Comment // Health

Debi Evans Blog: 13 December 2022

My penultimate blog before Christmas focuses on mass disruption and the state of the NHS. It’s never a happy picture. I promise I will try to sprinkle my Christmas week blog with a little festive cheer.

With little over a week to go until Christmas 2022, cast your mind back a thousand days to when it was only going to take two weeks to flatten the curve. If you cannot recall that far back, the NHS is keen for you to remember 8 December 2020 as the tearful day of salvation, when the first jab was given. Since then, the NHS has delivered more than 143 million doses of Covid–19 vaccine.

Am I the only one fatigued by the events of the last triennium? I doubt it somehow. How have we allowed the ‘plan’ to continue when all we have to do is say no? How hard does saying that one tiny word, ‘no’, have to be? Impossible, it seems, for many.

I listened with great interest to the latest Doctors for Covid Ethics symposium streamed by UK Column on 10 December. The message couldn’t have been clearer: comply at your peril. No court or law is going to come to our rescue any time soon, so it is up to each of us individually to do our bit. The tried and tested model of ‘it only takes one for the rest to follow is especially poignant right now. Time is running out: central bank digital currencies are not on their way, they are here, knocking at your door right now. Digitisation is the greatest entrapment in history. Who will be first among the nations to make the move? 

Enslavement or death, those are the choices; and there is no time to lose, as Catherine Austin Fitts estimates we have one year left, two at most. 2023 is going to be the final stage lurching us into a scary, cold, cruel new world controlled by artificial intelligence, transhumanists and robots. There are more of us than there are of them, and even the best laid plans of Event 201 et al. often go to rack and ruin.

Now, here is the downfall of AI fanaticism: you can never accurately predict the behaviour of eight billion people living on Earth; it’s impossible. The only comment from the symposium that I would gently challenge was made with regard to those responsible—the ‘cabal’, ‘globalists’, ‘Deep State’, Illuminati or whatever you choose to call them—being ahead of the game, with us having to play catch-up. I respectfully disagree, because many of us are actually one step ahead, which is why there have been so many U-turns and row-backs.

So what should we be keeping our eyes on and preparing for throughout the festive season? What measures can we take to prepare, prevent and plan for what seems likely to prove a dark and cold winter?



Historically in the UK, winter is always a time for trips, slips and falls. Winter months in the NHS are often the busiest time for orthopaedic surgeons as they face a conveyor belt of elderly people with a fractured neck of femur. These poor souls are often in immense pain and a state of shock when admitted, and will often have to wait for surgery. It’s not a quick fix and involves multiple medical professionals. Belonging to a family with a significant genetic predisposition to osteoporosis, and having suffered a number of fractures, I dread ice. Although some British main roads may be treated with grit, most local streets aren’t. Pavements that resemble ice rinks are accidents waiting to happen.

A hip fracture is a serious and costly injury affecting mainly older people, and is more common in women. It usually results from the combination of weak bone structure (osteoporosis) and a fall. Around 76,000 hip fractures occur each year in the UK as a whole. Although there is good evidence on best practice in surgical, medical and rehabilitation care following hip fracture, such care and its outcomes—in terms of returning home and also of mortality—continues to vary.

Osteoporosis, or porous bones, is a condition that occurs when the body loses too much bone mineral, resulting in weak and fragile bones which are more likely to fracture with a mere fall. Bones are more prone to becoming porous in the hips, spine, or wrists. The risk of osteoporosis increases with age and can lead to fragile fractures, causing permanent disability. I will, however, caveat that statement, since osteoporosis can be seen in younger people too. The reasons for the condition may vary, including not directly-inherited, non-age-related factors such as hormonal disorders, blood or bone marrow disorders, and autoimmune disorders. 

As someone with osteoporosis, I chose not to take the medication recommended at the time of diagnosis, as I concluded that the risk outweighed the benefit and that the side effects of the drug recommended were too severe to contemplate. It may interest readers to know there is a new osteoporosis drug coming down the line. The targets this time are menopausal women, who as a group can suffer with osteoporosis. What lies behind its innocuous name, Evenity, referred to behind the marketing layer as Romosozumab, is a ‘new’ drug (injection) with very serious adverse reactions documented, including increased risk of a heart attack, stroke, or death from a cardiovascular (heart or blood vessel) problem. This new drug is classified as a ‘boxed’ product by the US FDA, meaning it is under extra vigilance.

Regular viewers will know that I have been talking of the dangers of new monoclonal antibodies and antivirals whose use is sharply on the rise. The Covid–19 injection is not the only bullet we will need to dodge. Please check the ingredients and both names of any drug (both the shorter brand name and the longer trade name) that you may have been prescribed. Do thorough research and make an informed decision.

