I hope you all had a quiet, blessed and peaceful Christmas. As many will have gladly waved 2023 goodbye, many more of us will be viewing 2024 with caution and trepidation. It feels like we have gladly waved from our shores one big ship of doom, only to find another dozen heading our way for 2024. January is set to come in roaring like a lion, as the ‘Beast from the East’ is set to return to Europe—but no one quite knows where or when.
Many thought 2023 was chaotic enough; however, will 2024 be the year of the ‘polycrisis’? The concept is defined by the World Economic Forum as follows:
Present and future risks can also interact with each other to form a polycrisis—a cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, such that the overall impact exceeds the sum of each part.
The World Economic Forum is preparing a page on its website in order to warn us of its global risk concerns that the world may be facing in 2024. As of the time of writing, although the page exists, there is no content. I will be keeping a sharp eye on it, I suggest you do, too. In the meantime, perhaps you would like a reminder of what the WEF forecast was for 2023.
2024: The Year of ‘Peace and Security’, Cyber Crime and Cybersecurity
Peace and Security will be high on the agenda for 2024, but so will cybersecurity and cyber crime. How prepared are we as citizens for life in 2024?
Look around your home. How many smart devices do you have? Phones? Tablets, computers, vacuum cleaners, cars, smart meters or perhaps an Alexa personal assistant? Everything we appear to use and rely on today is controlled by computers. But what happens when ‘computer says no’? Have we become so dependent on computers that our lives and livelihoods depend on them?
Have humans forgotten how smart they are, or have we really become so reliant on computers, artificial Intelligence and smart devices that we have been brainwashed, quite literally, into thinking that we are all stupid? We have we all been duped and lulled into a false sense of ‘security’. For what we thought was a tool of convenience and knowledge has in reality become our adversary: the chain around our necks that enslaves us 24/7, 365.
There’s a world of difference between personal physical security and cybersecurity. The days of locking your front door to feel secure in your own home are sadly gone. We have all become aware of the different layers of security we can use to keep our families and homes safe, ranging from burglar alarms to CCTV, doorbell cameras and apps that monitor your home every second of the day. You can even answer your own doorbell even if you are in another country. Amid this all, what layers of security have you put in place to protect yourself from a cyberattack?
The average Brit had access to nine digital devices in 2022, although that figure is rising all the time. Are you living in a ‘smart home’? The smart home industry is worth approximately £7 billion per year and there are more than 2.2 million smart homes in the UK. A staggering 79% in this country have their own smart home entertainment device, while 50% own a ‘smart speaker’ and 70% use a voice assistant to help them manage their lives. Sadly, only 16% of people said they didn’t have any smart home device. Devices connected to the Internet of Things will increase by 18% to 14.4 billion in 2023, and by 2025 there may be over 27 billion connected devices. By 2030, it is estimated that there will be 25.4 billion devices.
How would you feel going on holiday and leaving your doors and windows wide open, with a sign stating ‘All burglars welcome’? Today, no-one needs to break into your home to steal your belongings or your valuables. No-one needs to steal your purse to use your bank card. All you need in 2024 is social media, a computer, a few algorithms, a computer hacker—and bingo, the sky is the limit, literally. Where there is a computer, there is an opportunity. There are still many vulnerabilities on the internet, which in turn makes each of us potential victims of crime. In fact, it makes us all more exposed than we ever were.
It is not just computer hackers who want to make your life a misery; it is the manufacturers of the devices also that wield their power over you. How would you feel being literally locked out of your home by a computer? Others have had phones disabled when they have been repaired by ‘unauthorised dealers’.
As we load the Internet of Things with our personal information, many do not realise that they are simply feeding the monster that wishes to engulf us. What is more important to you: purchasing a bargain—providing you give your personal details—or maintaining your privacy and data?
It may be worth mentioning space weather at this point. Space weather can have huge impacts on us on Earth. The solar maximum predicted for 2025 appears to have been miscalculated and is now expected in early 2024. Could a massive coronal mass ejection from the sun, aimed at Earth, be enough to collapse the global internet and communications infrastructure for months? It appears so, perhaps conveniently just in time to ‘reset’ the Internet of Things? What effects from an extreme space weather event could we see and experience in the UK?
Will 2024 be the year of the ‘solar superstorm’? Keep your eyes on the heavens. For a once-in-a-lifetime experience and a view of the solar maximum, keep watch on 8 April.
