are asking for a 35% pay increase. Whilst some of the public have sympathy with junior doctors, I would argue that many of the public whom I’m in contact with say they would support their actions more if the service they were receiving warranted it. With NHS waiting lists increasing by the day and in-person GP appointments still being difficult to access, I can understand why the British public is getting frustrated. Although junior doctors may have an argument with their employers, they should not be allowed to take it out on their vulnerable, sick patients.
Polio—Children aged 1–11 years—Catch-Up Campaign
After the initial flurry of media activity on an alleged case of polio found in waste water last year, it appears to have gone rather quiet. The reason it has gone quiet is because there have been no further cases detected, which apparently suggests that transmission in London has significantly reduced. But, as per usual, we are all living under the mighty rule of the World Health Organisation, which deems the need for twelve months of zero detections before the UK is no longer deemed a “polio infected country”.
This appears to be an excuse to jab our children aged between 1 and 11 years with a polio jab and other routine childhood vaccinations. A ‘catch-up’ campaign is being launched by the UK Health Security Agency in London just after Easter. In the summer term, primary schools and community clinics will focus on communities with the lowest level of vaccine uptake. People in London, keep alert: a vaccination team could be visiting your child’s school soon. Did you know about this? Have you been informed? Do you consent?
Viraleze—a new research trial
It seems that clinical trials are becoming bread-and-butter essentials for the United Kingdom. How many more of us will get roped into fast-tracked clinical trials where we will get the newest medicines first? This time, it is the research department of St Peter’s Hospital, Surrey, which is inviting participants to trial the first-ever barrier antiviral nasal spray against Covid–19. To be eligible, you must have had (or been suspected of having) Covid–19, and you will be required to collect nasal swabs for seven days. Not for me, thanks! But don’t worry, you will be rewarded with £250 to cover your involvement in the trial; cheap at half the price. The trial is sponsored by Starpharma.
Please note, as a retired Ear, Nose and Throat nurse, I would never encourage anyone to insert anything up their nose. For those who would like to know why, it is all explained in my interview PCR Testing and the Genome Beast with Brian Gerrish.
Endolysins to replace antibiotics for resistant bacteria
How many of you reading will have heard of endolysins? I hadn’t, so I decided to do a bit more research. Most of our regular audience will know that I have been reporting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) for over a year. What happens when antibiotics no longer work? What happens when bugs become superbugs and resistant to the antibiotics we have become so familiar with? The answer could lie in the advent of a new generation of ‘antibiotic’ called endolysins.
But before you get too excited, let’s dive a bit deeper.
What is the solution to ‘resistant bacteria’? Endolysins are produced by ‘virus’ (I am aware that the mere mention of the word ‘virus’ won’t sit well with all of you reading, but please don’t shoot the messenger!) and are enzymes. Endolysins work in a different way to an antibiotic. They are very precise and directly attack specific targets (certain bacteria), as opposed to traditional antibiotics, which target all bacteria regardless of what or where they are. Endolysins also work very quickly, hitting their target within twenty minutes of administration.
Many will have heard of methicillin-resistant Staphilococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA. Big Pharma is now ready to bring endolysins to market for humans: for MRSA, listeria and E. coli. For more information on endolysins and phage therapy, please consult Phageguard.
Vaccine injury claims soar
I was prompted to buy an edition of the Telegraph last Saturday, as many viewers kindly alerted me to a tiny report at the bottom of page 9 entitled ‘Hiring spree as vaccine injury claims soar’. This is a story of great significance that should have warranted front-page attention. The Telegraph wrote that the considerable increase in demands for vaccine damage compensation has necessitated a twentyfold increase in recruitment of assessment staff. Originally, within the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme handling office, there were four administrative staff to handle and process claims; now there are eighty. Freedom of Information requests have revealed that there have been more than 4,000 British claims related to a Covid–19 vaccine since November 2021.
King’s College NHS Trust encourages nurses and doctors to join them—on the Red Sea
Staying with the Telegraph, since I bought a copy, it appears that King’s College Hospital cannot recruit staff. As it is already marked as a ‘failing Trust’, what could be a more sensible managerial move than partnering up with Saudi Arabia and incentivising all your remaining staff move to the Middle East to enjoy higher tax free wages, improved working conditions, sun and better living conditions? King’s College Jeddah is currently recruiting, and one of the only requirements is that all nursing candidates must be degree-level and include two years of post-qualification work experience. That rules me out: I am a mere practically-trained nurse who learned at the bedside, not on a computer at a desk.
