Changes in Cities - Core Cities

If you are noticing that City Councils are becoming ever more dictatorial, and some would say bullying, as they assume ever more power over the public, then please read our UKColumn article on Core Cities. As Mike Robinson and Martin Edwards have been warning the underlying LibLabCon nee UN policy is for City Regions which are designed to return us to the all powerful City States of the Middle Ages. The path leads to Agenda 21.

These socioeconomic policies have been drifted in without our consent, and are now starting to impact and reveal the real danger - unaccountable City Councils integrated with the police, and where their in house legal teams can use vast amounts of public money to fight off legitimate legal actions by members of the public, who can see and understand the fraud, corruption and danger.

The big question that the UKColumn team are constantly asked is "What can we do?" Our answer always remains the same - expose it for what it is. Talk about it, say what you know, direct people to evidence as to what is happening, engage friends and contacts who work in these organisations. Tell the truth. Spread the truth into organisations, don't alienate them by branding all 'police' or all 'BBC journalists' as bad. It is just not true. 

The impostion of these calculated and dangerous changes to our society only work because they are, and have always been, covertly implemented. Can it be stopped? Of course by exposure. We just need enough people to wake up and say - "Oh no you don't." 

What will you do? Tweet and email out this article? Research? Speak to that police cousin of yours? Write to the local Conservative Chairman? Go on. Action conquers fear.