UK Column are grateful to two of our regular expert guests who joined Debi Evans in this exclusive interview for farmers everywhere, but particularly here in the United Kingdom. As we head into 2025, we must ask what will be on our dinner tables this year.
In light of the recent farmers’ protests, and the announcement of inheritance tax hikes in the Autumn Budget, Consultant Veterinary Surgeon Roger Meacock and globalist agenda researcher Sandi Adams bring you a potted history of why farmers have more to worry about than inheritance tax.
Both Roger and Sandi felt it was a matter of urgency that farmers become aware of a much deeper and darker agenda at play. The agenda will see them stripped of their land, futures, and livelihood in the not-too-distant future. Does that all seem impossible?
Appreciating that a farmer’s life is far from idle, Roger and Sandi have collaborated to bring you an exclusive two-part presentation.
Part 1 introduces you to the history of Agenda 2030 and the people behind it. What are its implications, who will be affected, and how is it being rolled out and implemented? What is the United Nations (UN), and what is it doing in the background? Farming features on the UN’s agenda; do you know how big the agenda is? Inheritance tax is just the tip of a monstrous iceberg.
Part 2 will focus on ‘farming in the future’ and how the UN’s plan will affect your animals, crops, and business. What is the future of the farm vet? Will there be any animals to treat? Do you know what novel medicines are coming down the veterinary pipeline? What is a 15-minute city? Will there be any crops to pick? Will fields of cows and sheep be replaced with solar panels and wind turbines? Are beef and chicken to be replaced with insects and locusts? How sustainable is the United Kingdom? What is food security? Who are the real turkeys at Christmas? What can the British public do to support you, and how can you supply us directly? We are not sustainable, and without our local farmers, we will have no food.
Please note the statue of Prince Charles (now King Charles) saving the world.
Part 2 – The Bigger Agenda – with Roger Meacock and Sandi Adams is here
Part 3 - Food of the Future or Perhaps No Food in the Future is here
We give grateful thanks to Roger, Sandi, and Stephanie Sinclaire, UK Column’s Producer, who facilitated this interview at short notice.
Other interviews on UK Column featuring Sandi Adams can be found here.
Other interviews on UK Column featuring Roger Meacock can be found here. Roger’s Substack can be found here.