My advice is just good old-fashioned common sense: keep informed of the weather conditions in your area. Choose your footwear carefully, and if you can put salt on pathways and home drives, that will give you a little extra grip. Wrap up warm, because shivering can send you off balance and increase the risk of slipping. If you are driving, allow at least 15 minutes to warm up the car, scrape the ice or shovel the snow, because it’s better to be five minutes late in this world than years before time arriving in the next. Keep an eye on your neighbours, especially if they are elderly, vulnerable or living alone. Many trips and slips happen in the home, especially with the threat of power outages now lurking. Make sure you know where your torch or lantern is. If you are going out shopping, perhaps ask if you can pick anything up to save someone less steady on their feet a venture into slipperiness.


Strep A

As predicted, this is a situation that appears to be worsening, with the Health Security Agency now informing us of more children dying in the UK. Also as predicted, despite the Government reassuring us all that there are plenty of antibiotics to go around, this is not what we have been hearing from pharmacists. Despite GPs (family doctors) reporting that most Strep A throats clear up by themselves, they are being asked to prescribe antibiotics to any child with a suspected Strep A infection. The Express quotes Siddiqur Rahman, a pharmacist who works in a general practice in Kent; as saying:

We are out of liquid penicillin, which treats Strep A. I have been e-mailing suppliers across the country but they are out of stock everywhere. It’s a national emergency and the Government needs to be proactive rather than deny it. They should communicate the problem and guide us in what to do. I have never seen a shortage of antibiotics for children. Even the alternatives are slowly going out of stock and if a child doesn’t get an antibiotic in a timely manner when they need it, it could be deadly. It’s a first world country. You wouldn’t think it would happen here.

As if it couldn’t get any worse, we are now told that the price of antibiotics in liquid form (paediatric formula) have quadrupled. Pharmacies are now asking GPs for fresh prescriptions for tablets they can crush up, while others are complaining that due to rising prices, they are making a loss on antibiotics. The Pulse reports that GPs are having to return to paper prescriptions as the onus on patients to shop around increases. This move is unprecedented and appears to be affecting the whole of the United Kingdom.

As we reported on UK Column News on 7 December, this has understandably raised anxiety levels in many parents, who are now being reported as seeking medical advice as soon as their youngster exhibits a sore throat. We should at this point reassure parents that the majority of children make full recoveries from strep throat and only rarely require emergency attention. Actress Daniella Westbrook is the latest ‘trusted messenger’ to recount her personal experience. If your child becomes floppy, unresponsive, has a high fever, possibly with a rash, don’t hesitate to call 999 or your national equivalent emergency phone number. A child with iGAS (the rare, invasive type of Strep A) will deteriorate rapidly.



Aside the concerns I aired in last week’s blog regarding Strep A, my regular chat with Jesse Zurawell on TNT Radio unexpectedly revealed a document from Pfizer (see page 36) with regard to expected serious adverse reactions. Pfizer identified a condition called PANDAS, an acronym for Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disease Associated with Strep A. I am sure many parents will be reassured to know that the UK Government is making the monumental rise in mental health issues affecting children a priority; helped on by the many campaigns supported by royalty and celebrities alike.


Leaked report: Volunteers to be drafted into the NHS

The Guardian has published news of a leaked report of a plan to recruit thousands of extra volunteers to help the NHS cope throughout the winter demand on services. Currently, there are 133,000 vacancies across the NHS. With thousands of professional medical staff threatening to strike, demand for care outweighing supply and hospitals overwhelmed, the situation has never been so dire, and my recent interview with Roy Lilley touched upon the NHS’ historic weakness in keeping track of its own vacancies.

Remember the thousands of volunteers taken on during the ‘plandemic’ who were recruited to deliver the vaccination programme? Volunteers will now be able to deliver medicines, drive ambulances and prepare beds for patients. We used to call such a role in healthcare a ‘gopher’ in my day. Cheap labour has gone out of the window and has been replaced with free labour, otherwise known as fake altruism or exploitation. And who exactly are these ‘volunteers’ giving of their time so generously? The Guardian tells us:

One ad, posted by an NHS trust in northern England, states it is seeking “urgent and emergency care volunteers” as well as people to volunteer on its 33-bed ward for cardiology patients and older people. There, tasks for volunteers include “ensuring patients stay hydrated, ensuring hygiene needs are met … and basic clerical duties including answering the phone”.


Dr James Giordano and the power of disruption

For many months, UK Column News has been reporting on a powerful mover and shaker in the scientific world, not often mentioned. Take a deep breath as you read his curriculum vitæ, which I have pasted beneath. You will soon realise he is one of the major figures in the bigger picture. Whilst we know the plan is to destroy everything first in order to ‘build back better’, we would be mistaken if we thought this implied a blitz. The real destructive intent is far more sinister, slow and tortuous.

