Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's news update from the UK Column.
START – G20 members all wave to the world – well almost all…
President Trump meets China’s President Xi over dinner – a positive meeting
Trade tarriffs are lowered after talks
Xi, Putin & India’s Modi agree to increase trilateral cooperation
Trump Putin meeting put on hold
President Putin wants ‘full format meeting’ with Trump in near future
Ukraine’s Poroshenko deliberately driving a wedge between Russia & USA…?
Russia still has problems with US withdrawal from INF Treaty
12:18 – Paris ‘yellow vest’ protests continue – Macron mulls state of emergency…
A tale of two protests: Free Syrian Army in Syria supported by French government
French public: ‘domestic terrorists’, FSA in Syria: ‘peaceful protesters’…
16:35 – Alternative View 9.1 conference: Democracy in Chains – update
UK Column article – Integrity Initiative: A Look Into the Deep State…?
Russia responds to unmasking of Integrity Initiative
21:41 – Trump, Russia and lessons from the mob: ‘godfathers’ steers collusion probe…?
UK, Australian intelligence and FBI interfering in US elections…
Russiagate: all the queen’s men – Steele, Halper, Downer, Mifsud, Dearlove, Sater
FISA warrants to be declassified…?
Russian TV crew films near secret cyber-warfare HQ in Berkshire
Daily Mail: Russian media are all spies and infiltrators…
MainStream Media: a disinformation, influence and propaganda campaign
35:44 – Daily Mail: GCHQ spy chiefs admit they keep some cyber attacks secret…
Government retrospectively changes law to allow illegal activity over last 40 years
New National Cyber Security Centre: just a coincidence…
38:32 – BBC: the godfather of fake news – a man on his porch in New England
Meet one of the world’s most prolific writers of disinformation: Christopher Blair
Entrapment and deception: the real story of fake news