Comment // Health

Debi Evans Blog: 6 June 2023

Before I start my news blog, I would like to send love and prayers to the people of Canada, especially those affected by the disastrous wildfires currently sweeping through their country. Large parts of Canada are being affected by wildfires. This disaster can be seen from space. Smoke is covering large parts of Quebec and tens of thousands have been evacuated as their homes go up in smoke. Multiple fires in multiple places have broken out, seemingly all at once. Shockingly, over 211 wildfires are burning, with 82 of those classified as “out of control”. The provinces affected are British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the North West Territories, Manitoba and Ontario.

Let this sink in: so far in 2023, there have been 1,826 fires already. 2.7 million hectares of land are burning—which, to people like me, equates to 5 MILLION football fields. Why are we not hearing of this catastrophe? For anyone who would like to see the satellite images showing the extent of the smoke, Dutchsinse on YouTube reported on it in detail.

This week, I could make life easy for myself and just report on some of the stories that you may have missed; however, in the continuing absence of Marianna Spring offering to verify my research, I have decided to ask for some help from all those reading. Our audience is far more discerning than the BBC’s. Thank you in advance.

Before I go into detail, I would like to add the caveat that I, like many others, am only human. When I research, I try to be as thorough as I can; however, sometimes we may join dots that perhaps don’t exist. Therein lies the lesson: do your own research and question everything, including us!

So, with the housekeeping done, I would like to share my thoughts on what I am seeing. In order that others may join their own dots and come to their own conclusions, I will provide all the links and methodology. 

We have all become so used to the word ‘pandemic’ that it has become part of our normal language. In fact, prior to 2020, mention of a pandemic would normally instil fear into most folk. However, as we are now living in a post-pandemic era, we all appear to have become a bit complacent, rolling our eyes at yet another mention of another seemingly ‘deadly’ pathogen that may or may not materialise into a ‘global emergency’, alias ‘pandemic’. 

So have we normalised the word ‘pandemic’, and will the global population react as it did before? Clearly, if China is anything to go by, then no. As each country reacted differently to the same global emergency, what lessons have been learned? In order to avoid the Aesop’s Fable of The Little Boy who Cried Wolf, perhaps those in charge are planning something else—maybe a little more nuanced and tailored to each country—to get our fear juices flowing again?

Was Covid simply an exercise to:
a) gain as much real world data as possible,
b) understand how each country would react in order to plan the next event,
c) genomically sequence pretty much everyone and everything in sight, for the purposes of harming us and surveilling our movements?
Perhaps all three—and more.

So what may be planned moving forward? Here is my theory; please do feel free to comment in the forums on UK Column

The World Health Organisation has an emergency health plan that doesn’t just include pandemics; it includes epidemics, too. These are defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the USA as an unexpected increase in the number of disease cases in a specific geographical area. The difference between a pandemic and an epidemic isn’t the severity of the disease but how it spreads. Pandemics cross borders and international boundaries, whereas epidemics, if contained, don’t spread out of the affected region. However, it is important to note that if an epidemic is declared, it can, if not contained, progress to a pandemic. These terms are not to be confused with ‘endemic’, which means a disease that is always present throughout a specific region or population but remains stable and predictable over time.

In the UK, scientists have been warning of an emerging threat to public health in England. The threat is E. coli. Part of this could be attributed to better detection of non-O157 Shiga (STEC) toxin-producing strains of E. coli in labs, but there also appear to be more people suffering with E. coli-associated illness than before. A recent article in Food Safety News gives more detail. So how high is the risk of a future epidemic of STEC in the UK and how would it be managed by national Public Health, should the need arise?


Escherichia coli alias E. coli 

E. coli is a bacteria that is normally found in the intestines of healthy people and animals. Even though forms of E. coli quite happily and healthily live with us, E. coli from external sources can cause severe intestinal infections which can lead to life-threatening complications. E. coli, particularly O157:H7 strains, are called Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). It is important at this point to note that scientists at the Medical Research Council in the UK have successfully created E. coli bacteria using human-made DNA. This is what is called synthetic E. coli, We appear to live in a synthetic world, where nothing is as it seems. Everything is being changed, manipulated, re-engineered and repurposed.

