UK Column News - 14th August 2018

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with today's news update from the UK Column.

START – 5G: Mark Steele gagged by Gateshead Council…
OFCOM only has a positive message…not interested in any negative health risks
Who are OFCOM Chairman Terry Burns and CEO Sharon White…?
Terry Burns previously at Santander Bank, Sharon White from the World Bank…
08:14 - £2.2 billion contract to fell 17,500 established trees in Sheffield
Local people have to show ID to get into their own homes…
Excellent article by Jennifer Saul: Professor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield
People Power: it works
13:01 – Guy Taylor funeral arrangements
14:34 – GSTV: first interview with EU whistleblower in hiding, Roelie Post
Book recommendation: Romania For Export Only by Roelie Post
18:14 – Censorship: The link between conspiracy theories & mental health
MSM journalists attempting to suggest anyone asking questions is mentally ill…
21:21 – Facebook vanishes Venezuela-based left-leaning news network again…
No matter the content, acceptance of this censorship is a very slippery slope
Policy not driven by social media companies – it is driven by governments
23:03 – UK Column takes a holiday: 16 August – 3 September
23:41 – Attacking young minds: 1000 young people to train as democracy ambassadors
25:45 – petition: Demand that the BBC ensures ThinkTanks declare funding
27:24 – Manipulation of society: the plan for immigration misery
Immigration to be used to break down nation states
Sharp-eyed viewer spots English Cities Fund – the new control agency
Sajid Javid: geovernment determined to build the homes our country needs…
Homes being built but necessary infrastructure is carefully avoided
Meet Nick Walkley: CEO Homes England – wants to ‘remove barriers to house building’
Who is Ed Lister – chairman of Homes England…?
Ed Lister wants to ‘ultimately disrupt the housing market’
Dominic Campbell: looking forward to working at Homes England…
Disrupting all our lives for profit