The hospital will open in early 2024 and is expected to have over 150 beds, expanding to 250, with 1,200 staff members. About 30% of its doctors will come from the UK. Does this sound counter-productive to you? Why would a failing NHS trust be enticing its staff abroad, leaving them even more vulnerable? Something doesn’t seem right. It appears that King’s College London Hospital Trust believes that the partnership is an ‘investment’ and that all profits will be ploughed back into the “British health system”. However, it should be noted that:
Under a complex set of financial arrangements, taxpayers’ money invested in the NHS is used to support partnerships abroad.
A spokesperson for King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust said:
By partnering with private investors to develop new healthcare facilities overseas, we are able to share our knowledge, skills and expertise, with all profits generated from this work reinvested back into the NHS for the benefit of UK patients.
It makes no clinical sense that the UK poaches nurses from Nepal, a World Health Organisation-designated ‘red list country’, in order to send our own home-grown nurses out to an oil hyperexporter. It might make financial sense, though.
Society 5.0
We have all become used to the term ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, hailed by the Great Reset enthusiasts. As this post-industrial age speeds towards us and we become immersed in a ‘brave new world’, what will come next? I discovered the term ‘Society 5.0’ purely by chance. A ‘super-smart’ society that you’d have to be stupid to want to be part of, in my honest opinion. It is marketed as a society where you will be ‘happy’ and feel your worth. Now, where do I remember hearing that before? From the seers of Davos, if my memory serves me correctly. And if you think money makes you happy, you’d be wrong. According to the WEF, money only makes the elitists happy; the rest of us don’t need money to make us happy. In fact, having too much money makes us proles less happy—you can’t make this up.
Society 5.0 is billed as a ‘human-centred’ society. This will encompass economic and technological advances and super-smart artificial intelligence data systems. But what will it look like in reality, and where will it first be rolled out?
A new vision, a new concept. You might recall UK Column reporting on digital twins and how we will all have one—even our homes, our planet and our future each have a ‘twin’. This is the reality of how it will affect our lives from here on in: an integration of super-intelligence and humans. Or, in simple terms, how robots can take over the mundane tasks humans currently do, in order that humans may make better use of their time. Digital twins and Society 5.0 are inextricably linked.
First proposed by the Japanese Government, the phrase Society 5.0 encapsulates a vision of how Japan is aspiring to embrace the new hi-tech future. In case you are wondering why this dispensation of humanity is called Society 5.0, it is because we have moved on from Societies 1, 2 and 3 and are currently shifting into 4. The definitions offered are:
Society 1 – Hunting society
Society 2 – Agricultural society
Society 3 – Industrial society
Society 4 – Information society
Society 5 – Human-centred society
The following is a quotation from Professor Harayama Yuko, Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, who sits on the board of the Elsevier Foundation and is a member of the Scientific Steering Committee for the French National Research Agency:
Society 5.0 is an initiative merging the physical space (real world) and cyberspace by leveraging ICT to its fullest, where we are proposing an ideal form of our future society: a super-smart society. We consider this as a concept to be developed alongside citizens.
If you would like to learn a little more of the dystopian future we are about to enter, here is a five-minute video which might help. Society 5.0 is a big subject and one we should be paying more attention to. Here are a few more links you may find interesting:
European Commission's Economic and Social Committee
World Economic Forum
Japanese Cabinet Office
MHRA board meeting—A taste of their own harm data
As reported on UK Column News, the MHRA was once again in the spotlight last week. The MHRA board meetings have become a staple diet of the UK Column and, unlike many other broadcasters, we have kept our finger on the pulse of the MHRA (remember, it’s an anagram of ‘HARM’) since the beginning of our present woes.
I am delighted that so many UK Column viewers make the effort to register, attend and ask questions at the MHRA board meetings: no-one more so this time than our very own friend and past interviewee Cheryl Grainger, who managed to persuade the MHRA that her question was one that warranted a live answer at the board meeting. How fortunate that it was recorded and featured on UK Column News, where we were delighted to welcome Cheryl and Hedley Rees for their exclusive news. You can see what happened when Cheryl gave the Board their own data on serious adverse effects by following the last but one link above. I would liken it to the MHRA receiving a bloody nose after being challenged with a brilliant question, which subsequently left them seemingly rather uncomfortable.
A big takeaway from the board meeting this month was the repeated mentions of avian flu. It appears that the UKHSA, MHRA and NHS are gearing themselves up for H5N1 avian flu at some point in 2023. My guess would be that the UK Government is very busy securing as many doses of the ‘flu’ jab as possible for all of us.