If a person is exposed to water, raw vegetables or undercooked ground beef that has been contaminated with E. coli, they can become sick and experience severe stomach cramps, bloody diarrhoea and vomiting. Fortunately, most healthy adults make a good recovery within a week, but some young children or older more vulnerable people may be at risk of developing a life-threatening disease after infection, including kidney failure.

Normally, symptoms present within three or four days after acquiring E. coli. Once symptoms appear, the effects and illness can last anywhere between one and ten days. Symptoms can vary from stomach cramps to blood in the stools or, in more severe cases, blood in urine, pale skin, dehydration and decreased urine output, indicating poor kidney function. Life-threatening complications can present if the case is left untreated, such as pneumonia, bacteremia (bacteria entering the bloodstream), meningitis (bacteria crossing the blood-brain barrier), abdominal and pelvic infection, and urinary tract infections.

Currently in the United Kingdom, we appear to have an outbreak of E. coli that has affected many of our mussel and oyster farms here in Cornwall; most have had to close. Bivalve molluscan shellfish, such as mussels, clams, oysters are filter feeders and retain and accumulate a variety of microorganisms from their natural environment. It is essential, therefore, to ensure that the quality of waters from which they are harvested is safe. Poor sanitation can lead to the presence of bacteria from animals or human waste, and you are at risk of ingesting E. coli if you swim in or swallow contaminated water. Most mussel farms are situated in our coastal bays in shallow water, close to sewer outfalls. Does that make you feel sick? It does me. 

At the time of writing, in Cornwall, 11 shellfish production facilities are closed due to high levels of E. coli. However how many are harvesting their own mussels from the beach and coastline, or paddling or swimming in it, without even knowing? The requirement is that 80% of samples must contain less than or equal to 230 E. coli bacteria per 100 grammes; however, the levels reported are reaching up to 92,000/100g! So high that anyone caught harvesting shellfish from the banned areas faces imprisonment for two years. Thus far, I was not aware of scuba patrols by sea or river police or the Environmental Agency! If you are in Cornwall, do you know where your ‘locally harvested’ mussels come from?

Who has heard of the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (CEFAS) report? I have been a reader of most of them for many years, for completely unrelated reasons. CEFAS performs sanitary surveys for new bivalve mollusc production areas, and they don’t make for pleasant reading. The message is: check where you are swimming and what you are swimming in. Surfers Against Sewage exist for a reason—not that they have ever helped me; it isn’t just surfers who are affected by sewage. 

It’s not just water through which E. coli can also be transmitted. It is possible through poor hygiene. Not washing your hands after a bowel movement and then preparing food, for example. Besides ourselves, do we really have any idea of who has or is handling our food prior to our consumption? Historically, nursing homes, hospital childcare facilities and schools are the most vulnerable.

Here’s where I need your help, wonderful readers. I found a couple of documents that concern me, but I am only human, so maybe I am jumping the gun or getting my dots confused? Let me know what you think.

Let’s start with the first document from the World Health Organisation, which appears to map each country to the pathogen most likely to cause a problem. Is this a forecast of what is to come, perhaps? Are we to expect multiple ‘epidemics’ in different countries; a simultaneous health ‘polycrisis’, perhaps? Could this be a warning of what is to come? If so, it could be that some parts of Western Europe, including the UK, could be about to see a rise in E. coli and cryptosporidosis, which also involves contaminated water and poorly tummies. I don’t believe in coincidences.

A 2022 academic paper presented this conclusion:

As part of the Grand Challenges Explorations: New Approaches to Characterize the Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance Program, we present genomic data of WHO critical priority carbapenemase-resistant, ESBL-producing, and/or colistin-resistant Escherichia coli strains isolated from humans and nonhuman sources in Brazil, a country with continental proportions and high levels of antimicrobial resistance.

