Jeremy Hunt: Chancellor or De-Facto Prime Minister?
I couldn’t resist leading this week with the news that Jeremy Hunt is now our new Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) and in charge of our country as well as our economy. Hiding behind him is Liz Truss, who appears to have lost her way. By the time you read this, we may even have seen Liz ejected unceremoniously, with another ‘leader’ looming. The news is moving so fast, I am trying hard to keep up with it. Clearly, the United Kingdom is far from united.
On Friday’s UK Column News, Mike Robinson asked me whether Jeremy Hunt could count. Great question. Had I thought about it more, I may have answered differently. Is Jeremy numerate? Does he understand numbers? Where has he come from? A past entrepreneur, he was the co-founder of a publisher, Hotcourses Education. When it was eventually sold, it was reported as making him a healthy £14 million.
A Carthusian by education, he attained the heights of head boy, but that is not all he was head of. He has proudly announced that he was head of Charterhouse School’s magic society, where he honed his skills in ‘presenting’. How many schools have a magic society? From Charterhouse, he went onto receive a first-class degree in Oxford’s noted course for would-be cabinet ministers: Politics, Philosophy and Economics. Magic, mind-bending and mathematics—what desirable MMM skills for a Chancellor to have besides a PPE degree!
Metaphorically speaking, Jeremy, although striving to become the nation’s bridegroom, has never got past the rank of best man, and he is no stranger to ministerial positions in Cabinet. However, what kind of husband forgets his wife’s nationality while visiting her home country? On a positive note though, you can be confident that if President Xi Jinping needs a chat, Jeremy’s wife will be sure to interpret. As she is a presenter on Chinese state media, I am sure he will be kept fully updated on all Party matters.
Forgive me if I question Mr Hunt’s numeracy skills. When directly faced with over 400,000 MHRA Yellow Card serious adverse reports and over 2,000 deaths from the ‘vaccine’ (that I refer to as ‘gene technology’), he paid me lip service in a clip that was subsequently picked up by platforms including GB News. Whilst recognising the volume and seriousness of the ‘numbers’ in his video exchange with me, and acknowledging a deep concern that he undertook to follow up on, he has thus far ignored them all, leaving thousands of people who trusted the science with serious injuries. They have been left stranded and ignored with no help, no answers and no investigation.
As the founder member of Patient Safety Watch, Jeremy Hunt appears to have been dozing when he should have been on watch. As Chairman of the House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee, he had the opportunity to raise patients’ experiences with Covid jabs at a high level; however, he failed. The segment from UK Column News where I catch him unawares on a Zoom call in which he was discussing patient safety can be viewed here at the 1hr 20m mark.
Some people will remember the controversy over the UK’s lack of pandemic preparedness that happened on Hunt’s watch as Secretary of State for Health: Exercise Cygnus. UK Column has picked over the findings. It appears he learned a lot whilst we learned nothing, and still many of the exercises that took place alongside Cygnus remain a secret: Exercise Alice, for example. However, all seven secret exercises under Cygnus have purportedly been leaked here, with Alice the top embedded document on the page.
Jeremy Hunt isn’t afraid of demanding investigations. Perhaps he might bear in mind the number of spontaneous abortions and the neonatal death statistics, which have dramatically risen since the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccine to pregnant women in the absence of any long-term safety data.
Cast your mind back to the time when he gleefully announced the draconian measures that the Chinese were using when locking their citizens up and the police were guarding houses to ensure no-one left. I could say so much more about Jeremy Hunt, as I am sure you could, too. If you are a junior doctor, you will remember only too well the battle your colleagues had with Mr Hunt when he was Health Secretary.
So am I comfortable with Jeremy Hunt as our Chancellor? No, and it seems I am not alone. When he stood for the leadership contest, only 18 MPs supported his bid. Dropping out early, he scurried off the scene, but he also admitted that his desire to lead the country was still very much alive and well. Interestingly, he had to drop out at the same time as Nadhim Zahawi, one of the shortest-serving Chancellors in history. Now coming out of the shadows, Jeremy Hunt appears finally to be but a step away from 10 Downing Street. His enthusiasm for and his bond with China is just a bit too close for comfort. That said, who on earth would have wanted the job at His Majesty’s Treasury? Was Liz Truss desperate, or was he the only one volunteering? Considering Jeremy never supported the Truss leadership bid, one has to wonder.
There are simply too many stories to tell in one blog, so I will just highlight some that you may have missed along the way. The NHS is dead and beyond resuscitation, and it is silently being put to rest. The UK population is now officially ‘health homeless’, and there don’t appear to be any alternatives. Many in Britain are now too frightened to talk to their GP, let alone consider a visit to a hospital. The NHS has become a dangerous place for many.
