The UK public elects 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and propose new laws, and can scrutinise government policies by asking ministers questions about current issues either in the Commons Chamber or in Committees.
The questions to which I will be seeking answers in this article are:
- Have the interests of individual constituents been sacrificed whilst Parliament pursues a largely hidden agenda aimed at undermining the Sovereign Independence of the Nation State?
- if so, for how long, and by whom?
In Part 3 I postulated the hypothesis that the Training Charity Common Purpose might be acting as a 'stealth agent' of the United Nations whose primary role was to indoctrinate leaders in UN Agenda 21 policies? In order to substantiate this theory it would be critical to identify evidence linking Members of the UK Parliament to either the United Nations itself or, in the alternative, to other bodies promoting the establishment of World Governance.
The Register of All Party Groups
A logical starting point is the House of Commons - Register of All Party Groups. Two such groups are relevant to this research. They are 1) The All-Party Group for World Governance, and, 2) The All-Party Parliamentary United Nations Group. We will explore the membership and activities of these groups in turn.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group for World Governance
The Officers
Title | Name | Party |
Chair | Mark Pritchard | Con |
Vice-Chairs | Dr. Nick Palmer | Lab |
Joan Walley | Lab | |
Lord Archer of Sandwell | Lab | |
Jim Sheridan | Lab | |
Treasurer | Peter Bottomley | Con |
Secretary | Tom Brake | LD |
Government Party | Main Opposition Party | Other |
Dr. Gavin Strang | Peter Bottomley | Baroness Tonge |
Dr. Nick Palmer | Cheryl Gillan | Sir Menzies Campbell |
Joan Walley | Sir Patrick Cormack | Tom Brake |
Lord Archer of Sandwell | Lord Renton of Mount Harry | Lord Ashdown of Norton-sub-Hamdon |
Baroness Whittaker | Nigel Evans | |
David Chaytor | Anne McIntosh | |
Vera Baird | ||
John Battle | ||
Ann McKechin | ||
Hugh Bayley |
Benefits received by group from sources outside Parliament |
One World Trust provides administrative assistance (organising meetings; maintaining membership list; secretarial support for AGM's; briefings to members |
Paid employment outside Parliament of staff who hold a Parliamentary pass |
Michael Hammer, Executive Director, One World Trust, Leticia Labre, Project Manager One World Trust. |
One World Trust

According to the One World Trust website the
All-Party Parliamentary Group for World Governance (APPGWG) is a cross party group with currently 163 members drawn from both Houses of the British Parliament, the European Parliament and Welsh Assembly. It promotes discussions and awareness about global governance issues and the role of Parliamentarians in reforming the United Nations and other global institutions to make them more democratic, open and transparent.
The One World Trust document Voices in Parliament: a brief study of a successful All-Party Parliamentary Group provides a concise history of the All-Party Group for World Governance. This document tells us that Henry Usborne was elected to Parliament as a Labour MP in 1945....He established the All-Party Parliamentary Group on World Government in 1947, two years after taking his seat,
to act in whatever way it deems effective, as the focus in the House for the study and action on World Government.
It is also worth noting that Henry Usborne was one of the main drivers in the British branch of the World Federalist Movement. The Voices in Parliament document also tells us that 'in November 1967, its twentieth year, the Government spokesman in the House of Lords stood up and said:
Her Majesty's Government are fully in agreement with world government, Step by step we will strive towards that goal.
This Parliamentary Group established the One World Trust as its charitable arm in 1951 and by 1959 had formed a special Education Advisory Committee in order to pursue its objective that 'Her Majesty's Government should encourage a dual perspective in education - world as well as national - so that opportunity is given in the curriculum for balancing national loyalty with a measure of conscious loyalty to the human race as a whole in all its diversity'.
