UK Column News - 14th August 2015

David Scott Northern Exposure UKColumn guest, National Voltage reduction scam leads to hot water, British Judges award themselves world power in Judge Munby Latvian child ruling, Scottish judges award themselves world wide powers with Robert Green, State control of children step closer as more single women ditch need for fathers, Daily Mail's Littlejohn unable to grasp psychological reframing of police, Sussex police fail to stop suicide after rejecting help Chris Eubank, City of Plymouth excited by meaningless blob, British army unable to train Ukrainian troops in major land warfare, Six years on MI5 Staff Councillor Chilcot stalls the report, Oxymoron Cameron runs UK Intelligence, UKColumn reports on Ben Fellows, Police Scotland Chief House crumples under Bayoh backlash and SNP criticism, Bercow praises SNP parliamentarians for block attendance, Anne Greig accuses Alex Salmond of no justice over Hollie abuse, Lies over Former Procurator Fiscal Elish Angiolini and Hollie Greig abuse case, Tom Watson Former lawyer to Elish Angiolini and Salmond also advises Leveson advisor, Scottish establishment tried to gag press over Hollie Greig