Disruption is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the act or process of disrupting something: a break or interruption in the normal course or continuation of some activity, process”. Combine that with gaslighting and fear, and you have the perfect storm. Here is Dr Giordano’s CV, hosted at Georgetown University, Washington DC:

James Giordano, PhD, MPhil, is Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program, leads the Sub-program in Military Medical Ethics of the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics; is Special Advisor to the Brain Bank, and is Co-director of the O'Neill-Pellegrino Program in Brain Science and Global Health Law and Policy at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, USA. He is also Distinguished Visiting Professor of Brain Science, Health Promotions, and Ethics at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Coburg, Germany, and was formerly 2011-2012 JW Fulbright Foundation Visiting Professor of Neurosciences and Neuroethics at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany.

Dr. Giordano is currently Fellow of the Project on Biosecurity, Technology, and Ethics at the US Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island; chairs the Neuroethics Program of the IEEE Brain Initiative; is Senior Science Advisory Fellow of the Strategic Multilayer Assessment Branch of the Joint Staff of the Pentagon, serves as an appointed member of the Neuroethics, Legal and Social Issues (NELSI) Advisory Panel of the Defense Advanced Research Projects’ Agency (DARPA), and is consulting bioethicist to the Department of Defense Medical Ethics Center (DMEC). He previously served an appointed member of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Secretary’s Advisory Council on Human Research Protections (SACHRP), and is Task Leader of the Project on Dual-Use Neurotechnologies of the European Union Human Brain Project. 

The author of over 300 publications, 7 books, and 20 government whitepapers on neurotechnology, biosecurity, and ethics, he is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine; and Associate Editor of the Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics. His ongoing research addresses the neurobiological bases of neuropsychiatric spectrum disorders; and neuroethical issues arising in and from the development, use and misuse of neuroscientific techniques and neurotechnologies in medicine, public life, global health, and military applications. In recognition of his work, he was elected to membership in the European Academy of Science and Arts, and named as an Overseas Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (UK). [Final emphasis added]

Impressive, I am sure you will agree. Dr James Giordano delivers lectures to military audiences that can be found on YouTube. However, he warns that if you are not frightened to death by the time he finishes a lecture, he hasn’t fulfilled his brief. His presentation and delivery is cold, precise, fluent, commanding—but also very revealing.

The plan from the start was never to create destruction, despite what much lower-level operatives have claimed in the past couple of decades; the top-down design had the sole immediate purpose of creating disruption on a mass scale in order to create sickness, panic, fear and confusion, with the longer-term prime aim of getting everyone so scared that they all jump on the internet to find solutions, unaware that this is the very catalyst for the birth of the chaos we appear to find ourselves in today. It’s almost as though it had been planned. Hear it for yourself here at 30 minutes into Giordano’s doomcast, although I would urge readers to watch the whole lecture, where clearly we learn that the supposed science fiction of the future is in fact science reality of today. 

Just as the financial plan was never uncontrolled collapse, so also in healthcare, high mortality (people tellingly dropping like flies) was never on the agenda; however, high morbidity was. The difference, although subtle, is significant. When an epidemiologist or public health maven uses the term ‘mortality’, it normally means that an event or illness has caused a number of deaths (it may be worth noting that these statistics are used by insurance companies, who assess the impacts of very many things on access to insurance and health services). 

Morbidity, by contrast, is classified as anything unhealthy that may cause a person’s condition to worsen, affecting their quality of life. Even though morbidity doesn’t always mean someone is in danger of dying right away, their condition may deteriorate significantly, thus increasing the risk of mortality. It is with this in mind that health insurers increasingly set targets not in terms of keeping people alive but of providing quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs), a nice way of saying that not all lives are worth striving officiously to keep alive.

Is this what we are witnessing today in plain sight? In the UK alone, we have over 450,000 reports of serious adverse reactions to Covid–19 injections, with over 2,000 deaths and rising. Many who were young, fit and previously healthy are now debilitated and disabled and find themselves abandoned after taking an experimental injection. Thousands more have met their untimely end through what I believe to be the rapid and unprecedented use of inappropriate mechanical ventilation requiring the administration of Midazolam and morphine. Youngsters presenting to cardiologists with myocarditis and other cardiac conditions is also something unprecedented. As the NHS waiting list grows ever longer, with now over 7 million (more likely up to 10 million) waiting to start treatment, the disruption can only intensify, as clearly demand outstrips supply.

How many reading this can honestly say that their lives have not been disrupted or affected in the last three years? As we face a 1978-style long, cold winter of discontent ahead, it seems fair to say that we are living in the Disruptive Age and that this is a term we can expect to hear more as we plunge into a physical and spiritual darkness which, in itself, will disrupt the lives of millions.

The World Economic Forum admits:

The World Economic Forum’s Great Reset initiative seeks new ideas in order to use this unique moment in history provided by the disruption to economics, politics and our everyday life to catalyze a new approach to how our societies are run.

