“We confirm that the meeting of the ‘Bilderberg Group’ will take place between 10-14 June, 2015, at the location you mentioned in your e-mail,” wrote public relations officer Christoph Hundertpfund, in response to a query. “You may rest assured that all the necessary police measures required to secure the meeting [have] been planned for a long time.” Hunderpfund, who’s with Tyrol’s Regional Police Command, just gave the general time span of the meeting.
Meanwhile, AFP confirmed that an elite anti-terrorism unit under the command of Austria’s Interior Ministry, will be part of Bilderberg’s notorious ultra-tight security—against passionate but harmless protestors and journalists. “Members of EKO-Cobra will be part of the police operation relating to G7-Summit and Bilderberg Conference,” Hunderpfund added, naming the elite unit. The G-7 takes place June 7-8, right before Bilderberg, true to form. “German Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the heads of state . . . of the G7 states to Schloss Elmau, south of Munich, where they will discuss the major global challenges within the framework of this informal group of leading industrial nations,” a German government news release said.
Each year, protestors from the “left” and “right” unify outside the Bilderberg meetings to “call out” Bilderberg and keep the European media from dropping what has been respectable foreign exposure of the rogue’s gallery which is Bilderberg, even while trying to break what is still a virtual blackout among America’s mainstream media outlets. The Washington Post’s welcome “coming-out” article to acknowledge the Bilderberg 2012 meeting nearby in Chantilly, Virginia was just a fluke, as the U.S. blackout has largely returned. Small wonder that the Post would again close the curtain, since, for decades, the Post’s publishers have taken part in Bilderberg’s private governance without reporting a peep.
Heavy contingents of area police, personal security, and such, certainly would not be needed if it were true, as Bilderbergers insist, that their meetings are limited to “talking shop” freely without needing to worry about reporters, while breaking for a few rounds of golf and drinks. Much is at stake. The West’s intent to arm Ukraine against Russia, risking a wider war that could “go global,” is front and center. And almost half the now-GOP-led Senate sent a letter directly to Iran, trying to upset or un-do the Obama administration’s touchy negotiations toward preventing Iran from (allegedly) building its first nuclear weapon.
Yet, the grand irony is that the leading Senator in that effort, newly-elected Tom Cotton, an Arkansas warmonger, is being seen as a possible violator of the Logan Act. Some believe that the dusty federal law enacted in the late 18th Century forbids these Senators from directly chiming in on “diplomacy” with a foreign government. Others argue that Cotton and company do not violate the Logan Act because, as elected Senators, they sent an open letter without entering into direct or indirect dialogue with Iran. But American private citizens (CEOs, bankers, think-tankers, academics, as well as some elected U.S. officials) who are with Bilderberg clearly do fraternize, discuss issues and correspond with other Bilderberg members, some of whom are foreign officials currently in office with official duties and powers. Plus it’s all very hush-hush.
So, wherever Cotton and the other letter-signing senators may stand regarding the Logan Act, the case of Bilderberg members from the U.S. skirting or breaking that law appears much more clear-cut, which can and should subject certain attendees to prosecution, as AFP has insisted for years during the decades of coverage by AFP’s late Bilderberg hound Jim Tucker, onward to the present.
AFP first reported in its Aug. 29, 2014 edition that Bilderberg appeared likely to meet in that part of Austria, in the very same five-star, Alpine conference center where this bund of bankers, royalty, finance ministers, prime ministers, past and current Congress and parliament members, media moguls, technology gurus, select CEOs and think-tankers met back in 1988. Bilderberg met one other time in Austria, back in 1979.
As for his year, as has been the case the last several years, the high-rollers of Bilderberg will huddle from Thursday to Sunday, in this, their 63rd meeting in 61 years, in order to conduct what, over the years, has become a trans-generational global-planning and coordination forum held in much stricter secrecy than the meetings of its global cousins, such as the Trilateral Commission.
Speaking of the “Trilats,” they’re meeting in Seoul, South Korea this spring—coming out of their Washington meeting in 2014 where this AFP writer was, surprisingly, the only media representative in attendance. Containing Russia was a key 2014 Trilateral topic, according to a special report leaked during the meeting; and at Bilderberg 2014 in Denmark, one of the topics listed on the group’s as-usual superficial “press release” was, sure enough, “Ukraine,” indicating coordination between two groups that both have (Trilateral Commission founder) David Rockefeller as a member—the same David Rockefeller who worked with “Trilateralist” co-founder and former U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski to literally hand-pick Jimmy Carter for the White House from behind the scenes. Brzezinski held that security post for Carter himself.