No Smoke Without Fire: The Green King (Part 5)

Lighting the fire once again, Brian Gerrish and Debi Evans go where angels fear to tread, and continue their voyage of discovery to find out who Charles III really is and who keeps close company with our sustainable King. We shine a light on the reality and extent of the questionable—and sometimes criminal—company that our monarch appears happy to include in his inner circle. Was the Green King just being slow and eccentric when Jimmy Savile was suggested as a royal godfather, or was the idea calculated? It can be difficult to tell. 

The Green King claims his innocence regarding ouija boards, but seems to harbour an interest in kinds of spirituality that Christianity rejects. It should therefore be no surprise to Christians that King Charles quietly dismissed (particularly in his realm of Canada) his role as Defender of the Christian faith. If we apply the Sermon on the Mount's guidance of “by their fruits ye shall know them”, we must wonder just who our monarch really is: the Green King, the King of Sustainability or Saviour of the World?