Note: Debi Evans submitted the whole copy for this blog several days before news of the Queen's death came on 8 September. Publication was delayed only by editorial absence.
Another week, and more revelations. As UK Column has been predicting, 5 September was the start of the rollout of the bivalent Moderna Covid-19 injection (by ‘injection’, I mean what the scientists refer to as a ‘vaccine’, but what I refer to as gene technology). 5 September was a big day for multiple reasons. Just in time for the jab rollout at the eleventh hour, Pfizer has seduced the HARM Agency (an apt anagram of MHRA) to approve its new jab. See below.
So what will I focus on this week? Covid vaccines, monkeypox, NHS, UKHSA, flu, polio, government properties for sale, the Queen (bet you didn’t expect that!), smart meters that are actually dumb meters, and what’s ‘quiet quitting’? That and much more in another week of mind-blowing news.
Next week, amongst other things, I will be covering Midazolam and morphine administration within the NHS, cancer, mental health and autism, and I will attempt to give you a glimpse into the brave new world, warts and all. Babies, children and youngsters will of course remain at the centre of my radar.
Sir Christopher Chope
I reproduce in full the latest update from the Member of Parliament who has been most concerned about Covid-19 vaccine injuries:
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see below an update regarding the latest developments in my work concerning adverse effects following a Covid-19 vaccination.
You will remember that in the previous Parliamentary session, I held an Adjournment Debate concerning the Vaccine Damage Payments Act 1979, introduced a Private Members' Bill on the issue and had several meetings with the respective Ministers to ensure that Covid-19 vaccine harm was being given appropriate attention and that appropriate action was being taken to help those affected.
The good news is that the Government has now begun processing the claims for payment under the Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme. It is using Crawford & Company and the National Health Service Business Authority is administering the process. As of 15 July, 174 claims relating to Covid-19 vaccinations containing full medical records are said to have been submitted for assessment. Also as of 15 July, 11 claims are said to have been concluded. I shall continue to seek to update this information but the questions due for answer have only been answered by the Government after a considerable amount of time, which is extraordinary.
On the issue of medical help for those suffering from serious adverse reactions to Covid-19 vaccinations, I asked the Minister whether the Government would establish specialist clinics on similar lines to those already set up for the treatment of those with long Covid. The Minister's disappointing reply was as follows: "in the very rare event where an individual may have suffered a severe adverse reaction to a Covid-19 vaccine, care would usually be managed by local NHS specialist services supported by national specialist advice if required. Continuing care would be met by local care services with expertise in the treatment of disease or disability as appropriate." It remains incomprehensible that the Government is not recognising that specialist clinics for those suffering from vaccine damage are every bit as important as such clinics for those with long Covid. When Parliament returns on 5 September, I shall continue to ask questions of Ministers and can only hope that the quality of answers will be better than before.
A further piece of good news is that in response to representations from me and other interested parties, I am delighted to note that the formal Terms of Reference of the Covid-19 Inquiry were changed to include review of "the development, delivery and impact of therapeutics and vaccines". In the Inquiry's Consultation Document, it states this was introduced to "consider all aspects of the vaccination rollout, including adverse reactions and side-effects as well as the adequacy of compensation arrangements for such cases", which is a very positive development. I understand from the Inquiry Chair's opening statement that vaccines will be considered in a separate module later in the process.
I have also introduced a revised version of my previous Private Members' Bill, entitled the Covid-19 Vaccine Damage Bill. The Bill seeks to place a duty on the Secretary of State to make provision about financial assistance to persons who have suffered disablement following vaccination against Covid-19 and to the next of kin of persons who have died shortly after vaccination against Covid-19, and to require a review and report on a no-fault compensation scheme to those adversely affected or bereaved by Covid-19 vaccinations. I have introduced the Bill to promote awareness and support for this issue. The Bill will be printed at the beginning of September and is scheduled for its second reading on 16 September 2022.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Covid-19 Vaccine Damage has now been established under my Chairmanship. Its stated purpose is: "To ensure scrutiny of the safety profile of Covid-19 vaccinations; provide a forum for those harmed or bereaved from Covid-19 vaccinations and review financial arrangements available to them; to ensure that the health services respond and provide care to those who have continuing conditions caused by Covid-19 vaccinations."
The APPG has been formally registered and its first meeting will be held shortly.