The report concluded;

Our present study provided evidence of epidemiological and clinical interest, highlighting that the convergence of wide virulome and resistome has contributed to the persistence and rapid spread of international high-risk clones of E. coli at the human-animal-environmental interface, which must be considered a One Health threat that requires coordinated actions to reduce its incidence in humans and nonhuman hosts.

Since deep-diving into the world of E. coli, antimicrobial resistance and enterovirus, I have discovered a little-known pandemic preparedness exercise that was conducted in 2018 between the UK and Argentina. There is very little documentation or data, aside from an official government press announcement and this Declaration of the G20 Meeting of Health Ministers, 4 October 2018, Mar del Plata, Argentina, which states:

We appreciate the opportunity to work together in Mar del Plata on a fictional One Health exercise which simulated the spread of antibiotic resistant E. coli through multiple transmission routes, between sectors and across borders and recognize the value of such learning.

Apart from a small article in the Mail, the data acquired from this (thus far unnamed) exercise is unknown. Perhaps we are not meant to know about it? Can anyone else find out more? Interesting timing: scientists have chosen to map E. coli in order to help overcome antimicrobial resistance.

Clearly, we appear to have a large E. coli agenda moving forward. Do our health officials from the NHS, Public Health, the UKHSA, academia and government know something we don’t? The E. coli agenda appears to dovetail very nicely with the UK’s Antimicrobial Resistance plan 20 years vision, published in 2018 (the same time as that E. coli pandemic preparedness exercise), commanded by our very own UK Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Envoy, Dame Sally Davies, previously the UK Chief Medical Officer. She is quoted in 2022 as saying, “Antimicrobial resistance could kill us before climate change”.

To remind readers, the World Health Organisation defines antimicrobial resistance thus:

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread, severe illness and death. 

As a result of drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines become ineffective and infections become increasingly difficult or impossible to treat.

There is so much to say on this topic; this is the tip of a very big coliberg, I fear. On top of all of this, it appears that scientists are able to engineer (by CRISPR Cas9) antibiotic-resistant E. coli from our guts: the aptly named SNIPR drug is in full swing. But how are we to know if it is just the bad E. coli that is being chopped out and not our healthy E. coli, that allows us to survive? E. coli is also very useful for research purposes and in China is being used to target cancer. There we go again—the cancer agenda. 

When scientists link the terms E. coli and a deadly pandemic strain together, one has to ask: what have they got planned, and are we to expect a lot of sick children and babies? I pray I am wrong. Only as recently as last week, were two children reported to have been admitted to hospital, seriously ill with E. coli, after petting animals at a farm. 

E. coli plus antimicrobial resistance, and enteroviruses, are both being made big issues; deliberately, in my opinion. Not just globally, but specifically in the West. The UK appears to be leading the way. In its bid to become a life science global superpower, it makes perfect sense as to why the King’s Government wants your poo and any other specimen of yourself that you care to offer. They want you to think that sending a sample of your poo to the NHS is in your best interest, to catch bowel cancer early; however, I see it as another way of genomic sequencing, surveillance, collecting data and using you as a lab rat.

If you are healthy and have no gut issues that you are concerned about, you don’t need a test. When it arrives, put it in the bin and then ask yourself how much that cost the NHS. What happens to those who do a test, only to find a problem—do they end up terrified on the end of a 7-million-long NHS waiting list or agonising over whether to sell their home to access expensive private treatment? What a choice. It also makes perfect sense that our water companies are having the finger pointed at them for neglect of our sewerage system—which, let’s face it, hasn’t been updated since its birth in Victorian times. Waste water and excrement appear to have become the new jewels in the scientists’ crown. Waste water detection in London recently showed polio; as a result, many children are being targeted for a polio jab.

It would appear that after destroying our neurological systems and immune systems with lockups, masks and jabs, those that want to see the human race dismantled (Build Back Better) from the inside out have set their sights on the gut biome. But that is a whole other article.