As mentioned before, cancer vaccines using mRNA technology are very much on the MHRA agenda. Rest assured anything new that ‘can save lives’ will be winging its way to the UK first.
It appears health and safety is high in the MHRA’s priorities. However, you may be surprised to learn that it isn't patient safety that they are referring to; it is staff safety. I must admit my ears did prick up when the subject of the safety of enforcement officers was in question. Was this to mean they were to think about employing security staff to accompany them on a daily basis, or perhaps some kind of alarm that would link directly to the police? Perhaps another question is in the pipeline. I feel a few coming on.
The MHRA is currently operating on a £3 million surplus. It is a shame they don’t want to invest that surplus into tackling serious adverse reactions from the Covid–19 injection. It is also worth noting that, from this year, the MHRA won’t be permitted by its budget rules to carry any surplus over into the next financial year and will be forced to either use it or lose it.
I am looking forward to watching the last full board meeting again when the MHRA publishes it on its YouTube channel. Will Cheryl’s question still be there, or will they have edited it out? According to their own terms and conditions, they can do what they want. However, Cheryl crossed out two of the clauses in the MHRA’s bizarre legal form for public question-askers, so we wait to see what they do. A big shout out to Cheryl for getting in front of what I saw as a very worried June Raine. The power of the UK Column audience is second to none. Bravo to all who attended; please encourage others to attend. The MHRA directors need to know we are watching them.
Running a nursing agency for the NHS: Rolex, yachts, millionaires
As the NHS creaks under the weight of its own demise and collapse, as Accident & Emergency departments around the country continue to burst at the seams and the budget vanishes down a big black bureaucratic hole, there are many who are lying in the sun, enjoying a lavish lifestyle and thriving on everyone else’s misery. The Times is carrying the story of how many agency chiefs are being waited on hand and foot.
Freedom of Information requests have revealed that Just Nurses Ltd was given £27 million by the NHS in the last six years. However, given that only 88 of 225 hospital trusts replied to those FoIs, the true sum netted by the agency is likely to be much more. The husband and wife running it, Ed and Julie Simpson, are pictured on a million-pound yacht and flashing a £40,000 Rolex Daytona watch.
It appears to be a cosy little operation, with daughter Maddie as a high earner driving around in a £60,000 Range Rover—not bad for a 23-year-old. As well as rewarding themselves, they take pride in being able to offer incentives to their staff to recommend other members of staff to join up.
You won’t be shocked to know that Just Nurses is only one agency of many that the NHS employs to fill the gaps for nurses and doctors who are leaving the NHS or are off sick. If you are a nurse or doctor and have the opportunity of earning more, grabbing a free holiday, iPad or even freebie doughnuts or motivational talks from the one and only ‘Mr Motivator’ himself, then walk this way, or maybe you would prefer to walk away. I know which I would choose.
Are you the candidate the Serious Fraud Office is looking for?
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) is advertising for a new Director. Do you have excellent communication skills? Are you able to form a positive and results-focused culture whilst setting clear standards and building a diverse high-performing senior team? Are you good at decision-making and ‘championing’ change? Are you confident and able to operate in a transparent and fast-moving environment?
If so, you may be just the person the SFO is looking for. You will be rewarded with a generous £183,618 per annum—but don’t worry, if you are an exceptional candidate there’s more in the pot for you! You have a little less than a month to apply. Good luck, but please remember that the SFO is plagued with exposés of damaging scandals that have rocked the department from within. The successful candidate may need to have a legal background to navigate their way through choppy waters ahead.
And Finally
There is so much news flying around that it is hard to know what to cover. However, we should all be mindful that there are many out there who are only just becoming aware of the lies and deception that has been taking place. The Covid agenda is still very much alive and kicking.
I am also receiving e-mails from people who are horrified to find out that their loved ones may have died in different circumstances than those that they were told of, and there are others who are telling me that they're being denied access to care and treatment for their medical conditions. More are coming forward who are only now suffering serous adverse reactions and putting two and two together. They are only now starting to link their physical problems back to the Covid–19 injection or novel therapeutics such as Molnupiravir (now discontinued; ask yourself why).
Next week, I will be looking at more health news and noting the differences between smart cities and 15-minute cities, and the difference between a 15-minute city and a 20-minute neighbourhood. People are confusing the two, so, hopefully—time and news allowing—we can explore that topic area more.
As the global geopolitical theatre hots up, we must brace ourselves and prepare for what is likely to be a very difficult few years. Are you Society 5.0 ready—or are you ready to go back to basics?
Until next time,
God bless,
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Mathew 11:28