If you are not a constituent of mine, I would ask that you please write to your own MP to urge them to become involved and support this issue. With your and their support, I hope that we can build on the real progress we have been making.
I much appreciate your encouragement and support and shall endeavour to continue to keep you informed of progress.
With best wishes,
Sir Christopher Chope OBE MP
Covid-19 vaccine booster autumn rollout
Why are we ramping up jabs when Covid cases are reducing and the Government has downgraded Covid? Those with Covid appear to be more susceptible in the morning! Long Covid? Post-viral fatigue and chronic fatigue, what’s the difference?
Moderna was the first out of the stalls to be approved by the MHRA, the ‘next generation’ of mRNA jabs. But, as we warned in a recent edition of UK Column News, Pfizer is never far behind. The MHRA has now approved the Pfizer bivalent jab to be used in the UK. Don’t all rush at once! Here is the Joint Committee Vaccination Immunisation (JCVI) advice, although I have to remark that the only immunisation happening in the JCVI appears to be an immunity from truth and common sense.
The UK will yet again be one of the first countries in the world to receive a new ‘next-generation vaccine’, as we roll into the ‘next phase’ of the grand plan. Who will receive their invitation (clever use of wording to make you think you’re honoured to receive the ‘offer’ of the jab) first? Yes, you guessed it: care home residents and staff.
Many care homes currently are facing closure due to the huge cost of living crisis. So will there be care homes or care staff in the future? According to the Government, there are around 4 million people who are at highest risk, including the over-75s and those with weakened immune systems. The NHS is so keen to jab this group that its people will be knocking on doors in the coming weeks. ‘Lab to Cab to jab’, I call it.
With millions of ‘invitations’ landing on doorsteps this week, people will be urged to book their appointments without delay in order to allow the NHS to protect the nation from what is being called a ‘dark winter’ ahead. But don’t worry if you don’t remember, as the good old NHS will phone and text you to remind you. There are plenty of locations to choose from, as 3,100 sites will be open and ready to welcome you. Remember how we warned that community pharmacists will replace GP surgeries? Pharmacists are now ‘in charge of the jabs’, with GP practices choosing to opt in or opt out (the fee for jabbing has decreased for GPs).
Whilst you are there, you can get the flu jab too! British plans to roll out the flu jab at the same time are concerning, considering that in the USA, the CDC recommended against taking both jabs together. Convenient, then, that studies now show it is safe! How so, when we are told flu flew away two years ago? How can any clinical trials be reliable if there were no subjects to test?
Combine the above information with the knowledge that you may receive a once-expired ‘vaccine’, and how do you feel? And who is giving it? A volunteer?
Do you remember the fuss that Professor Van Tam made of buying freezers for the UK with which to store the mRNA ‘vaccine’? This was said to be crucial to how the doses had to be stored. So where have these been all this time? According to the Green Book, all expired vaccines have to be destroyed—unless the MHRA says otherwise. So how fortunate that in this instance, the MHRA has agreed to extend the life of a fragile, experimental and novel Black Triangle injection without so much as a whisper of concern.
Any out-of-date stock should be clearly labelled, removed from the refrigerator immediately and disposed of according to local policies.
Vaccines must never be used past their expiry date. If this does occur, it should be reported to the relevant provider or commissioning organisation immediately, using the local untoward incident reporting procedure. Expert advice should be sought — it is often necessary to re-administer the vaccine dose. The local health protection team or immunisation lead will be able to provide or direct to the relevant expert advice.
Occasionally, MHRA may grant an extension to an expiry date on the product. In this instance, a letter from the manufacturer or supplier should be sent or accompany the product to indicate that the expiry date has been extended — stock accompanied by such literature should not be destroyed.
Green Book
Where do we start with the ambulance crisis? With the fact that we are relying on St John’s Ambulance volunteers to attend cardiac arrests, or perhaps with the pensioner kept waiting 14 hours in acute pain and alone before an ambulance turned up?
If you can keep up, our new—and most likely shortest-serving—Health Secretary, Steve Barclay, has promised to make ambulances a priority.
