Sheikh Imran Hosein (Part I): The Pursuit of Truth

On 10 May 2022, UK Column’s Brian Gerrish, David Scott and Alex Thomson had the privilege of interviewing Sheikh Imran Hosein at length during his British speaking tour.

Sheikh Imran Hosein resides on Trinidad in the Caribbean and has developed a substantial worldwide following of Muslims—and latterly of non-Muslims—for his striking Qur’anic scholarship, his eirenic stance towards adherents of other religions, his passion for critical thinking, and his geopolitical and economic insights.

The remarkable conclusions that the Sheikh has attained arise from the combination of his scholarly tradition, which is informed by the work of Indian intellectuals in the late British Raj period such as Sir Muhammad Iqbal, and his secular studies, which have encompassed philosophy and international relations. 

His audience increasingly overlaps with that of UK Column, due to our shared areas of concern, which are discussed in a relaxed and friendly manner in this interview.

In this first of the three parts of the interview to be released, Alex Thomson takes the lead and discusses with the Sheikh the pursuit of truth in religion and the proper bounds of traditional teachings when set against Scripture.

Part II is here and Part III is here.