UK Column News - 14th September 2015

Wind Farm subsidy cuts lenders, MET says next to years hottest yawn, Corbyn puts politics in confusion, Cameron's Tories in hypocritical defence attack on Corbyn, Corbyn vows to clear deficit having signed Bradbury pledge, UK Government Hypocrisy over immigration a Germany and Austria close borders, UKColumn got it right with prediction EU army for Cameron's EU concessions, Paedophile cover-up Conservative government fishing for thousands vulnerable Syrian children, Daily Mail campaigns for Sgt Blackman RM over fraudulent political trial, Help for Heroes Judge Blackett presided over Blackman trial shambles, Blackman or Taliban matters not death and torture LibLabCon driven, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov wades in to back Assad, US and UK to boost support to ISIS terrorists, £500m UK aid to Syria with no audit trail, Ian Crane Reports and Fracking Nightmare Tonight, UKIP Nottingham works to take lid of child abuse 14 children homes, Former Scottish Procurator Fiscal Elish Angiolini gets knickers in twist at mention Hollie Greig, Why still no Court Order from Scottish case gagging Robert Green world-wide for life.