The Great Educational Reset—a warning for all parents and guardians in the UK
Many of you will have spent time catching up with family members whom you may not have seen for a while. Christmas is one of those rare occasions where all generations get together and share and swap their news; where young lives and old lives combine to reminisce over past memories and to create new ones. Over the break, I had the good fortune to meet a young relative of a friend. She was twelve years old and in her second year at secondary school, I will call her Ruby to maintain her anonymity.
Her school was one from which I knew some of the staff from years ago, so I was keen to find out who was still there. However, I didn’t bargain on what else she wanted to tell me. There is much more going on behind closed doors than I could ever have imagined, none of it seemingly beneficial to pupils.
The school I am referring to is a typical concrete building rectangular in shape; it has four floors. Previously, the fourth floor was reserved for English and the Arts; today, I am reliably informed that the whole floor is now allocated to ‘Reset’. I obviously looked confused and asked what ‘reset’ means. ‘Resetting behaviour’ was the answer. She was keen to show me her ‘behaviour points plan’, a scheme every pupil has to participate in. Every week, a report is made on a pupil’s behaviour, and they are awarded good behaviour points or bad behaviour points.
Her report comments read, “Ruby is displaying positive behaviours” or, “No bad behaviour points this week, well done”. But what is ‘positive behaviour’ and what is defined as ‘bad behaviour’ that would earn you a place on the fourth floor in ‘reset’? Ruby went onto describe ‘reset’ as a large room where cubicles are separated by glass panels, where no speaking or communication is allowed. Speak out of turn and you will stay there longer. Does that sound like a prison to you?
The architect of the new ‘behaviour policies’ in schools is Tom Bennetts, whose notoriety precedes him. Who would have thought a lowly and largely unsuccessful Soho nightclub manager would become a behavioural tsar and model the United Kingdom’s educational behavioural policy on behaviour he had observed in a high-end disco? It wasn’t even a job he was successful in: he was barred from managing the club because he failed to manage club-goers’ bad behaviour.
You can’t make it up. Do parents know how their child’s behaviour is being ‘reset’, remodelled and reframed to suit school—are they even aware of ‘reset’? More to come on this in the near future.
Ruby was keen to offload, and went on to tell me more.
Fire drills appear to have been replaced with ‘terrorism drills’.
Dinner money has been replaced with payments using ‘biometric data’ and facial recognition, where pupils have to swipe their fingers in order to access lunch. At £3 per day, if you have two school-age children, that’s an eye watering £120 per month. If parents don’t put money on their child’s account, a debt is accrued.
Physical Education, alias PE, is no longer a time to play sport and be active; it appears it is a time to complete subject-unrelated ‘surveys’. Questions relating to friends, family, special interests, likes and dislikes. Does that sound like spying to you?
Shocked, I decided to find out more. It didn’t take long to find a company called Smart Survey that gives teachers and schools the tools and the templates to find out how pupils are thinking and feeling and to allow ‘sensitive and informative’ surveys to be carried out.
Finally, I asked Ruby what her views were on the transgender agenda. She was quick to respond with raised eyebrows and a look of exasperation. I asked her how many pupils at her school were invested in changing genders. Her reply was a simple one-word answer: “Loads.”
With so much information buzzing about in my head, upon my return home I decided to investigate further. I was alarmed to find a recently-published government consultation entitled Gender Questioning Children, launched in December 2023 by the Secretary of State for Education, Gillian Keegan MP, and by the Minister for Women and Equalities, Kemi Badenoch MP.
The draft provides guidance and practical support for schools and colleges with three main aims:
- Supporting children who are questioning their gender;
- Protecting children from bullying or abuse;
- Maintaining child safety and wellbeing.
Questions for parents and guardians
My questions are for parents and guardians everywhere; do you know what is going on behind locked school doors? Does your child feel safe? What is safe? What is your child being asked at school, where is that information going and how is it being used? Finally, do you know what your child is being taught? Have you consented to have your child ‘reset’ in your absence?
Stories in Brief
As you are reading this, the UK is in the middle of a junior doctors’ strike. For six consecutive days, our doctors have left their patients to join picket lines up and down the country. With ever growing waiting lists of over 8 million and over 900 patients currently admitted to hospital with flu, and with more strikes planned for 2024, are you losing sympathy with the junior doctors? I am.
33 million in Britain are using the NHS App. According to the NHS, the app—now five years old—has twice as many users as Netflix, with over 33.6 million registered British users. That’s nearly half the population of the UK. I am guessing it stands to reason that the oldest and most vulnerable would be the ones seeking medical help most often, but what I am surprised about is how many of them are actively using the NHS App. Nearly two-thirds (62%) of the 3.6 million registered users over 66 have accessed the app within the past three months, including more than a quarter of a million in their eighties.
