At 6pm on February 25th, the UK Column livestreamed an eye-opening and thought-provoking symposium on the systematic use of Midazolam and morphine to end the lives of patients.
Led by outspoken journalist and filmmaker Jacqui Deevoy, this groundbreaking symposium gave voice to five families who have tragically lost their loved ones to involuntary euthanasia within the confines of UK care homes and hospitals.
During the event, we delved into the controversial topics of the Liverpool Care Pathway, the unethical use of Do Not Resuscitate orders, the implementation of NICE guideline NG163 and the alarming negligence of MPs and the media in allowing such blatant democide to unfold.
While voluntary and involuntary euthanasia remain illegal in the UK, they have been surreptitiously carried out under the guise of guidelines and pathways for decades.
In 2020, the frequency of involuntary euthanasia escalated drastically, resulting in the horrific and untimely deaths of thousands of elderly and vulnerable individuals, with many falsely attributed to 'Covid'.
If you would like to contribute to the fundraiser which will help complete Jacqui's new documentary, Playing God, you can do so at her Crowdfunder page.