Charter 99: A Charter for Global Democracy
On United Nations Day, 24th October 1999 the One World Trust launched Charter 99, the Charter for Global Democracy. Intended as a mass signature campaign, the charter was signed by people in 120 countries in less than a year. This document indicates that:
'in many ways we now have world government. It is not to be found at the United Nations. Rather, the UN has been sidelined, while the real business of world government is done elsewhere. Global policies are discussed and decided behind closed doors by exclusive groups, such as the G8, OECD, the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation and others. Together they have created what can be seen as dominant and exclusive institutions of world government. These agencies are reinforced by informed networks of high officials and powerful alliances. All too often they are influenced by transnational corporations that pursue their own world strategies'.
One of the most important demands of the Charter 99 document is contained within the statement:
The first aim is to make the already existing processes of world administration and governance accountable. We want to know what decisions are being taken and why. We want the decision takers to know they are answerable to the public in every country which feels the breath of international bodies.
UK Column readers may also share my concerns that the activities of so-called charities such as the One World Trust and their allies within Parliament have moved towards their objectives from the shadows whilst the mainstream media has consistently failed in its duty to alert us. As a consequence the claim within the charter 99 document that 'decision makers should be reminded that they are answerable to the public' has more than a hollow ring to it.
Those readers interested in conducting further research into the One World Trust are advised that archive materials relating to the years 1952 - 1964 are currently held at the University of Sussex Library. The collection comprises minutes of meetings, reports, correspondence, accounts, balance sheets and photographs.
The All-Party Parliamentary United Nations Group
The purpose of this group is to support the work of the United Nations
The Officers
Title | Name | Party |
Chair | Peter Bottomley | Con |
Vice-Chair | Lord Hannay of Chiswick | CB |
Mike Gapes | Lab | |
David Heath | LD | |
Baroness Whittaker | Lab |
Government Party | Main Opposition Party | Other |
Mike Gapes | Hugh Robertson | David Heath |
Joan Walley | David Cameron | Lembit Opik |
David S. Borrow | Peter Luff | Dr. Vincent Cable |
Bob Blizzard | Sir John Stanley | Sir Menzies Cambell |
Tony Lloyd | Cheryl Gillan | |
Dr. Gavin Strang | Gregory Barker | |
Russel Brown | ||
Lord Judd | ||
Lord Hoyle | ||
Baroness Uddin |
The above names were downloaded from the House of Commons Register of All Party Groups that was prepared prior to the General Election on 12 April 2010. The United Nations Association UK published a fuller version of participating MP's on its website on 15th July 2010 that can be consulted here.
In relation to its' April 2010 Membership it is interesting to note that the following are now members of the NuCoalition Government:
David Cameron - Prime Minister, David Heath - Leader of the House of Commons; Vince Cable - Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills & President of the Board of Trade; Peter Luff - Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Defence Equipment, Support & Technology), Defence; Hugh Robertson - Minister for Sport & Olympics; Cheryl Gillan - Welsh Secretary and Gregory Barker - Minster of State for Energy & Climate Change.
It has already been established that 20 years ago Vince Cable helped to produce the Brundtland report Our Common Future which launched the concept of 'Sustainable development'. Cable was also visiting research fellow at the Centre for the Study of Global Governance at the London School of Economics. I therefore ask again: are these MP's representing their constituents or the interests of those pursuing One World Governance and the UN's Agenda 21 programme of which the concept of sustainable development forms a critical part?
The United Nations Association Trust (UNA-Trust) & The United Nations Association UK (UNA-UK)
The UNA Trust is a Registered Charity No: 256236. The Trustee's reports and annual statements for the year ended 30 June 2009 inform us that:
The UNA Trust has a long relationship with the United Nations Association of Great Britain & Northern Ireland (UNA-UK). The majority of the grants made by the Trust are to UNA-UK to finance educational and other work....UNA-UK is the leading policy authority on the United Nations in the UK as well as a grassroots membership organisation campaigning and educating in support of the role and work of the UN.
Objectives Of The UNA Trust
The purpose of the Trust is to undertake charitable activity in order to make a reality of the goals of the United Nations.....The Trust has carried out its objects by primarily finding UNA-UK to deliver on specific projects of an educational and outreach nature.
Grants Made In The Year To 30th June 2009
During the financial year the Trustees have sought to support several strands of educational and charitable work through a grant totalling £255,727 to UNA-UK....