To all my nursing colleagues, this seems to be the message from Thérèse Coffey, the Health Secretary: If you don’t like the pay, leave. Thanks, Thérèse, thanks from the bottom of the hearts of all the dedicated, qualified staff who remain trapped within a health service that they wish they could escape from. Currently, nurses are being consulted on strike action. The Health Secretary, however, remains firm: no more money; take it or leave it. UK Column is receiving letters and e-mails from NHS staff who are desperate to leave their posts and who only remain because either their personal circumstances require them to or they are too scared to leave their patients in the hands of the many un-professionals and volunteers who now seeming run the service.
CEO of NHS England caught making unprofessional remarks about the NHS
I am losing count of the number of times that UK Column News has reported that the NHS is defunct. All those who think that taking a jab will protect it need to be aware that there is nothing left to protect. On the same day, we learn that there are 7 million on the waiting list in England waiting to start treatment, Amanda Pritchard was heard in a closed meeting as describing the system as a ‘f…..g nightmare’. I would describe it not as asleep in a nightmare, but dead.
Tranexamic Acid
Who has heard of this drug? I confess I hadn’t, so I have hit the ground running to try to find out more. Tranexamic acid is a medication usually used for nosebleeds and heavy menstruation. While the NHS Blood and Transplant Service, which last week issued an ‘amber’ alert due to blood shortages, struggles to meet demand for blood, it appears that surgeons are now being encouraged to give this acid routinely to patients who require surgery, to stop them from bleeding unnecessarily. Dentists will often use tranexamic acid mouthwash to stop dental bleeding.
Is this meant to be a shortcut to ease the demand on blood transfusions? Some women taking the oral contraceptive pill may be more prone to deep vein thrombosis (DVT), and this drug is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Serious adverse reactions to tranexamic acid can include skin rash, itchiness, swollen tongue, tightness of the chest and difficulty breathing. Some patients may experience anaphylactic shock and may need immediate treatment in hospital. Would I avail myself of a British blood transfusion nowadays, even if I needed it in an emergency? My body, my choice, as the slogan goes; so I would say no.
Covid-19 Boosters
Invitations (perhaps to make it sound more exclusive) for the over-50s to get their bivalent jabs are on the way. The NHS has just announced the extension of the rollout and is encouraging people to book an appointment. According to the NHS, over 7 million people have already had their booster (is it a coincidence that 7 million are currently on NHS England’s waiting list?) and now potentially another 12 million are eligible. From what we are hearing anecdotally, there has so far been a very low uptake.
Serious Adverse Reactions — Kounis syndrome and DRESS syndrome
Many of those suffering with vaccine injuries after receiving Covid-19 injections are struggling to get a definitive diagnosis, as doctors, consultants and scientists are unable to put a name on anything that covers the multitude of symptoms that are being observed.
Two syndromes that have been brought to my attention that you may not be aware of are Kounis and DRESS. Without a diagnosis, many British patients are not receiving the support or help they need from other agencies, including the MHRA, the Department of Work and Pensions, the Department of Health, and the NHS. To unlock British benefits (welfare payments), you need an illness code. Yet currently, there is no ICD code in existence for those suffering as a result of vaccine injury. We will be covering more on this in future interviews.
Kounis syndrome is an acute coronary syndrome caused by an allergic reaction to a drug or other substance. Rare and often overlooked, this syndrome involves mast cell activation and the release of inflammatory cytokines as a result of spasm to the arteries, leading to a blockage of one or more arteries.
DRESS syndrome (drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms)—also known as drug-induced hypersensitivity syndrome (DIHS) or drug hypersensitivity syndrome—is a severe reaction to certain drugs. The elevated levels of eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) that occur in this syndrome can cause healthy tissue to be attacked. DRESS syndrome is described as a Type 4 hypersensitivity reaction. It is very serious, affects the skin and other organs, and it has a mortality rate of up to 10%. It affects between one in a hundred and one in 10,000 people after exposure to certain drugs. Typically, it manifests within two to six weeks of a person’s exposure to a drug. For those who wish to learn more, the DRESS Syndrome Foundation is at your disposal.
Worrying study — startling results
Why do people lie about Covid? A remarkable report reveals that approximately 50% of people have at some point ‘lied’ about Covid-19. The definitions and motives at play here will be obvious to many readers.
More worrying is the fact that the study write-up also declares that:
These findings suggest that misrepresentation and nonadherence regarding COVID-19 public health measures constitute a serious public health challenge.
So, next time (you do know there’s going to be a next time don’t you?), expect harder, more draconian measures. In my opinion, it is not a matter of if, but when.
MHRA: Medicines and Medical Devices
A £1.8 million funding boost by the Wellcome Trust (or ‘by Wellcome’, as their name branding now has it) is to be given to the the MHRA and the National Institute Clinical Excellence (NICE) to explore digital mental health tools.
