To Diagram The Network

I have received a number of emails from readers of my series of articles, One World Governance - A Common Purpose. A few readers have pointed out to us that they are finding it difficult to visualise the relationships between the various organisations promoting the United Nations Global Agenda.

Analysis of information currently available leads us to believe that the boundaries between National Government, Local Government, National & International Corporations, the third sector (charities and other NGO's) and the public have become blurred following the deliberate re-modelling of the institutional architecture of our society. Two of the consequences of shaping policy and delivering & monitoring public services through a system of stakeholder 'partnerships' and 'networked alliances' is the obvious lack of either a democratic mandate or public accountability.

On both sides of the Atlantic the public have been presented with 'political agendas for change' without any detailed explanation of where such change is leading them as individuals or as members of their respective Nation States.

Such change has been presented as being in the interests of 'modernising' or 'increasing efficiences,' yet the wasteful expenditure of taxpayer's money on questionable projects in previous decades has been exceptionally high. In addition historical allegiences are being increasingly strained.

Although the evidence appears to indicate to us that no single entity has yet ahieved overarching political, economic, legal or technological control of the new system of Global Governance the above network diagram does help to illustrate some of the actors influencing the developing system.