The SAP Institute for Digital Government (SIDG) is a global think tank that aims to create value for government by leveraging digital capability to meet the needs of citizens and consumers of government services. Perhaps a ‘digital nudge’ could help deal with disruption. In 2016, SAP collaborated with the Australian National University on the topic of “The Digital Nudge in Social Security Administration”—how digital technologies could be applied to Behavioural Science theory to improve social outcomes by means of ‘nudging’ through digital channels, something that the UK Cabinet Office-originated Behavioural Insights Team has been schooling the Australians intensively in.

To pile on the pressure and ramp up the fear, we can expect to see more of the same. Listen out in the next few weeks to the mainstream media reporting of mass disruption as a result of strike action, overwhelm in our NHS, economic disruption, power supply disruption, disruptions in the supply chain, and shortages of food, medicines and essentials. Disruption is a big business, and one about which we can expect to hear much more. The opposite of disruption is to plan, organise, arrange and systemise. Game on.


NHS, please stay in your lane

“The staff’s biggest issue is climate change? The NHS should be cutting the costs of waste like this and redirecting every penny into patient care,” tweeted Bernie Spofforth recently. As of the time of writing, I have yet to speak to any health professional who tells me that climate change is the top of their priority list; in fact, it has never been mentioned. To suggest that nine out of ten NHS staff want climate change addressed first and foremost is simply ridiculous. However, such is the claim made by the NHS Chief Sustainability Officer, Nick Watts, in addressing a World Economic Forum conference. Since when are the NHS required to attend WEF events? I agree with Spofforth. NHS, stay in your lane, and let’s use Nick’s salary elsewhere in the NHS, where it will actually help patients and staff. The health service in the UK is not failing, it has failed. There is no kinder way of saying it. 


Avian flu

Birds are still in lockdown and should not be forgotten. The crisis surrounding the NHS and Strep A seems to have knocked this story from the front pages. The Guardian reports that avian flu has led to the killing of 140 million farmed birds since October last year. Many experts have condemned the cull as wrong and inhumane, with others warning that this is just the start and we should brace ourselves for more severe outbreaks to come. Luckily for us and the birds, vaccines are on the way (my head is in my hands as I write this). If I was a bird, I would be spitting feathers right now. Spare a thought for all our poultry currently locked up in barns around the world. Will they ever see the light of day again? Like us, they must be wondering.


Fentanyl vaccine a potential ‘game changer’ for opioid crisis

Whatever next? Everything is seemingly possible with a ‘vaccine’.

Researchers in Texas have developed a vaccine that they allege blocks the euphoric effects of fentanyl, a powerful opioid drug that causes significant overdose deaths in the United States. With human studies on the horizon, it appears from initial mice trials that a ‘vaccine’ generated significant and long-lasting levels of ‘anti-fentanyl antibodies’ that are allegedly highly effective at reducing the ability to inhibit pain. 


HART Group letter to JCVI—What are these vaccines doing to the nation’s children, and where is the benefit?

As the UK Government quietly confirms that Covid-vaccinated children are up to 137 times more likely to die than vaccinated children, the HART Group (the acronym stands for Health And Recovery Team) has written a letter to the British Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) urging them not to introduce any Covid–19 vaccines for the under-fives, and also against the possibility of introducing Covid–19 vaccines into Britain’s routine children’s immunisation programme. Over 100 doctors have signed this, so please share the letter widely. 



To all my nursing colleagues out there, it would appear to me as though you have all been thrown under the bus by the very people who profess to be there to look after your best interests. Many nurses tell me they didn’t have time to read the Royal College of Nursing’s ballot paper on taking strike action and that their issue was never primarily about pay. Most tell me they just ticked the box believing that their union, the RCN, would represent their true feelings.

This does not appear to have happened, and the RCN appears to have taken it upon itself to make pay the big issue. However, it is a far bigger matter than that, patient safety and conditions being but two of the wider concerns. But whom will you trust, nurses? Yourself or the RCN? If I were a member of the RCN, I would be cancelling my subscription immediately. 

I see Marianna Spring has been busy interviewing Anthony Fauci. I would love it if she invited me for an interview, although I don’t see one coming any time soon.

Keep warm. Have your hot water bottle at the ready, but make sure it is a recent purchase, because rubber has a habit of perishing. Subsequent scalds and burns could warrant medical attention, and no one needs that! The date of manufacture is generally found on the stopper, but manufacturers recommend you replace them every two years to be on the safe side. Alternatively, if you are fortunate enough to have a UK Column beanie, wear it with pride and keep yourself warm at the same time. What’s more, it’s a great conversation starter.

Failing all of that, enjoy the next three episodes of the Harry and Meghan reality show on Netflix: if nothing else, you may feel your temperature rising just from watching it! Question everything, and never be afraid to say no

Until next week,