For now, the jury is still out; but are you confident you and your kids are swimming in clean water? Are you confident in what’s under your picnic blanket on the beach or river bank? Are you confident in your water company? Will E. coli, or an enterovirus like polio, be the epidemic or pandemic of the future? 

AMR is big business, everyone wants a slice of that cake, the One Health game, including, World Bank, World Economic Forum, United Nations, World Health Organisation and of course Sir Bill Gates. You name it, they’re invested. Anyone thought to wonder why? Follow the money, I say.


SKYCovion Injection

Since I reported this on last week’s UK Column News, I have done some more deep-diving into this latest injection the MHRA has kindly approved for the great British public, although why I am not sure. I am not a prolific tweeter, but I have been busy tweeting the MHRA this week, just to ask them a few simple questions. I will repeat them here, in case anyone else would like to ask similar.

According to the MHRA website and SKYCovion summary of product characteristics that can be found here, this injection does not appear to have been designed for the population in the United Kingdom. So why has the MHRA approved its use here?

SKYCovion is a primary course of Covid–19 vaccinations. Therefore, it is not designed for those already vaccinated. There have been no interchangeability studies done, so this does not appear to have been designed for anyone who has already had received another jab from another manufacturer.

The injection has not been tested on pregnant mums, babies or breast milk; however, it is licensed for the over-18s. What if the injection is given to a woman who at the time is unaware she is pregnant? What will the effect on her unborn baby be? What will the effects be on youngsters who plan to have a family in the near future, after the jab?

This injection has been designed for developing countries, not heavily vaccinated countries such as the UK. I understand anecdotally that this injection is being given to our elderly, many of who are on their fourth booster and counting. Why?

This is an injection with a difference for many reasons. There is little chance, in my honest opinion, of anyone getting a 100% accurate dose. The injections come in two multi-dose vials and have to be mixed. For those of you who have never drawn an injection up before, it has to be done both aseptically and accurately. In my career, most drugs were dispensed in one-dose vials so that there was no danger of under- or overdosing. If that drug needed to be diluted with water or saline, there were always two of us to check it, ensuring that the dosage was correct. Who, at these ‘vaccine clinics’, is qualified to do this? Anyone know? Anyone care?

So far, the MHRA is silent. Silence speaks volumes.


Superhuman clinic in Ukraine just opened

As we all watch with horror as Ukraine is systematically destroyed, one can’t help feel surprised that in the centre of all the chaos, a new Superhumans Centre has opened in Lviv, with another unit planned close by. The centre is setting a new standard in dealing with complex cases of amputation. Many Ukrainian patients who have already had previous amputations on the battlefield or in other less specialist hospitals are referred to Superhumans for reconstructive, state-of-the-art prosthetics.

This is, of course, great news for those who have had their lives devastated through losing limbs, including babies and children, yet I cannot help but feel slightly uncomfortable when reading their website. First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska is a board member who appears to be surrounded by A-list celebrities, including Sting and Jean Oelwang, partner of Sir Richard Branson and President of Virgin Unite. I would hope that Ukraine will be ‘regenerated’; however, I hope that in the process, the innocent population is not being used as experimental lab rats for the accelerated transhumanist era.


And finally

I am sorry if this week’s blog is a bit heavy. Next week, I will be looking at some new words and terms that are popping up in our language and going almost unnoticed. What you thought was a ‘dragster’ may now mean something completely different, and what is synthetic biology anyway? 

As unpredictable and scary as things may seem to feel right now, one thing is always certain. The ability to laugh, smile and be happy still exists. If you have a gift to give—perhaps in music, singing, art, poetry, storytelling or acting (I name only a few)—then give your gift to someone today. Just sharing a happy memory will ‘infect’ others with happiness. It’s free and it’s good for the body and soul. What have you got to lose? Nothing. All to gain.

Until next week,
God bless,


It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD.
2 Chronicles 5:13