What happens when a new Health Secretary is appointed this week remains to be seen. The role of the paramedic and the ambulance service is set to be transformed. By 2029, all ambulances will be autonomous and hospitals as we knew them will be nothing more than a dusty memory. Reassuringly, however, those in charge have placed some hospitals on a ‘worry list’, but equally we should ask ourselves why someone is calling 999 once every 25 seconds in one part of Britain alone. Why all these emergencies? Why now?
This is a bird that has flown back to Britain's shores. Once again, we will all be urged to take the flu jab—to protect the NHS. That’s right, the NHS that has collapsed and died whilst no one was looking. Buy one, get one free—only both are free. Two jabs given at the same time, in our most vulnerable population with the weakest immune systems—does that sound like a good idea to you? It doesn’t to me.
The over-75s will be the first on the list.
As the fear factor is ramped up again, get used to the term ‘twindemic’: this is what is predicted (has been planned) for this autumn, including in Ireland.
Flu camp to understand the common cold(!)
Volunteers are vital to the work that FluCamp carries out. Yes, you read that right.
Thousands of people have already taken part in what are described as ethically- and regulator-approved clinical trials, with trials designed for those with and without asthma. These volunteers are being recruited to help achieve an understanding the common cold (part of the Coronavirus family) and flu viruses, and how they can be treated.
If you consider yourself generally healthy and are aged 18 or over, you are encouraged to apply to join FluCamp; you can even be a smoker! You will be financially compensated for your participation—but the amount of compensation will be approved by an independent ethics committee and will be fully communicated in an informed consent form which will be provided prior to participation in a clinical trial.
Do feel reassured, given that the MHRA is the regulator for clinical trials and given that if you want to participate in this one you’ll not be able to see your family, as the camp is a residential one for 14 days? As I type I find myself rolling my eyes
Mysterious cases of pneumonia
The World Health Organisation is monitoring a cluster of pneumonia cases from an unknown cause in Argentina, in an outbreak that so far has claimed three deaths. Covid-19 has been eliminated as a possible cause.
Was I the only one who was expecting the monkeypox story to hang about like a bad smell even though cases are declining? Monkeypox, chickenpox, Herpes zoster, tomato flu—if in doubt, grab a smallpox jab! Nothing like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
But now we have a new variant, surprise, surprise, and whom do we have to thank for this latest discovery? Yes, you guessed it: the UK. The High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) unit at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital (RLUH) has admitted an unidentified individual to isolation, in line with standing advice from the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP).
It is perhaps worth remembering that the Chair of the Commission Human Medicines, Professor Sir Munir Pirmohamed, is a Consultant Physician at the RLUH. Will monkeypox become the new syphilis?
UKHSA (United Kingdom Health Security Agency)
I am always keeping my eyes on Dame Jenny Harries, our newest head of the UK Spooks Department (Health Branch)—not to be confused with Dame June Raine of the MHRA. There ain't nothing like a Dame, and we seem to have had a lot of them appointed just recently.
The UKHSA is responsible for ‘protecting’ every member of every community in Britain from the impact of infectious diseases, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear incidents, and other health threats. It boasts the ability to provide intellectual, scientific and operational leadership at national level and local level, as well as on the global stage, to ‘make the nation’s health secure’. Categorised as an ‘executive agency’, it has the Department of Health and Social Care as its parent ministry.
Polio hasn’t gone away either; it is quietly simmering in the background. The UKHSA has announced that it will expand its surveillance of polio in sewage to conurbations outside London. The additional testing sites have been announced as those served by sewage treatment works covering parts of: Birmingham, Blackburn with Darwen, Bradford, Brighton and Hove, City of Bristol, Bury, Castle Point, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, North Tyneside, Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, Nottingham, Preston, Salford, Sheffield and Watford.
Does this sound like ‘seek and ye shall find’, or possibly ‘germ hunters’? As if we don’t have enough on NHS waiting lists, millions needing treatment, do we have enough money to go searching for new things to worry about? Really?
Worryingly, it seems to be deemed a high enough risk to warrant a push on polio jabs for our youngsters.
High rate of mental health problems in transgender children
Transgender children, even the prepubescent, already show increased susceptibility to mental health problems compared with their cisgender peers, new research suggests.
Investigators assessed a sample of more than 7,000 children aged 9–10 years in the general population, and found that those who reported being transgender scored considerably higher on all six subscales of the DSM-5-oriented Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL).
