Artur Pawłowski—Standing Up to the Gestapo

Gestapo is not allowed here” was the declaration that introduced the world to its utterer, Pastor Artur Pawłowski of Alberta. Not the whole world, but the remnant of right-thinking and well-doing that was looking for authentic courage and truthfulness in a time of fear and deception.

Of all the resistance to tyranny that we witnessed during the Covid–19 descent into totalitarianism, perhaps the most memorable, the most inspiring and the most accurate was the the viral video clip of Artur Pawłowski chasing the police from his church shouting:

Gestapo is not allowed here. Get out of this property!

This was a singular moment of clarity during those bizarre and fear-filled times. Artur stood boldly against the evil the authorities were imposing. Millions watched, and something changed.

This interview with Pastor Artur covers his early experiences in Poland, during the Solidarity trade union resistance to communism, and his move to Canada to find freedom—freedom to honour God and to be a pastor to his flock. Sadly, it also includes the loss of liberty in Canada and the creeping criminalisation of good works and of honest men.

In his stand, Artur was supported by his church, his family and his close associates. Most Christian churches in Canada, as elsewhere, did not resist, but meekly complied with state diktat. From these churches, Artur got no support. He and his congregation stood alone. To those churches who closed their doors, took government coin and ceased to preach the gospel, Artur has a very simple message:

This was the biggest betrayal since Judas Iscariot.

Artur describes his many arrests, many charges, court cases, time in jail; the full spectrum of intimidation by the state. He describes his victories, how he became Canada's “Freedom Pastor”, and the still-continuing attempts by the state to silence him.

These attempts are presently ongoing, with a live case concerning a sermon he made at the Freedom Blockade at Coutts on the Canadian-US border. This is a unique trial because the only evidence against him was his sermon. Effectively, it is the sermon that is on trial. The judge’s decision is due in May and Artur faces the possibility of further jail time for his preaching.

And what is the pastor’s response? It is to stand up, and to fight for truth and for justice. Artur’s message: Get off the fence, you must choose a side. You must be like lions.