Magro et al. wrote a paper available as early as October 2020, entitled Severe COVID–19: A multifaceted viral vasculopathy syndrome. They demonstrated brilliantly that in small blood vessels, the spike protein, all by itself, can induce clotting by docking in various tissues.
[V]iral spike protein without viral RNA localized to ACE2+ endothelial cells in microvessels that were most abundant in the subcutaneous fat and brain.
And with that paper we saw immediately a reason why overweight people have a higher risk of a poorer outcome from SARS–CoV–2 infection. We also got a prophetic warning of what was to come post vaccination—brain clots and death.
Dr Magro and her colleagues exquisitely demonstrated that the spike protein, even absent viral RNA, could cause thrombosis:
It is concluded that serious COVID-19 infection has two distinct mechanisms: 1) a microangiopathy of pulmonary capillaries associated with a high infectious viral load where endothelial cell death releases pseudovirions into the circulation, and 2) the pseudovirions dock on ACE2+ endothelial cells most prevalent in the skin/subcutaneous fat and brain that activates the complement pathway/coagulation cascade resulting in a systemic procoagulant state as well as endothelial expression of cytokines that produce the cytokine storm.

The above diagram depicts the virus attaching to the inner lining of small blood vessels, causing an immune reaction and destruction of the infected cells. That results in debris being released—pseudovirions—that travel to other areas, where the process repeats itself with some modifications.
In the brain (below), those viral-free pseudovirions (including spike protein) induce a clotting response initiated by a part of the immune system called complement: specifically, the Mannose Binding Lectin Complement pathway.

The key point to this paper in relation to Covid vaccines is that the spike protein, devoid of viral RNA travels to the brain and causes clotting. Covid vaccines produce such a spike protein.
Another paper by Nuovo et al., entitled Endothelial cell damage is the central part of COVID–19 and a mouse model induced by injection of the S1 subunit of the spike protein, which also featured Dr Magro, was available online from 24 December 2020.
It concluded that:
ACE2+ endothelial damage is a central part of SARS-CoV2 pathology and may be induced by the spike protein alone […] including neurological damage in test animals.
I wrote the above, with some adjustments, in May 2021 and the point of reproducing that is to
- review basic mechanisms of injury and
- demonstrate that we knew before Covid-19 vaccines were released to the public that there was a significant problem with clotting, centred around the spike protein.
Also, of note is the unique construction of the Covid mRNA vaccines to include altered genetic sequences designed to enhance evading the immune system, notably the use of a pseudouridine.
Below is the mRNA code from the Pfizer vaccine, demonstrating the modified Uridine nucleoside by denoting it as Ψ (modified) instead of its natural form U (Uridine). To be precise: every Uridine (U) has been replaced by 1–methyl–3'–pseudouridylyl (Ψ).

By modifying the uridine in the Pfizer vaccine mRNA code, the foreign mRNA is able to bypass part of the body’s first line of defence—the innate immune system.
The body possesses two broad parts to its immune system: innate and specific. The innate is the first to go into action against foreign invaders, including foreign mRNA from a vaccine.
Other alterations in the genetic make-up of the mRNA vaccine were also noted and in February 2021 a hypothesis was formed by Classen:
In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. Potential G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present …
[Those changes may lead to the] folding of TDP–43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations [in the vaccine recipient that] is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases. [Emphasis added]
In May of 2021, Idrees & Kumar demonstrated how post-Covid–19 infection could lead to neurodegeneration:
SARS–CoV–2 Spike S1 protein receptor binding domain (SARS–CoV–2 S1 RBD) binds to heparin and heparin binding proteins. Moreover, heparin binding accelerates the aggregation of the pathological amyloid proteins present in the brain. In this paper, we have shown that the SARS–CoV–2 S1 RBD binds to a number of aggregation-prone, heparin binding proteins including Aβ, α–synuclein, tau, prion, and TDP–43 RRM. These interactions suggests that the heparin-binding site on the S1 protein might assist the binding of amyloid proteins to the viral surface and thus could initiate aggregation of these proteins and finally leads to neurodegeneration in brain.
They observed and theorised that mechanisms of pathology involving prion proteins and amyloid proteins, leading to neurodegeneration, were potentially facilitated by the spike protein.
The link between Covid–19 and neurodegenerative disorders wasn’t a wild conspiracy. As the authors stated:
The rising global prevalence of both COVID–19 and neurodegenerative disorders adds urgency to the study of this potential relationship.
Therefore, clear evidence implied that the spike protein and multiple mechanisms were at play, and some of that evidence was available before vaccine delivery to the public at large. The evidence continued to be published whilst global vaccination programmes picked up speed, but no government agency gave pause to consider it and the potential serious harm the vaccines may cause.
Prion proteins are found on the surface of many cells but can become pathogenic and cause misfolding of other proteins, leading to significant suffering and a 100% fatal outcome. One such disease is Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (or the human version of Mad Cow Disease), which results in destruction of brain architecture.