Although the regulations are scant at best, Wellcome has committed to fund improvements in regulatory certainty and safety. Do we all feel ‘welcome’ knowing that Wellcome is behind it? It is branded as a healthcare charity and keen to save the NHS some precious money. The NHS is already rolling our digital mental health tools—but with little or no regulation, no-one really understands what constitutes a mental health digital device. We read, for instance:
Big Health’s digital cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) course Sleepio, for insomnia, has already been broadly adopted by NHS Scotland and more recently endorsed by NICE for use in NHS England.
Do we trust Wellcome, MHRA and NICE? I don’t.
Dr Miranda Wolpert, director of mental health at Wellcome, said:
At Wellcome, we support the development of new and improved interventions for mental health, which includes digital interventions. One of the ways that we can encourage the development of tools that genuinely help and support as many people as possible will be through risk-appropriate guidance and regulation.
We are also assured:
The MHRA will be engaging with and learning from people with lived experience of mental health conditions, helping to ensure that that the regulation is at the right level, relevant and robust.
The MHRA and NICE will engage with people with lived experience, subject experts and patients to help inform the conclusions they draw. They will also work with international partners to drive shared learning and consensus in digital mental health regulations globally.
Medicine prices soar — shortages looming
Without evoking the shade of Cassandra, we have been warning of medicine shortages in the UK, caused mainly by massive distribution disruption leading to soaring drug prices. Already, many from whom we are hearing are struggling to obtain their prescriptions, and some are resorting to buying from online pharmacies. The MHRA recently declared in their July board meeting, when discussing a medicinal ring of steel around Britain, that one in ten of the British public were buying their medicines online; simply ghastly. Some medicines have trebled in patient fee, and with the NHS set to endure more budget cuts, we can expect to see shortages going forward.
With UK prescription charges set to increase to a possible £13 per item, as well as the age for exemption from payment increased from 60 to the current retirement age of 66, if ever there was a time to transition from allopathic medicine to holistic naturopathic medicine, it is now.
Patient Safety Commissioner
We have finally discovered how to reach this well-hidden personage of British healthcare. To contact Dr Henrietta Hughes, phone the Department of Health and Social Care on 020 7210 4850, then choose option 4 for NHS Complaints or option 6 to leave a message for a named individual.
Alternatively, you can e-mail her direct at: commissioner@patientsafetycommissioner.org.uk
It should go without saying that contacts made should be genuine and courteous.
Tony Blair Institute
Thanks to Alex Thomson and many UK Column viewers for drawing this to my attention. It appears that Tony Blair still thinks he rules the world. Perhaps the weight of royal awards has gone to his head? The report on his institute’s latest wheeze, which has only just been released, can be seen here.
The Global Health Security Consortium (note the word ‘security’) claims to provide analysis and support for world leaders to help them prepare for health security challenges (there’s that word again). This undertaking is a trifecta: a joint initiative of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, the Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine, and a team of scientists from the one and only University of Oxford.
Keen to make the world one, Blair continues his ghastly mission to jab all. No One Shot for me, thanks. Transformative Medicine is a topic I will leave for another week.
Department of Work and Pensions
Millions of pensioners will receive a £300 cost of living payment. This will be a one-off payment and added to the annual winter fuel payment. It will be paid directly to claimants.
Smart Benches
Smart benches are coming to a street or park close to you soon; indeed, people in Ireland are already spotting them in situ. The company behind them says that the product looks like an ordinary bench.
I disagree. Most of the benches I have sat on are either wooden or metal, some in a state of total collapse. Here, we have a Bond-gadget-friendly piece of furniture. Vandal-resistant solar panels are embedded in the seats, while ‘smart’ battery management enables charging ports for devices, PHT sensors (which monitor movement and heat and GPS location data) and ambient lights.
In closing
Thank you to all our wonderful viewers and listeners from all corners of the earth who keep me on my toes and send me news that I have missed. Much of what has been included in this article has been brought to my attention by many of you.
And finally, a big thank you to Jane Dean, who very kindly sent me a copy of her book To Heal the Sick. Jane is an old-school nurse after my own heart. Highly recommended reading.
Highly Recommended YouTube channels for earth-watchers
MonkeyWerx — military aircraft situation reports, air traffic, no fly zones, who is going where and in what. A mine of information who I keep a daily eye on.
Dutchsinse — earthquake expert. I never miss one of Dutch’s broadcasts. He is eerily accurate with his predictions, almost to the day. Expect an 8.0 magnitude this week and much unrest.
Ryan Hall, Y’all — meteorology. Well respected; highly accurate. Concentrates mainly on US weather.
Suspicious Observers — all things sun, moon, space, earthquakes. Observing the world with detachment.