Covid jabs to be sold on the High Street
Superdrug and Boots are looking at ways to sell Covid–19 injections privately from their High Street branches. The NHS appears to think that the free jabs are no longer appealing and that people would prefer to fork out a whopping £100 for an experimental dangerous product that could at best leave them with serious adverse reactions and at worse could kill them. If you are reading, NHS, it is because many of us don’t trust you any more. Simple.
JN1 Variant
As I have previously warned, public health authorities globally are warning that the new JN1 Covid ‘variant’ is the leading cause of infections in the USA. JN1 is a ‘sub-variant’ of Omicron BA.2.86 and has been classified by the World Health Organisation as a ‘variant of interest’, due to its increasingly rapid spread. It appears from recent research that JN1 will increase the chances of ‘potential heart failure’ for those who ‘catch’ it. A report from Japan warns of a ‘pandemic of heart failure’ due to persistent Covid–19 infections. No-one, as yet, appears to be asking whether this sudden surge in heart failure is associated with serious adverse reactions from the Covid–19 vaccines—or perhaps the issue is being conveniently ignored.
JN1 would appear to be the perfect Trojan horse for many other unusual symptoms, such as mental health illness. Recently, Dr Geert Vanden Bossche shared his concerns on the outcomes associated with JN1, both for the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. One thing we can be certain of is a new drive from public health bodies to encourage and fear as many as possible, into having boosters. Perhaps 2024 is the year of the vaccine passport, where proof of up-to-date vaccination will be required to participate in society. Or is that just another conspiracy theory?
Artificial Intelligence can predict your death
Why would anyone even want to know when their demise would take place? Yet seemingly, people do want to know. Enter the new AI predictive death too, that, according to its creators is eerily accurate. Do you want to know the day and time you will die? I don’t.
Arise, Sir Lockdown
I am sure many of you will be delighted to know that the notorious epidemiologist Professor John Edmunds from the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene is to be knighted for his contribution in locking us all up during the Covid–19 plandemic. Although he says he is embarrassed at the honour, I don’t remember him being shy in front of the TV cameras as he pled his case for even stricter lockdowns. Maybe he would like to be locked down in the Tower of London? I am sure it could be arranged.
Climate change
Interestingly, ‘climate change’ is an anagram of ‘chemical agent’. The monarch of the ‘sustainable goals’ and green agenda is our very own King Charles.
Did you know the phrase ‘Build Back Better’ was coined by him, when he was Prince of Wales, in a letter to the Dominican Republic in 2019? Who launched the ‘Great Reset’ at the World Economic Forum in June 2020? Was it Klaus Schwab—or was it the then Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales? Who handed Hong Kong over to the People’s Republic of China? Was it Governor Chris Patton, or Prince Charles? Curious how our memories play tricks with us when we are reminded that the reality was so different.
Black Swan Event 2024?
Numerous commentators are making predictions for 2024. Will a black swan event in 2024 derail the USA Presidential elections? Entrepreneur Gary Cardone warns of exactly this and highlights his belief that the USA is already in a state of civil unrest. Interesting timing, then, for a new film due for release in spring 2024, called Civil War. Mr Cardone is not alone. Recently, Catherine Herridge, a CBS News reporter, vocalised her worries on Face The Nation, about a possible black swan event and went on to highlight her reasons for concern. A full transcript of the programme can be found here. We can at the last say that 2024 will be a rollercoaster. Buckle up; it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the international regulatory authority overseeing the whole continent’s power grid, has published its latest report, which projects that a majority of regions in the USA and Canada will not have enough electricity supply to meet demand in extreme weather, starting in 2024.
And finally
What words would you use when looking forward to 2024? Vanessa Beeley chose one word to describe what she thought 2024 would look like: ‘escalation’. I would agree, and would add to that: expect acceleration and escalation.
Peace and Security will be the buzzwords of 2024, and those in control will be desperate to regain trust. Who has heard of the House of Trust?
Although the UK may not have been plandemic-prepared, it appears that where you lose on the roundabouts, you win on the swings. The King’s Government is already very well prepared with … alcohol. At the last count, the Government’s cellar stocks stood at 32,921 bottles of wine and spirits with a market value of £3.2 million in March 2020. However, there has been no report since. Given the number of parties at Downing Street during lockdown, the information is of public interest.
Do you have an emergency plan? Could you support yourself if the grid goes down or the supply chain collapses? If not, now is the time to make a plan. We cannot stop what is coming, but we can prepare as best we can. Faith is the antidote to fear.
Until next week,
God bless,
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. Daniel 12:1