Typical FLAIR-MRI features of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. (A and B) Visible basal ganglia lesions, more obvious on diffusion-weighted sequences (B). (C) Striking cortical ribboning with normal basal ganglia. (D) Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease showing pulvinar sign.
Prions are also considered a subclass of amyloids, and that becomes important, as in March 2021 Grobbelaar et al. presented evidence demonstrating the clotting effect of spike protein on whole blood. The effect was dramatic, and they noticed something else.

Representative scanning electron micrographs of healthy control whole blood (WB), with and without spike protein.
A and B) Healthy WB smears, with arrow indicating normal erythrocyte ultrastructure.
G and H) the anomalous deposits that is amyloid in nature (arrows).
The scientists identified, in blood exposed to spike protein, anomalous deposits (arrows) that were amyloid in nature. That was an ominous finding, because the spike protein can be expressed in the brain, and because deposition of amyloid protein is central to the pathology of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
As we can see from the data, spike protein presence in infection and vaccines is associated with prion and amyloid proteins, both of which are associated with dangerous and fatal pathology. The altered genetic code utilised in Covid–19 mRNA vaccines may also play a role, predisposing it to cause prion disease. Central to their mechanism of pathology are misfolded proteins.
Here, I’d like to address the Unfolding Protein Response (UPR). Read & Schroder describe it thus:
The UPR is activated when unfolded proteins accumulate in the endoplasmic reticulum. This accumulation puts a greater load on the molecules in charge of folding the proteins, and therefore the UPR works to balance this by lowering the number of unfolded proteins present in the cell.
The UPR is obviously vital in preventing an accumulation of folded proteins. Misfolded proteins, remember, are key in prion and amyloid disease.
Shah et al. describe the mechanisms:
Prion diseases are neurodegenerative pathologies characterized by the accumulation of a protease-resistant form of the cellular prion protein named prion protein scrapie (PrPSc) in the brain. PrPSc accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) result in a[n] dysregulated calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis and subsequent initiation of unfolded protein response (UPR) leading to neuronal dysfunction and apoptosis.
But when the UPR is overwhelmed, it can—as we have seen—lead to serious and fatal outcomes. If the spike protein in the vaccine can cause the accumulation of misfolded proteins, then that is a significant problem.
Significant clues that the spike protein and Covid–19 were implicated in clotting and misfolded proteins were present from early on in the SARS–CoV–2 scare, including this clue.
Young et al. in July 2020 reported [a] patient whose first manifestations of CJD [prion disease] occurred in tandem with onset of COVID–19:
We describe a man whose first manifestations of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease occurred in tandem with symptomatic onset of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19). Drawing from recent data on prion disease pathogenesis and immune responses to SARS–CoV–2, we hypothesize that the cascade of systemic inflammatory mediators in response to the virus accelerated the pathogenesis of our patient’s prion disease. This hypothesis introduces the potential relationship between immune responses to the novel coronavirus and the hastening of preclinical or manifest neurodegenerative disorders.
In September 2021, a remarkable imaging study of a 70-year-old from Sicily with suspected Alzheimer’s disease went largely unnoticed.

