UK Column News - 17th September 2015

Muslim Sadiq Khan MP champions women rape victims, Will Sadiq Khan champion child rape victims in London and elsewhere?, BBC morphs into private sector but pensions stay public, Stand up sit down kneel Corbyn not privy to Privy Council rituals, Telegraph nudges Corbyn into Cameron and refugees, Yorkshire schools told report children with anti-government 9/11 or fracking views to government, Race Equality brands young children and reframes to government ideals, Cameron worrying so in come more domestic terrorism checks, Marxist Demos advises on social media and counter-terrorism, MI5 Chief nosey Parker calls for more counter terror powers, See Brookings for your guide to IS terrorist derivatives, Watch for Doomwatch, Archbishop Welby looks happy as Anglican church splits, Archbishop Welby first class hypocrite with  liberalisation against scripture, Anglican Bishop Tim Stevens promotes political charity Common Purpose above word of God and stays silent on child abuse, Leicester Cathedral promotes alien logo, UKColumn reminder Common Purpose and Dark Arts in CoramBAAF, Mark Carnage delivers in economy carnage, China's economy v UK, Conservative treason continues with destruction of refineries, UKColumn warns of 30% cuts Environment Agency Staff, Burkina Faso coup is official, Former Burkina Faso prsident challenges bank debt and dies