UNA-UK Influencing UK Education
The UNA Trust funded UNA-UK to deliver a number of youth initiatives, aimed at young people aged from 14 to 24 including:
- a teaching pack on children's rights, child poverty and child soldiers. The pack was designed as a teaching resource to support key stages 3 & 4. It was disseminated to every secondary school in the UK.
- capacity building and training to enable an expansion in the number of UK youth and student associations (UNYSA's) in secondary and tertiary education establishments. This included financial and other support for a number of educational conferences.
- Direct support of model United Nations activities. This support, both financial and in kind, was delivered in the form of resources and capacity building.
- UNA-UK also fosters civic responsibility and global citizenship....
In addition we learn that 'Environmental protection and sustainable development were topics considered at three public conferences held in Belfast, Edinburgh and London. These conferences aimed not only to promote environmental protection, biodiversity and sustainable development but also to encourage the public to engage in community action to preserve and protect the environment'.
In relation to its future plans the Trustee report states that:
The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust is administering an annual grant of £50,000 on behalf of two anonymous donors in each of the next five years starting in July 2009.
What is UNA-UK and what does it do?

The United Nations Association UK is a company limited by guarantee operating as a mutual trading company on a not for profit basis. It 'aims to promote a strong, credible and effective United Nations, fronting a global system based on cooperation and the rule of law'. The UNA-UK works towards this goal by
- Influencing decision makers
- Mobilising civil society to support the UN and its work
- by working with educationalists and young people to foster a new generation of internationalists.
UNA-UK activities
UNA-UK activities include:
Advocacy: letters and submissions to Government and Parliament. One example of UNA-UK submissions to Government and Parliament is the following letter, written by UNA-UK Chairman Lord Hannay of Chiswick, to Rt. Hon Alan Johnson MP Secretary of State for Education and Skills, dated October 2006. Lord Hannay wrote:
Dear Secretary of State,
I am writing to you in my capacity as Chair of the United Nations Association of the United Kingdom (UNA-UK, following our Board meeting on 21 October at which we discussed the citizenship component of the National Curriculum.
UNA-UK strongly supports the continued inclusion of the United Nations in the citizenship curriculum. We are therefore naturally concerned at the recent Ofsted report, which stated that there is inadequate provision for citizenship education in a quarter of our schools. We are also concerned at the possibility that specific mention of the United Nations may be removed from the programme of study for Key State 3.. We would urge that you reject that course of action.
UNA-UK has been active for many years in supporting teachers with materials that they can use to teach about the work of the United Nations, for both Key Stage 3 and 4. This includes helping teachers to hold Model United Nations General Assemblies in schools. UNA-UK also maintains a thriving youth and student network, and our youth wing, UNYSA, has developed a citizenship pack, including lesson plans, for use by students and teachers.
UNA-UK would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with the DfES ways in which citizenship teaching about the United Nations could be strengthened and made more effective. UNA-UK participants at such a meeting could be David Barrs, Head Teacher for the Anglo-European School, Ingatestone and Chairman of the Association for Citizenship Teaching, and Mark Rusling, UNA-UK's Education and Campaigns Officer.
I am sending a copy of this letter to Lord Adonis in the light of his specific Ministerial responsibilities.
In order to better understand the issues that confront us in the present it is sometimes helpful to examine official documents from the past. Today is no exception with quotations from a document published in 1946 shining additional light upon the existing pathway of the UK Coalition Government.
The task laid upon [Unesco] of promoting peace and security can never wholly be realised to the means assigned to it - education, science and culture. It must envisage some form of world political unity, whether through a single world government or otherwise......specifically, in its education programme it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarise all peoples with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organisation......one other item which Unesco should put on its programme as soon as possible is the study of the application of psycho-analysis and other schools of 'deep' psychology in education.
Perhaps more sinister is the reference to future use of the mass media in which the author writes:
Taking the techniques of persuasion and information and true propoganda that we have learned to apply nationally in war, and deliberately bending them to the international tasks of peace, if necessary utilising them, as Lenin envisaged, to overcome the resistance of millions.