[18F]Florbetaben PET/CT: MIP (A), PET (axial-B, coronal-G), CT (axial-C, coronal-E), PET/CT (axial-D, coronal-F) images demonstrated ill-defined uptake in the right arm’s subcutaneous tissues (SUVmax 5.6; white arrows) and next to a possible right-axillar lymph node (SUVmax 4.75; yellow arrows) evident on low-dose CT scan without breathing control (red arrows).
Reprinted with permission from Nuclear Medicine Unit, Fondazione Istituto G. Giglio, Cefalù (Palermo), Italy.
The imaging was very concerning, especially in view of other data available at that time. The authors noted that the radio tracer—used to find amyloid protein—was present in unusual places in the image:
[S]ubcutaneous uptake [of the radio tracer] on the vaccination site in the right arm’s deltoid region and focal uptake next to an ipsilateral axillary lymph node were noted. [Emphasis added]
Why was amyloid protein present at the vaccination site and next to a lymph node?
The authors, rather than implicating the vaccine as potentially causal in generating amyloid protein, offered another explanation:
[T]his is the first case to show that also [18F]Florbetaben PET/CT can demonstrate immune-induced findings, also amplified by the beta-amyloid presence, associated with the current COVID–19 pandemic vaccination programs. [My emphasis]
They hypothesised that the immune response to the vaccine had interacted with amyloid protein already present in the 70-year-old, and failed to consider that the contents of the vaccine may have caused the amyloid protein to form.
That leaves us with the current situation. As of 2024, surely with all the clues that were there to be seen, data must now exist that statistically connects Covid–19 vaccines and amyloid or prion related diseases?
Tragically, it does.
Roh and colleagues near the end of May 2024 looked at over half a million randomly selected people aged 65 or older from South Korea:
Findings showed an increased incidence of MCI and AD in vaccinated individuals, particularly those receiving mRNA vaccines, within three months post-vaccination. The mRNA vaccine group exhibited a significantly higher incidence of AD (Odds Ratio [OR]: 1.225; 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.025-1.464; p = 0.026) and MCI (OR: 2.377; CI: 1.845-3.064; p < 0.001) compared to the unvaccinated group.
MCI is mild cognitive impairment, a very high percentage of which will convert to dementia; and AD is Alzheimer’s disease (a form of dementia).
The mRNA vaccine group showed a 22.5% increased incidence of AD compared with the unvaccinated; and 137.7% increased incidence of MCI compared with the unvaccinated.
The authors’ conclusion was:
Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI. This underscores the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines' long-term neurological impacts.
What is sobering is that the clues were there to be seen. All that was required was an unbiased mind, clear of the hysteria that appeared to infect a generation of government scientists and officials, as demonstrated by not only implementation of unscientific public health controls but also inadequate testing of the vaccines to be deployed; increased risk of adverse events compared to placebo; and lack of transparency around trial data.
In the final analysis, everything was rushed and corners were cut to deploy this new technology.
So how many people, because they took an improperly tested Covid–19 vaccine, whose scientists ignored obvious safety signals, will now have their lives altered forever, and will—through dementia or some other cruel neurodegenerative disease—die prematurely?
With between 12% and 18% of those 60 or older currently living with MCI, and an average of 1 in 9 converting to dementia per year; and with the risk of dementia in those 65 and older hovering around 13%, the increasing of those risks due to vaccination by 137.7% and 22.5%, respectively, is truly alarming.
Summary and Conclusion
We have reviewed the literature and established a connection between the spike protein and prion & amyloid proteins. Those proteins are linked to serious and fatal neurodegenerative pathologies involving their misfolding, and the spike protein may facilitate that. We have considered a range of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment leading to dementia, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease.
The latest study, published this year, showed at high statistical significance an increased incidence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in those vaccinated with mRNA Covid–19 vaccines compared with the unvaccinated. Those data are consistent with the hypothesis that the spike protein may facilitate such outcomes.
Although the spike protein can result from infection and vaccination, the combination of multiple vaccinations and the more robust genetic material present in cells generating spike protein after vaccination, as compared with natural infection, in general suggests a far greater risk for those vaccinated, which appears to be corroborated by the Roh et al. study.
In closing, most have made up their mind about what the ‘pandemic’ was. But for those scientists, government minsters, and members of the cheering public who dreamed that they were saving the world by circumventing the long road of science and championing Warp Speed vaccines, and who silenced any opposition that dared protest otherwise, I have wise words from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 87 for you:
Thus have I had thee, as a dream doth flatter,
In sleep a king, but, waking, no such matter.
It’s time to wake up from your dream and see the nightmare you’ve created.