Transgender children had almost sixfold higher odds of suicidal ideation, and over twice the likelihood of depressive and anxiety problems, compared with cisgender children. Moreover, transgender children displayed higher levels of mental health problems in this study, compared with previous studies of transgender children recruited from specialist gender clinics.
Faecal transplants
In an attempt combat the hard-to-treat superbug Clostridium difficile (C.Diff), scientists are proposing a faecal microbiota transplant, which involves taking healthy bacteria, in a mixture of prepared processed stool, from a healthy donor to the intestine of the sufferer. C.Diff causes diarrhoea and often affects people who have been taking antibiotics. Don’t worry; you won’t have to take the donated poo by mouth—it can be deposited directly into the colon through a tube. Yuck.
UK Government selloff; energy-saving civil servants
It might be worth people's while addressing a Freedom of Information request to Jacob Rees-Mogg to ask how much the UK Government will stand to make from the huge selloff of offices, as civil servants are told to turn up their thermostat and work from home.
Isn’t that a quandary for all of us who work from home? Who will pay their energy bills or arrange childcare? Looking after children at home combined with working doesn’t always work! Will home workers soon moderate their enthusiasm for the lifestyle, or will it be too late by then?
Anyone caring to see what the Government has on the market currently can click here. Maybe you fancy refurbishing an ambulance station?
The Queen
With all the other news, has anyone taken any notice of this story? The Queen is struggling with mobility issues and is currently in Scotland at Balmoral (take a note of that).
The Queen being unable to go to the Highland Games, and remaining at Balmoral to welcome in our new Prime Minister and wave goodbye to the outgoing PM, is unprecedented
So what happens in the UK when the Queen dies? I have been doing a bit of research to see how it impacts each and every one of us. In inner circles, the death of the Queen is known as ‘Operation London Bridge is Down’ or ‘D-Day’. The term ‘D-Day will be significant, and events will be planned accordingly. However, should the Queen die at Balmoral, Operation Unicorn will kick into action.
Should this happen, the period of mourning may affect up to six parliamentary days, as plans to transport her body back to London by train are put into place. However, on a lighter note, if there is a problem with rail transport (maybe there will be a strike!), her body will be flown to London under ‘Operation Overstudy’.
If the Queen’s death is expected, the news will spread via mainstream TV channels first. All BBC programmes will be paused to show the BBC One feed, which will detail her passing. All newsreaders will wear black suits and ties. A footman in mourning attire will pin a black-edged notice to the gates of Buckingham Palace. The Royal Family website will publish a short statement and all Government social media accounts will display a black banner at the top. Social media profile pictures will be changed to the relevant departmental crest. When it comes to sharing posts, all non-urgent content will be shelved and retweets banned.
A radio alert transmission, RATS (Radio Alerts Transmission Service), as was used in wartime, will be revived for the occasion. Blue ‘orbit’ lights will alert presenters to play inoffensive music in preparation for a newsflash. The UK will immediately enter a twelve-day period of mourning and all television programming will stop to focus on wall-to-wall broadcasts of the Queen’s life and reign. All major TV and radio broadcast services will be in full mourning. Only solemn music will be played, and commemorative programmes will be aired.
At 10am on D-Day+1, the Accession Council will meet at St James’ Palace to proclaim Charles as the new Sovereign. At 11am, he will swear an oath called the Accession Declaration; this maybe the time that Camilla is introduced as Queen Consort. The proclamation will be read at St James’ Palace and the Royal Exchange and will confirm Charles as King. Trumpets will sound, flags will be raised and cannons fired in a royal salute. No time to waste! The flamboyant ceremonial coronation won’t take place for a number of months. At this time, too, Prince William will become the Prince of Wales. On D-Day+3, Charles will do a UK tour (yes, honestly!).
A service prior to the official funeral, which itself is codenamed ‘Operation Lion’, will take place at Westminster Hall. The Queen’s coffin will lie in state at Westminster Hall for four days, when it will be open to the public to pay their respects. After this, ‘Operation Feather’ kicks into gear, as the coffin is moved to the Palace of Westminster for three days, draped in purple. The orb, sceptre and Imperial Crown will be fixed in place, and soldiers will be standing guard. King Charles III (or George VII, whichever name he chooses) will lead the mourners.
The funeral will be declared a national day of mourning and the Coronation will be announced as a bank holiday (not that there are any banks left). Shops will close as a mark of respect, as will the stock market. The funeral will be held ten days after the Queen’s death and there will be a two-minute silence. Football stadiums will host memorial services around the country. It is thought that the Queen has requested a burial next to Prince Philip, who lies in the Royal Vault at St George’s Chapel, Windsor. This likely means that his body will be disinterred and relaid to rest alongside hers in the King George VI Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle.
It will be a very intense two-week period; effectively, all geopolitical news will be put on hold and the Queen will be all we hear. Some may suspect a distraction from other important matters.
But what if a global public emergency is called by the World Health Organisation? Now, that would be an interesting development. Perhaps in our forthcoming ‘dark winter’ of power and internet cuts we won’t hear a thing—especially if, as we are being warned of, the UK Government has already handed our sovereign rights to the WHO. Interesting times ahead.
Quiet quitting
Who has heard of this? No, it’s not a new technique to quit smoking. The concept of quiet quitting has gone viral across social media, especially among young professionals. How do you do the least amount of work possible without being fired? How do you make time for you? Are you dissatisfied with your job?
Apparently, the plandemic has caused us all to stop and rethink (no-one asked me; did they ask you?). According to the World Economic Forum, a survey by Gallup reports that only 21% of workers say they are ‘engaged’ at work. We all need to slow down! Avoid stress and burnout in order to keep ourselves well. Can’t you see the four- or even three-day week looming? Local government in South Cambridgeshire can.
If we become too stressed, we may fall sick; similarly, if we don’t work, we don’t pay the energy bills—and then we get even more stressed! This jolly, short video courtesy of the WEF explains it all.
Smart meters
For those struggling to pay energy bills, it appears having a smart meter may actually not be a smart thing to do. The regulator, Ofgem, is facing increasing pressure to stop energy companies from forcing people to install prepayment meters—with one customer claiming her home was forcibly entered after his smart meter was remotely taken over.
UK Column has been warning over the dangers of smart meters for many months. Many are being told that changing suppliers will mean installation of a smart meter. For now, we are able to refuse; however, those that do may be penalised and have to pay higher tariffs.
Smart meters have cost over £11 billion to install thus far, and are sold to us on the premise that they will help us save money on our energy bills. What no-one officially tells you is that this generation of smart meters cannot cope with 4G or 5G and they are a complete waste of money. The current equipment will become obsolete, as currently the meters rely on 2G and 3G mobile signals to operate at a time when mobile operators are planning to pull the plug on earlier generations of signal! Smart meters will soon become ‘dumb meters’. Put simply, as I understand it, smart meters are not smart enough to handle 4G or 5G technology. Simple.
Warm hubs
I am old enough to remember that, back in the 1970s during the power cuts, my grandfather’s friends used to pop to the pub for a pint and a warm plus to enjoy some company. With the threat of many pubs closing in the foreseeable future (as they cannot keep up with the running costs and customers cannot afford the rising cost of drink), we should become accustomed to the latest ‘hub’—developed for our safety, of course. This time, it is a ‘warm hub’.
Surgical hubs, birth hubs, health hubs and now warm hubs—we seem to be living in the hubbaverse, never mind the metaverse. Remember the closure of all those libraries and community halls? Well, they are about to be given a new lease of life. Wales is already on the case. Where is your nearest communal warming station?
Some stories you may be interested in
Prescription charges to increase
As if it can’t get any worse, another price hike that will hit the middle classes. Children, and those on benefits or in receipt of pensions, don’t pay prescription charges. Be prepared for the prescription charge to rise to as much as £13 per item by 2035, and this time over-60s will be charged! For the time being, keep an eye on this story, as the Government considers raising prescription exemptions to those aged 66 and over, instead of the current age of 60 years.
Alcohol and Alzheimers
Oh look, a new paper: shall we blame a drink for dementia? It couldn’t possibly be anything else, could it?
Time to scale up mental health care in China
The elderly aren’t dying quick enough
An excellent article from Dead Man Talking; do you have any time for GPs any more? I don’t.
Reforming the Public Health System in England — The Lancet
Winnie The Pooh, Blood and Honey
Not even Winnie the Pooh escapes demonic intervention and a horror movie. Warning: even the trailer is pretty scary, so perhaps not in front of the kids if you decide to click on this link.